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Tag Archives: Millennium Falcon

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Amazon has listed the upcoming Micro Galaxy Millennium Falcon for pre-order. Click here for the product page. Thanks to JTA reader Craig for the alert!

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Welcome to another entry in our The Vintage Collection: The Ninety Six column. Hasbro recently committed to collectors that they will be “focusing” on characters in The Vintage Collection that fall under “The Ninety Six” banner. If you’re new to this, it means that there needs a modern counterpart for every classic Kenner figure. Between 2020 and 2021, Hasbro’s made an admirable effort by focusing on these characters. But there is more work to be done, and we’ll figure out where we are step by step. Today we assess Lando Calrissian (General Pilot).

Lando Calrissian (General Pilot)

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Welcome to another entry in our The Vintage Collection: The Ninety Six column. Hasbro recently committed to collectors that they will be “focusing” on characters in The Vintage Collection that fall under “The Ninety Six” banner. If you’re new to this, it means that there needs a modern counterpart for every classic Kenner figure. Between 2020 and 2021, Hasbro’s made an admirable effort by focusing on these characters. But there is more work to be done, and we’ll figure out where we are step by step. Today we assess three versions of Han Solo (Bespin Outfit).

Han Solo (Bespin Outfit)

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1978 Kenner Millennium Falcon Gets Restored To New Glory

Toy restoration videos are quite popular on YouTube, some of them have more than a million views. YouTube channel Rescue & Restore posted a video about the complete restoration of a Kenner Millennium Falcon that had apparently sustained water damage and had yellowed with age earlier today. There is no narration or annoying music, the entire video just shows the process of restoring the toy. Click through to watch the 16 minute restoration of an iconic Star Wars toy!

The Millennium Falcon has seen better days

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Weekend Fun: Star Wars Micro Machines, But REALLY Micro!

Hasbro’s Star Wars HasLab is all about offering huge vehicles. However, French company Microlight3D shows that you can also go in the opposite direction and make things tiny. REALLY tiny. Their 3D printing technology uses green laser light which allows for a higher resolution, i.e. you can print smaller objects. Microlight3D printed a Millennium Falcon that is just 100 µm long (1 µm = 1/1,000 mm = 1/1,000,000 meter. That’s 0.003937 inches, but just learn metric already). That’s about the width of a human hair. Which makes this Millennium Falcon probably the smallest version ever. The scale is roughly 1:345,000. The first Death Star using that scale would have a diameter of 4.63 cm / 1.82 in. The Millennium Falcon is so tiny Microlight3D actually had to use a scanning electron microscope to take a good photo of the ship. Would you be interested in actual Star Wars Micro Machines? You could easily store an entire fleet in a thimble! Saves you a lot of space! Of course toy photographers may face a few challenges here! Check out the Microlight3D website for some more technical background info! 3D printing will only become more important in the future!

Microlight3D 3D printed Millennium Falcon

SEM image of a 3D printed Millennium Falcon. Source: Microlight3D

Posted in General News

Did those YouTube reviews catch everything? Did others speak honestly whether this was the right version of the Millennium Falcon to release? And what about that price? What about those pack-in figures? And what’s new here? Is this better or worse than previous efforts? The review of the Millennium Falcon (Smuggler’s Run) TARGET exclusive vehicle is ready, and we speak freely about its pros and cons. Also, this gallery is only the beginning. We will be adding a lot more images across the Original Trilogy and Sequel Trilogy as we move ahead, so stay tuned for more! (more….)

Millennium Falcon (Smuggler's Run)

Thank you for reading Research Droids Reviews: Season 12!

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And it’s getting worse. As if the debacle of TARGET’s Galaxy’s Edge exclusives wasn’t enough, JTA reader blueharvestcollector tagged us on Instagram, showing what the few who secured the TVC Millennium Falcon are doing with their pre-orders. It’s salt in the wound. Now, the irritation doesn’t come from an anti-capitalist attitude. Scalpers can do what they want, but only after the demand is met. This item lasted a mere moments online. Hasbro, you have to meet the demand for these exclusives better. All we hear is how you can’t price anything out. Then you finally release what collectors have begged for years to have another opportunity to purchase, and you make it limited. Why do you make these exclusives IMPOSSIBLE to secure? You need to work with TARGET ASAP and get more units available for pre-order. You’ve essentially ticked off most of your customers who wanted this, the TVC community that still remains. This is not how a relationship works. If there are more coming, then please let us know immediately. Because right now, people are walking away angry.

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Review: Millennium Falcon - ROTS - Toys R Us Exclusive

Most collectors don’t even know the Revenge Of The Sith Millennium Falcon exists. Do you? Learn more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.

Millennium Falcon

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Review: Millennium Falcon - OTC - Vehicle

If you don’t know EVERY single update made to 2004’s The Original Trilogy Collection Millennium Falcon, then you’re missing out. From new lights and electronics to better-fitting parts, and a completely new paint job, the 2004 version makes the 1995 version obsolete. There’s a wealth of newness to appreciate here. See over 70 images and more in our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.

