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Tag Archives: TARGET

JTA reader Chad found the latest prototype edition figure Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder) at his local Target in Decatur, AL. Let us know in the comments if you find this in your area.

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The Latest The Black Series Archive Wave Hitting Target

JTA reader Chad checks in to let us know his Huntsville, AL Target has the latest The Black Series Archive wave. Let us know in the comments if you find these in your area.

Just letting your reads know I spotted the newer Black Series Archives at a Target in Huntsville AL this morning. They only had the FA Han and Tarkin.

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Pre-orders are now open for the last of the Obi-Wan Wednesdays reveals. This week was all about The Black Series. Click below for pre-order links.


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It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World: Positive Shipping Reports?

We’re living in a Bizarro-World, folks. JTA reader and friend Mark M. received his order of Retro Collection action figures based on The Mandalorian. He received twelve individually packed boxes in a larger outer box. Can anything be more out of alignment with what Target or Walmart normally do?

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JTA reader Aaron H. found the latest Retro Collection figures at his local Target in Eastern PA. Although the box had a street date, they were not register-locked.

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Found! Target Exclusive Droids C-3PO Arriving In Stores

If you missed out on buying the Target exclusive Droids See-Threepio online, start checking your local targets. JTA reader Jeff reports that he found these at his local Auburn, AL Target. Let us know in the comments if you find these in your area.

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Target Exclusive Droids See-Threepio (C-3PO) Arriving

Target’s Droids exclusive See-Threepio (C-3PO) is shipping (and arriving) for those that managed to get a pre-order in. Mine arrived with minimal damage, even though they still managed to cram them into an undersized box. Let us know how yours arrived in the comments! Still no updates on exactly when the others will begin to ship.

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The Vintage Collection Wave 32 Hitting Retail

I’ve seen several reports across social media of The Vintage Collection wave 32 showing up at Targets on the west coast. Jeremy posted his find from a Target in Bryant, AR over in the TVC Facebook group. Let us know in the comments if you are finding these, and where. Thanks for sharing, Jeremy!


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Now this is very unexpected. Target in the US just revealed two brand new SH Figuarts Star Wars action figures based on Star Wars Visions. The twins Am and Karre! This is potentially big news because Bandai only has a license for Japan, this is the first time an SHF Star Wars action figure is officially (not as an import) distributed in the US! Maybe Hasbro’s license does not cover anime figures?
You can preorder Am and Karre at Target! Price per figure is $84.99. No word yet when Japanese etailers may offer them of it they will also be sold officially in Europe now! It’s certainly very welcome that SH Figuarts offers Visions merchandise! There is so much more they could do! What other Visions figures would you love to see?

Karre and Am

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This sounds like an excellent setup for a fantastic joke, doesn’t it? Well, it is. File under “you can’t make this crap up if you tried.” JTA reader and dear friend Jim. H. was going wild looking for the new Target exclusive TVC Rogue One Antoc Merrick’s X-Wing Fighter at his local Target. No luck anywhere, whatsoever, just like most of us. But in the same shopping center that has his local Target is another discount store called B2. In B2, Jim found the Target exclusive  The Vintage Collection Antoc Merrick’s X-Wing Fighter on CLEARANCE. It’s hilarious. Receipts below. The Hasbro Star Wars brand is a mockery of itself.


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Target has put up pre-orders again for The Black Series 6-inch Galen Erso and Antoc Merrick if you still need them. Many collectors’ orders were canceled when they first went up. Plus, they’re running a Buy One Get One 50% sale too! Special thanks to JTA reader 11Eleven11 for the alert!

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You know things are extremely terrible with the supply chain and the Walmart distribution center, in particular, that a retail chain gets stock that was never theirs from the start. Walmart is now receiving Target exclusives before general marketplace stock or even their OWN exclusives! They’ve gone to plaid!

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Toy Run Tuesday #115 - ARC Trooper Fives Black Series WIP

Hi folks! Not a lot going on the last couple weeks by way of collecting. I’ve been swamped with homework anyway, so I haven’t had much of a chance to go looking. In my little spare time I’ve been working on a couple commissions. I finished another 1313 Boba Fett, and I’m working on an ARC trooper Fives in 6″ scale. More importantly than what I can share, I want to hear from you about your recent additions! Please click here to leave a comment.

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Hasbro reached “expert” status when it comes to pouring salt into the wounds of collectors. After a fantastic run of 6-inch Bad Batch characters, JTA reader icatch9, as well as I, found the Bad Batch Mission Series set over the weekend at Target. And the number of figures produced for The Vintage Collection remains a big, fat ZERO.

