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Happy New Year 2025!

Happy New Year from the JTA Family! Here’s hoping everyone has an exciting and prosperous 2025! 

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Star Wars Action Figure Of The Year

2024 is almost behind us now! The perfect time to talk about your personal Star Wars action figure of the year 2024! Please pick only a figure that was actually released in 2024, so if you bought a rocket firing Boba Fett prototype, good for you, but that figure would not be eligible. It doesn’t need to be a Hasbro figure, anything goes, Hot Toys, Funko, SH Figuarts, as long as it’s Star Wars and it was released in 2024! Also, no vehicles or playsets please, even if the Ghost has been shipped, let’s make this about figures only!

Post your personal pick for Star Wars action figure of the year in the comments! I will tell you about my pick after the jump!

And the award goes to….

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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From Us Here At JTA

Hoping everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from everyone here at Jedi Temple Archives!

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RIP Greg Hildebrandt

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Weekend Fun: Reva Edition

On Reddit I came upon a photo of a toy shelf at – what seems to be (not confirmed) – Ollie’s and I want to share it here because it’s utterly hilarious.

And yes, this is anecdotal, do not take any of this too seriously, but still… click through for a chat about the state of Star Wars in 2024.

One lone 5th Brother keeps this from being true perfection.

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James Earl Jones, THE Voice of Darth Vader, Dead At 93

Sad news today as another Original Trilogy Great is one with the Force. James Earl Jones has passed away at 93. Read the full story at Variety. 

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The Disney D23 Studio Showcase

The D23 studio showcase is happening right now. If there will be any news about upcoming Star Wars movies or shows this is the panel we will get them. Will there be trailers? Will there be announcements for new shows? Will an Acolyte season 2 be announced? I will try to keep you up to date! As of now all we got is a sizzle reel that had about 2 seconds of brand new footage from Andor season 2! And Cassian looks all smart and is either attending one of Mon Mothma’s lavish parties or he’s about to infiltrate a casino. Either way, you have never seen Cassian like this! I do hope Disney will at least give a release date for Andor season 2 that is a bit more specific than “2025”. Click through for more!

Inside this article you will find the Skeleton Crew trailer! A first official poster for the show, some info on Andor season 2 and The Mandalorian & Grogu movie (Din gets a new Razor Crest)!

UPDATE: Andor footage was finally uploaded by someone! Watch it while you can (just click here)!!! Disney is known for taking down these things very quickly! This is mostly a behind the scenes look with Gilroy and some actors talking about the new season. But there’s also some more actual footage towards the end. You see both Krennic and K-2SO in the trailer!

Watch the full sizzle reel on CineGeek’s X account!

Andor season 2 – AI enhanced screenshot of a mobile phone video of the sizzle reel

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Do Star Wars Fans Settle For Less Too Often?

When you look at what other action figure toylines have to offer you sometimes wonder if Star Wars survives on nostalgia and being, well “Star Wars” alone, but not because of great products or good value.

The reason I am mentioning all this is the brand new GI Joe Classified HasLab: the Rattler. And when you look at it, what it offers, its features and its price… you begin to wonder if Star Wars fans are just getting ripped off these days and with the remaining collectors even deluding themselves into thinking something like the Cantina is a great thing to have. Click through for more!

GI Joe Classified Rattler, the full package with potential  bonus figures

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Hasbro's HasLab Is A Scam

This is an opinion piece. It’s my opinion. I will try to explain why I think that Hasbro’s HasLab is a scam. I am not saying people who support HasLabs are dumb or idiots, there are very good reasons why collectors would want to have the HasLab offerings, most of which have been good products. What I want to achieve is that we all discuss and debate the very idea of crowdfunding by multibillion dollar toy giants and how Hasbro is pulling the wool over collector’s eyes. So please click through for my opinion piece and let’s all discuss Hasbro’s crowdfunding platform.

You want the dog? Buy 10 of these cars and you’ll get the dog for free!

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The Cantina HasLab - It's The Final Countdown!

