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The Vintage Collection

Supreme Leader Snoke - TVC - Basic (VC121)

Name: Supreme Leader Snoke
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VC121
Source: The Last Jedi
Availability: April 2018
License: Hasbro

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Celebrate the legacy of Star Wars, the action-and-adventure-packed space saga from a galaxy far, far away, with this collection of premium, highly-detailed 3.75-inch scale figures and vehicles. (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.)

Unless Episode IX patches things together, Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi will remain the most divisive film in the Star Wars episodic saga. As a result, the appreciation for the new characters in the film is all over the map. For certain, there were many interesting characters. There were also many strange characters. And finally, there were many characters who became ultimately irrelevant. If you look at Supreme Leader Snoke, he could easily fill any of those descriptions. This extra tall bad guy has dark comedic elements of his speaking parts. He looked a whole lot like a rotted Hugh Hefner, and he culled together devoted task force of elite guards that blindly followed him and protected him for seemingly no reason at all. Overall, there is something interesting about him. however. His short-lived role aggravated many fans. Despite his small role, Supreme Leader Snoke from the Sequel Trilogy become popular enough for Hasbro to make various action figures of him in multiple scales. Originally intended to be part of The Black Series [Phase III] Walmart exclusive line, Hasbro bumped Supreme Leader Snoke out of this line to give the inaugural wave of The Vintage Collection’s return an all-new figure. The figure turned out well for the most part, and it has more flexibility than 2017’s TBS [P3] Supreme Leader Snoke (54) 6” figure. At a smaller scale, the detail isn’t as great, but Hasbro worked enough in to make this action figure a very relevant part of The Vintage Collection’s return. In fact, all of the details on Supreme Leader Snoke are quite nice. Other factors take away from them which we’ll explain. We’re glad they held this figure off for The Vintage Collection. It will probably become a better success because of it.

The first thing noticeable about Supreme Leader Snoke is his articulation system. For a character that doesn’t do much but sit on a throne, Hasbro worked in an impressive 29 points of articulation. From the ball-jointed wrists to the ball-jointed angles, Supreme Leader Snoke can achieve an incredibly wide array of movement that might not be needed but is in place regardless. Hasbro designed the figure in perfect scale with the other figures in the 3.75 line. Snoke is tall, thin, decayed-looking and emaciated, just like how he appeared in Episode VIII. Unlike the 6” version, his soft-goods golden yellow robe in completely removable, and is the ornate “collar” that keeps it in place on this figure when fully assembled. The collar plugs into the back of the figure when utilized, while the front flaps hold down the robe and aid in preventing it from opening up while posing the figure. The long (and removable) belt also aids the robe to stay closed as well, but it’s important to make clear the collar is indispensable as well. Once you remove the robe, you’ll discover that Supreme Leader Snoke is wearing the white jumper underneath. Hasbro worked in many of the articulation points so incredibly well that some appear almost invisible to the human eye. Snoke’s ridiculously shaped and colored golden slippers are accurate, and their design is simple, but it’s hard to take a character seriously when he's dressed this way. Supreme Leader Snoke has no other accessories than these. The paint job is good, but not perfect. Hasbro could have given Supreme Leader Snoke a little more color in the head and neck. He feels too pale when compared to the 6” figure. All the detail is there, but more color is required to bring it out.

While it’s fantastic to see The Vintage Collection packaging return, it would be remiss of us not to point out a couple of issues we’re seeing and experiencing with the second phase of the line. For reasons unknown, Hasbro elected to widen the colored section of the card back (where the figure's placed) to allow for a wider bubble. This is a setback. The reason this affects the aesthetics of the card back is that it takes over precious real estate space of the character image. You’ll find that the photo of each character on the new card backs looks too narrow and squeezed, not large and wide like the original phase of the line is. We hope they go back to the old way of placing figures in this line because, while it’s a bit of an exaggeration, The Vintage Collection favors the way The Black Series [Star Wars 40] 6” line cards look. Also, Hasbro created a new, complex bubble this time around and it is unnecessary. In fact, some of the figures have bubbles that are three pieces. Hasbro placed accessories underneath the figures in separate trays. The space that gets wasted is shameful. And if they included the accessories in a more streamlined way, the need to take up so much card front space would be rendered unneeded. We’re also not crazy about the reverse side of the card back. It mimics the original line’s card back when it changed during wave 10. Also, the multiple languages interrupt the purity of what this line should bring to the table. Regardless, Supreme Leader Snoke is a very nice figure. If you don’t like the character, that’s fine. But Hasbro did a great job on the figure.

Collector Notes

Supreme Leader Snoke

Status: Supreme Leader Snoke is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 29 points (16 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-jointed left hip (2), ball-jointed right hip (2), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: removable soft-goods robe, belt, removable collar

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: E1640/E0370

UPC: 630509611843

Retail: $12.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Supreme Leader Snoke

The Vintage Collection Wave 17

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Supreme Leader Snoke (VC121)

Added: March 24, 2018
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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