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You Never Know What Lies Beneath In The Target Star Wars Section

JTA reader Derek H. came across an interesting find at his local Target. These were available for a limited time online, so it’s likely a return. It’s interesting to see a convention exclusive in a retail store, however.

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Hiya Toy Runners! Thanks for joining us again for today’s TRT. Today I want to share a new vehicle from another toy line I’ve been posting around that warrants some questions about the lack of vehicles in the Star Wars line. Click on through so we can discuss!

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It’s becoming increasingly more frustrating to find anything Star Wars-related merchandise at retail. And while we are constantly bombarded by the pompous defenders that retailer exclusives are a necessary evil for the Star Wars toy line, one has to wonder what the point of all this is when literally nothing is found. (more….)

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The Black Series TCW Exclusive Figures Arriving In Stores

The Target Exclusive TBS Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary commemorative The Clone Wars figures are starting to arrive at brick and mortar. Daniel from the Georgia Alliance of Star Wars Collectors found these at his local Flowery Branch, GA Target. 

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Worst. Hasbro Star Wars. Restock. Ever.

I did a Target run today during lunch, and as I came around the corner to the Star Wars aisle my peripheral vision caught a sign of new products. I immediately started skipping in elation in expectation of what I would find. As I got close, my stomach free-fell instantly. My local Target just received a new case of The Rise Of Skywalker 12-Inch Figures. I could barely pick myself up to exit the store. What a major kick in the you-know-what. But Star Wars is the best it’s ever been some will say! It’s the “Golden Era” of collecting what others will say too!

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No The Black Series 6" Figure Should Exceed A $19.99 MSRP

Big Box retail and The Black Series 6″ collecting community are apparently waking up to the egregiously and laughably priced 6″ “deluxe” figures line that are $30 each. Jar Jar Binks, Boba Fett, and Din Djarin should all be $19.99, not a penny more. Likewise, Teebo (Ewok), Yoda, and Jawa shouldn’t be a penny less than $19.99. Is everyone done being fooled? Hasbro needs to figure out how to amortize costs for large and small characters by budgeting the line better My local Target marked down the unforgivably priced Jar Jar Binks “deluxe” figure down to $20.99 just a couple of weeks after it hit their stores.

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It's Not A Belated April Fools' Joke!

Unicorns do exist! I found the latest wave of The Vintage Collection at my local Target. To my amazement, Boba Fett was still hanging on the pegs and I didn’t get to the store until 11:30 AM on Saturday. Perhaps most have already given up on brick-and-mortar for Star Wars collecting and don’t bother anymore. There is little competition it seems.

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Please click the thumbnail below to see an astounding collage of the nothingness that most of us believe represents how brick and mortar looks across the USA. And because this is an anecdotal example, we’d love to have our readers comment (with evidence if possible) to show how your stores look in our comments. For me, this is how every Target and Walmart looks in my area which includes a minimum of five of each store. What’s the point of these stores carrying Star Wars action figures? Yet they seem to possess the power to dictate what Hasbro produces for The Vintage Collection. Yes, Hasbro isn’t responsible for what retail orders, but perhaps Hasbro should impose an order minimum to stock stores. Empty pegs make no sense for retail and support the narrative that no one buys Star Wars. Why would they order more? Special thanks to Jon Morgan for the collage of hell. If you’re on Twitter or any other horrific social media platform, perhaps you can tag Hasbro, Walmart, and Target and ask them what the heck is up. (more….)

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It’s feast or famine, y’all! Instagram user blueharvestcollector found the latest wave of The Vintage Collection figures at his local TARGET in Boston Massachusetts. This wave includes the new Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) and Chirrut Imwe.

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Something from 2015 is rearing its ugly head five years later. During the Rebels line, Hasbro released commemorative four-packs based on the Star Wars films. Today I found The Empire Strikes Back sent at my local TARGET, and a few days ago, JTA reader Jon M. found the same. Nothing is arriving to stores, so maybe TARGET is clearing out its warehouse to have some Hasbro Star Wars stock?


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Get Ready For Target's Mando Monday On October 19th

Target is getting ready for the first Mando Monday. Among the first items you will be able to pre-order are a Baby Yoda aka The Child Lego set and a Funko Pop of the Mandalorian with Baby Yoda. No word yet if something for the Black Series or Vintage Collection and the rumored Mandalorian build-up packs will also be released. But there will be several Mando Mondays and something Mandalorian related will certainly be revealed for the two Hasbro action figure lines. Will you be looking forward to Mando Mondays or are you already dreading the bots, scalpers and assorted other scum and villainy snatching all the products from under your nose so they can sell them on ebay? Thanks to Mike R. for the alert!

Mando Monday is coming


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