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Star Wars [Solo]

Supreme Leader Snoke - SW [S] - Basic

Name: Supreme Leader Snoke
Collection: Star Wars [Solo]
Number: N/A
Source: Solo
Availability: May 2018
License: Hasbro

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Originally only available as a pack-in figure to 2017’s SW [TLJ] BB-8 2-In-1 Mega Playset, Hasbro has made the extremely wise decision to release the simply articulated Supreme Leader Snoke 5POA action figure in the Star Wars [Solo] line as a basic figure. This time however, the figure comes with Force Link 2.0 technology. Supreme Leader Snoke "2.0" is a welcomed addition to the basic figure line. Not too many collectors could afford the BB-8 2-In-1 Mega Playset. After all, the MSRP on that mammoth playset was $199.99. Supreme Leader Snoke is now a main character in the Sequel Trilogy, so it’s wise to have him available to those that want him. Now, collectors have the opportunity to get this main character by itself, complete with updated lines and a slightly revised paint job. Supreme Leader Snoke is about as average of a 5POA action figure you can find on the market today, and if you have the first version, you know what to expect here. Hasbro worked in the expected articulation, and the figure ends up feeling clunky at best. He looks silly in a seated position, but upright, he isn't that bad and he gets an easy pass from us. He succeeds as a statuesque action figure.

Supreme Leader Snoke looks pretty good, but again, the articulation is a terrible setback. Thankfully we have a super-articulated version in The Vintage Collection which made its debut at the Solo: A Star Wars Story line look launch. The super-articulated version of him is rather fantastic, so it might be moot at this point in the game to release Supreme Leader Snoke as a 5POA figure alongside a collector-worthy version. Sometimes Hasbro actions are confusing. Let’s look a little more closely at Supreme Leader Snoke. He’s nicely painted. The gold paint they used to color his robes is quite impressive. It’s very bright, and we’re quite taken with how shiny it is. There is also a nice amount of wash and texture added to this gold which gives it stunning depth. This time his robes are notably darker. This guy is creepy, and this creepiness comes through perfectly thanks to a great head sculpt on such a simple action figure. Some of the details in the paint operations are a tad crisper this time around. It’s not an overtly better-looking figure. You have to look closely to appreciate the differences and enhancements. Only a side by side comparison can illuminate what sets the two versions of 5POA Snoke apart from each other.

Once again, Supreme Leader Snoke comes without any accessories. While we cannot fault Hasbro for stiffing collectors with no accessories, it still is disappointing to get a clump of plastic that only moves in five areas and then nothing else. By nature, Supreme Leader Snoke is a rather boring action figure. At least The Vintage Collection Supreme Leader Snoke (VC121) figure comes with a removable robe and belt. That provides some level of interaction. As we stated earlier, Supreme Leader Snoke comes with Force Link 2.0 technology. While some of the lines are carried over from the pack-in figure (with original Force Link technology), Hasbro decided to give this new version of the figure some additional lines. The new lines aren’t earth-shattering in any way, but you should know that each version says separate things. If you want to hear something humorous, if you use the new Force Link 2.0 Supreme Leader Snoke with the original Force Link wristband, lines from Resistance Rose Tech are triggered. We’re not so sure if Hasbro thought everything through carefully with overlapping technologies. Anyway, Supreme Leader Snoke is what he is. Nothing special, but also nothing terrible is what he offers.

Collector Notes

Supreme Leader Snoke

Status: Supreme Leader Snoke is a slight repaint of the figure from 2017's SW [TLJ] BB-8 2-In-1 Mega Playset.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Force Link Details: "I feel a presence. Skywalker lives." • "The Resistance will soon be in our grasp." • "We will crush them once and for all." • "For you, all is lost." • "Your emotions have made you weak." • *sound effects*

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: E1679/E0323

UPC: 630509623563

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Star Wars [Solo] Force Link 2.0 Wave 2

Kylo Ren


Princess Leia Organa

Supreme Leader Snoke

Added: May 16, 2018
Category: Star Wars [Solo]
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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