With only 23 1/2 more hours to go it’s all or, well, much less now. The Cantina currently has 10,337 backers. Greedo will soon be unlocked, probably in the morning hours or even at night, when people on the west coast pull the trigger. But the big question is: will the usual mad dash on the final day be enough to propel the Cantina all the way to 17,000? To achieve this the Cantina needs to almost match the performance of the Ghost, which added 6,827 backers on its last day and successfully unlocked all tiers, but the Cantina had unlocked tier #2 on its penultimate day and easily blast its way past 17k with time to spare on the last day – and the Cantina has not even quite reached tier #1 yet. The Cantina needs 6,663 backers now or not all tiers will be unlocked. And the penultimate day was quite a bit slower than what the Ghost had, roughly 75%. So this could be a close call.

Bite your nails and post your predictions and other thoughts in the comments! This will be the goto HasLab article and thread for the day! Have fun! And remember, it’s just toys.

Will the Cantina fly to Venus or only to the Moon?


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The Cantina HasLab Has Been Successfully Funded!

Earlier today the Vintage Collection collectors successfully funded the Tonnika sisters with a cantina on the side. Which means with a little more than 86 hours still to go TVC collectors can now try to get Hasbro to feed them a few more fis… I mean give them more action figures by reaching more tiers! Only a little less than 8,900 backers to go before everything is unlocked!

Go go go! 😉

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The Cantina HasLab Day 25

We are on the finishing straight for the Cantina HasLab! Only seven more days to go! How do things look? Funding seems to be 100% secure at this point. The big question was and is how many tiers may get unlocked and how the 4th of July holidays in the US may impact backer numbers. Click through for all the details!

Stay on target!

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Hasbro's The Black Series SDCC Exclusive Set Revealed

In all the excitement about the “Stranger” helmet from The Acolyte yesterday it was overlooked that IGN actually revealed Hasbro’s 2024 SDCC exclusive The Black Series set as well!

It is Darth Maul with his speeder bike! Which is the first Black Series vehicle in a long, long time, albeit a very compact and small one. The set will be $59.99. You can get it at SDCC, but you must reserve a time slot online (with a valid badge/ticket of course), then you show up at the Hasbro booth at the alotted slot to buy the set. After SDCC a limited quantity of sets will also be sold on Pulse. I would suppose etailers outside the US will as usual also get a limited number of sets.

Maul has soft goods robes, so he can actually ride the speeder, in addition to his iconic lightsaber he also comes with a probe droid (with stand) and his binoculars. So the only new thing here really is the speeder.

You can reserve your time slot at the Comic Con Exclusives Portal, so click this link if you want to do this.

What is your opinion? Is this a good set? I think the speeder is a welcome addition to the line. To make it an SDCC exclusive is… typical. However, SH Figuarts released the speeder years ago as a web exclusive. Unfortunately the speeder was also a limited release and you need to hunt it down on the aftermarket and prices will be pretty high (and it comes without figure, but SHF have a soft goods Darth Maul as well). But anyone not attending SDCC and having no luck with Pulse and has to resort to the aftermarket should see if aftermarket prices for the Black Series set on ebay won’t make the SHF speeder a viable alternative (and it does look better). The SHF speeder goes for about $230 on ebay. First sellers already offer the Black Series SDCC set for $220.

Will you try to get the TBS SDCC exclusive?

SDCC exclusive


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The Cantina HasLab Day 18

We are more than halfway through the campaign, only 14 days left for the Cantina! How are things? Click through for more!

Out of reach?

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The Cantina HasLab Day 11 [Updated]

As promised here is the next major update for the Cantina HasLab. Day 11 is almost over, so what are the numbers now, one week later? Click through for all the relevant data!

Update with Thursday numbers in the comments!


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That escalated quickly!

Yup! This is happening…

Discuss away… and remember, this is supposed to be fun! Please do not take any of this seriously!

UPDATE: down to 15% now… could this reach single digit territory? As a famous pop culture icon would say: “Fascinating”!

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The Demographics Of Star Wars Fans

I have written about surveys and polls that aim to shed light on the demographics of Star Wars fans before. The surveys I quoted all more or less agree that about 40% of the fans are women. And actual movie attendance data by the MPAA supports this, the three movies in their report: The Force Awakens, Rogue One and The Last Jedi were watched by approx. 40% women. However, all of these surveys and polls are US only. But now a new analysis by Parrot Analytics, via Yahoo (who repost a The Wrap article hidden behind a paywall), has surfaced that takes a look at the all time global (so not just the US) demographics of Star Wars fans. They compare Star Wars to Marvel to see where the differences are. And the findings are very interesting! Click through for more!