Millennium Falcon

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Millennium Falcon Mission Fleet Vehicle Revealed

It turns out there is one more vehicle coming to the all new Star Wars: Mission Fleet toyline. The official reveal on io9 the other day didn’t mention one very important vehicle, but Hasbro released press photos of it earlier today. There will also be a Millennium Falcon Mission Fleet vehicle with Han Solo figure. The cockpit opens and Han can sit inside of it. You can also open up the back to reveal the holochess table and enough space to have two figures sit down (however, they don’t sit around the holochess table). As with all the other Mission Fleet sets you also get some kind of minigun that fires projectiles, it can be mounted on a small treadspeeder, both parts can also be attached to the Millennium Falcon.

Does this new Millennium Falcon interest you?

Star Wars: Mission Fleet Millennium Falcon

Click for larger version


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Bluefin is again making Bandai Star Wars model kits available in North America. Pre-orders for three new character model kits and three space ship model kits are available. Click through for all the details about the model kits!

Bandai Rise of Skywalker Kylo Ren

Bandai Rise of Skywalker Kylo Ren

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JTA doesn’t usually cover much Funko Pop! news, but outside of the TVC and TBS bubble Funko is doing incredibly well (more on that in an upcoming article). And now Amazon has an all new Funko Pop! Episode IV Millennium Falcon with Episode IV Han Solo on pre-order! The set will only be available for Amazon Prime members. Despite that it is currently the best selling toy on Amazon. The Falcon is $64.99 and will be released on October 21, 2019. Pre-order the Millennium Falcon here. Thanks to Craig F. for the alert! Let us know in the comments if you’ll pre-order the toy or if you just ignore anything Funko Pop!

Funko Pop! Millennium Falcon

Click for larger photo

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Our next Visual Guide update features the Millennium Falcon With Han Solo Gunner Station from the POTF2 [Green/Freeze Frame] line. Click below for a full look at our Visual Guide page, and also stop by and check out our full review for this set.

Millennium Falcon With Han Solo - POTF2 [Green/Freeze Frame] - Gunner Station

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The Power Of The Force “2” [Green/Freeze Frame] Gunner Station sets are alright. Let’s look at the Millennium Falcon With Han Solo set. It’s the focus of our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or even comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.

Millennium Falcon With Han Solo

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Solo: A Star Wars Story Concept Art - The Millennium Falcon

We have a cool look at some more concept art from Solo: A Star Wars Story, this time featuring the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy, the Millennium Falcon. Click through for the full gallery, as well as a cool animated gif showing off a detailed look inside of the Falcon

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Check out this video by WIRED on YouTube. It’s about two Star Wars fans who build their full-size Millennium Falcon Cockpit in a garage. With lights and sounds. Isn’t this something we would all like to have?

Posted in General News

LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Millennium Falcon Prime Exclusive

Listed as exclusive for Prime Members, you grab the LEGO Ultimate Millennium Falcon for just $800 on Amazon. Click through for the product page! Thanks to JTA reader Michael for the alert!

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The Toy Run Podcast Facebook page has started a pretty interesting discussion about how collectors view LEGO versus Hasbro. The discussion is so good that I think it warrants bringing this out of social media and to the Star Wars fan site community where it belongs. Here are the thoughts and questions paraphrased:

LEGO collectors went crazy for the UCS Millennium Falcon. It sold out within a day or two and no one balked at the price. Likewise, there aren’t too many complaints about its size or the space it takes up. The only complaints seem to be that it’s sold out and there are still people who want to purchase it.

Then you take the Hasbro Star Wars action figure crowd of collectors. Hasbro finally gives us a HUGE FO Special Forces TIE Fighter for $169 in The Black Series 6″ line and it pretty much bombs at retail. It didn’t even sell out 2 years later (!) at $50 online this past Black Friday.

Why is a Lego collector willing to pay $800+ (and is happy about it) while a Hasbro Star Wars action figure collector doesn’t want to spend $170 for a big vehicle? It’s perplexing.

In our comments, please leave your own thoughts about this.

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LEGO Officially Reveals UCS Millennium Falcon!

LEGO has officially release images of their UCS (Ultimate Collectors Series) Millennium Falcon. It’s coming October 2017.  Also, if you sign up for LEGO VIP Program (which is free), you’ll be able to order this beauty starting early on September 14th! You can sign up here.

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More Deals As Walmart Makes Way For The Last Jedi

I can’t help but post all these deals. I find myself constantly searching as all the retailers clear out the old to make room for the new. has two Air Hog drones on a huge sale. They have the Millennium Falcon for $99 marked down from a whopping $299, the Star Destroyer which is a mere $22., and the X-wing for $26.


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Big Money Flipping Vehicles

Why hold onto your investments when you can flip them for this kind of green? While you’re waiting for Force Friday II (and all that “glorious” 5POA stuff), how about plopping down your saved hard-earned cash on a big Millennium Falcon instead? This flawless vehicle is only $852.65 each on eBay and this seller has five of them! Special thanks to JTA moderator Sjefke for making us shudder with this auction.

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Air Hogs Millennium Falcon On Clearance at Walmart

The Air Hogs Millennium Falcon remote control drone is at a remarkably low price! $44,87 down from $205 and this thing is HUGE (in my best Presidential impersonation)! I got to play around with one of these things and the controls are excellent and it is a blast. If you’ve been holding out on this one, this seems like a great time to pull the trigger. Special Thanks to Craig for the tip!

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