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Name: Stormtrooper
Collection: The Power Of The Force "2" [Red/Green]
Number: N/A
Source: A New Hope
Availability: July 1995
License: Hasbro
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters average
STATUS: Imperial Shock Troops
AFFILIATION: Galactic Empire
WEAPON OF CHOICE: Imperial Issue Blaster
Feared throughout the galaxy, stormtroopers are elite shock troops deployed in support of both ground forces and the Imperial fleet. Stormtroopers are unquestionably loyal to the Empire, and their unshakable military discipline has led to speculation that they may be the result of accelerated Imperial cloning experiments, although this has never been confirmed.
The armored spacesuits worn by standard stormtroopers give them the ability to operate in almost any environment and offer limited protection from blaster fire. The white outer shell consists of 18 snap together pieces that form an anti-blaster cocoon and includes a self-contained power source. Underneath this armor is a black, two-piece temperature-controlled body-glove. The protective helmets feature polarized lenses and communication units that allow troopers to maintain communication with each other and with their commanders. Also outfitted to the armor is a compartmentalized utility belt, which houses a spare comlink, rations, and batteries, plus specialized survival equipment. Standard issue weapons include hand blasters and blaster cannons, grenades, mini proton torpedoes, and laser cutting devices - easily the most fearsome personal arsenal in all the Empire.
It’s hard to believe that ten years since the termination of the Kenner Star Wars line had passed by the time the modern The Power Of The Force “2” line kicked off a new era of collecting. The thought of Star Wars figures appearing on store shelves after a decade of nothingness was almost too much to absorb. It happened, however, and in July/August of 1995, longtime Star Wars fans and collectors rushed to Toys R Us and various other places that sold toys to scoop up the first batch of modern figures. The return of the 3.75” scale was exciting. Kenner/Hasbro started with characters mostly from the very first Star Wars film, but soon other characters from the Original Trilogy followed. The inaugural case assortment contained eight action figures. A ninth figure, C-3PO, although pictured on the card back, wouldn’t make its way to retail until a couple of months later. (Production delays prohibited the figure from making it into the first case assortment.) This sudden change, however, created the very first panic for the modern Star Wars brand, and you can bet that if there is an active Star Wars line, there are going to be fables, tales, and rumors to entertain collectors’ worry. As long as there are collectors and scalpers, you better believe this is only the tip of the iceberg.
The Power Of The Force “2” line introduced collectors to the new Star Wars era. And the characters made were presented in a different line. Gone were the athletic and think silhouettes, and instead, our Star Wars action figures looked like hulking superheroes. The Stormtrooper is probably a "case in point" example of why the bulkier style of Star Wars action figures doesn’t work. As exciting as it is to see a modern Stormtrooper action figure, we have to admit that the final product leaves a lot to be desired. The likeness of the Stormtrooper is what bothers us most. The helmet is particular looks nothing like the on-screen character. But for the first time, it is articulated. Between this and the added waist articulation, the modern Stormtrooper has two extra points of articulation that the vintage figure does not have. Then the bulkiness of the armor and the “walking” pose of the action figure make this a completely bittersweet release. Introduced at a $4.99 price point, the MSRP is fair since it isn’t significantly higher than what inflation would normally add to the prices we were paying in the late seventies and eighties. But this figure isn't anything like your 1978 SW Stormtrooper action figure. You get an all-new action figure and two weapons. And for that price the money spent is quite fair.
This figure also have nice paint operations. The figure is bright white, and the black detail to give the figure its unforgettable detail is cleanly applied. The Stormtrooper has incredible difficulty standing upright. The legs are sculpted in an unfortunate way where they don’t support the upper body weight. As a result, the figure falls more often than not. An action figure stand would be required to guarantee that this action figure wouldn’t be the catalyst for a domino chain reaction on your display shelf. Between the terrible balance, the bulky body, and the not-so-great likeness, we feel that the Stormtrooper doesn’t meet our expectations as a modern “replacement” for the 1978 vintage Kenner action figure. Is it exciting to see a Stormtrooper hanging on the pegs at a store? Absolutely yes. But when you look at the reference photo on the front or back of the packaging, it does make you a little bit homesick that the figure doesn’t remotely resemble the character displayed in the graphics. Action figures in the nineties are so different than the action figures of the eighties. Hopefully, Kenner/Hasbro will realize that authenticity trumps exaggerated aesthetics. We’ll wait for better, but there is no doubt how exciting it is to see a figure like this ten years later.
Status: Stormtrooper is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 6 points (6 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 2
Accessory Details: blaster rifle, heavy infantry cannon
Date Stamp: 1995
Assortment Number: 69570/69575
UPC: 076281695754
Retail: $4.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
The Power Of The Force "2" [Red/Green] Wave 1The Power Of The Force "2" [Red/Green] Wave 1.5 |
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