Star Wars fans in the wild

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Let’s make this quick. Hasbro revealed various new things today!

The Black Series:

  • Osha (accessories are her little droid companion and a backpack)
  • Shin Hati with a new hat, no with cloth cape, a Target exclusive figure

The Vintage Collection:

  • Osha with her droid and backpack and some other stuff


  • Sol, Jecki, Yord, Osha, Mae, Aniseya 6-pack!

Preorders should open tomorrow at 1 pm!

Click through for some photos!

TVC Osha Aniseya

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The Cantina HasLab Has A Slow Launch

While there is virtually zero doubt that the Cantina HasLab will get funded, it is still interesting to compare the current campaign to the Ghost and the Razor Crest HasLabs. And when you do you cannot fail but notice how the 2024 crowdfunding campaign is off to a much slower start than the either the Ghost or the Razor Crest. What does that mean? How do the numbers compare? Click through for more!


Not as sexy maybe?

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Star Wars Is the Number 1....

… at least as far as auctions of rare toys are concerned. Until recently a Barbie doll with diamond necklace, that sold for $302,500 in 2010 in an auction, was the single most expensive toy in the world. But not anymore.

A short while ago Heritage Auctions managed to sell a rocket firing Boba Fett handpainted prototype figure from 1979 for an astounding $525,000. So, who of you was it? And you do know it belongs in a museum, right?

But this is once more proof that Star Wars can still be at the top. The pop cultural impact of the first movies and the classic Kenner toys should never be underestimated. Let’s see what a Rose Tico figure may sell for in 2060…

Here you can look at the listing on the Heritage Auctions website! Apparently the new owner is accepting offers, but you have to fork out at least $787,500. Maybe now is the time to play the lottery.

The most expensive toy in the world

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Kathleen Kennedy Talks About Male Star Wars Fandom

If you follow Star Wars news you probably already know about statements Kathleen Kennedy made about Star Wars fans, male fans specifically, and how women in Star Wars often suffer more from attacks and have it harder in Star Wars because of the male fanbase. I believe this deserves a discussion. So grab your popcorn and click through for some thoughts about all this.

Star Wars lightsaber duel

A typical male Star Wars fan?

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Here’s a little Monday Funday to celebrate Revenge of the Sixth… A pretty amazing fan video featuring the final duel from Revenge of the Sith recreated to match The Clone Wars style animation. Click through to enjoy this amazing piece of work!

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Happy Star Wars Day! May The 4th Be With You!

This post contains affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, JTA may receive a commission if you click and make a purchase.

Happy Star Wars Day! There are sure to be many deals dropping today so we will add them to this post as they go live. Happy hunting!

May the 4th deals:

Click here for the Amazon Star Wars Day Deals page for all other deals


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Target Apparently Stops Carrying The Vintage Collection

In the past few days news have made the round that on new Target planograms no shelf space is alotted for The Vintage collection and that there is not even a DPCI number for TVC in Target’s system anymore. What is going on? Click through for the full story!

He may have something to do with it

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Anyone familar with “Betteridges’ Law of Headlines” will immediately know the answer to the question… so spoiler: no. They haven’t. Sure, they made money with Star Wars, quite a bit, but they paid $4.05 billion for Lucasfilm in 2012, which has to be recouped before you can talk about actual profits. For the first time (I believe it is the first time) it’s not some YouTuber who is eternally angry which can be used as a source for this, but Forbes magazine! However, since Forbes only covers the movies I will add other things like merchandise, video games and, well, everything!

All the Star Wars movies and many Disney+ shows are produced in the UK. The reason for that is tax incentives. However, this also means Disney has to provide detailed financial statements in the UK  and those are public, i.e. if you know the names of the production companies (think Blue Harvest) you can easily look up how much money Disney/Lucasfilm actually spent on something, and this includes all the movies and various shows. And those numbers are quite… something. If you thought movie budgets at Disney and Lucasfilm are out of control… you ain’t seen nothing yet!

So click through for a detailed breakdown of the movie budgets and learn why Disney, even after 12 long years, has not even recouped the cost of buying Lucasfilm in 2012 with all Star Wars projects combined.

Money sinkhole

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