And it’s a wrap! It took us all year, but we got through Hasbro’s The Vintage Collection The Ninety Six action figures and provided our assessment on where we are for each one. Many of you have asked if we’d do a wrap-up. Well, we think it’s best if you provide your input in this article. Give your impressions on where we are with this line, and see how far we have yet to go before completion. We have a dedicated place on our website for The Ninety Six. Click HERE and you’ll find all 96 action figures. And if you hover over them, a GREEN border means we have an acceptable figure already in The Vintage Collection, and if you hover and the border turns RED, it means Hasbro has work to do! As Hasbro releases action figures, we will update this page. Thank you for your participation in this column. It’s been a blast!