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Colin Trevorrow Read His Episode IX Story To Lucas And Hamill

Even though Solo is currently in cinemas and dominates the news, there is some Episode IX tidbit today. Colin Trevorrow, who was originally slated to direct Episode IX, has recently given an interview to Empire Magazine. And while he did not go into details, he had at least something to say about his work for Lucasfilm and his version of Episode IX. And then Colin Trevorrow tweeted something that might let us all know what he thinks of current Star Wars. Mark Hamill chimed in too!  Click through for more details.

Colin Trevorrow


In the recent interview with Empire Magazine Trevorrow said the following:

“I don’t want to talk too much about it because I don’t want to affect the way that fans get to see these films. When we were kids, these movies came to us from far away. They were a gift. And the more we talk about how they’re made, the more it reveals that they’re just movies. But they’re not just movies, they’re more than that. Beyond that, I got the opportunity to tell a story that is a celebration of everything I believe in, I got to tell it to George Lucas and I got to tell it to Luke Skywalker, and those are experiences I will cherish for the rest of my life.”

So, apparently George Lucas and Mark Hamill know exactly what Trevorrow’s plan for Episode IX was. It’s also interesting to know that Lucas, while no longer being involved with everyday business at Lucasfilm, still gets to hear what a new director/screenwriter is coming up with, at least Trevorrow told him his plans. It is unknown if this is something that happens for all the movies.

And then, earlier today, Trevorrow tweeted the following:

My 9-year-old is in the next room editing his 2nd movie, BLOODSTINGER 2. He is aware of the potential hazards of a sequel, but promises the film will add depth and character without compromising the core tenets of a beloved franchise that has existed since April 2018.

Read into that whatever you will. One might come to the conclusion Trevorrow is taking a stab at Lucasfilm and a movie that was released late last year.

But that’s not all. Mark Hamill promptly replied to Trevorrow’s tweet:

Please ask Nolan to consider me for a role in BLOODSTINGER 3. That boy is a visionary genius & I value gifted directors. All the best from his unemployed pal, mh

Is Mark Hamill really unemployed? He would certainly not give away whether or not he will make an appearance in IX.

Maybe one day we’ll know exactly what Trevorrow’s plan for IX was and why exactly Lucasfilm decided to fire him. Some rumors say Trevorrow very much wanted Luke Skywalker be alive for Episode IX but that Johnson and Kennedy wanted Luke dead. That Colin Trevorrow read his story to both Lucas and Hamill might be an indicator that Luke Skywalker probably was alive in his version of Episode IX or at least a major part in the script, alive or as a Force ghost.

Sources: Empire Magazine, Colin Trevorrow’s Twitter, Mark Hamill’s Twitter


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