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Star Wars [The Phantom Menace 3D]

Yoda - SW [TPM 3D] - Discover The Force (12 of 12)

Name: Yoda
Collection: Star Wars [The Phantom Menace 3D] (Discover The Force)
Number: 12 of 12
Source: The Phantom Menace
Availability: February 2012
License: Hasbro

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Yoda takes on the enemy with his lightsaber and his mastery of the Force. The venerable Jedi employs his wisdom and diplomatic skills, but is a fearsome fighter when he must defend himself or those under his protection.

Sheesh! We thought for sure that Hasbro has finally removed the 2005 ROTS Yoda (III 3) sculpt from their parts catalogues after making definitive or nearly definitive updates to it in years since, namely 2011's TV Yoda (VC20) figure. Hasbro definitely loved this Revenge Of The Sith sculpt however. Off the top of our head, they used it in 2006’s TSC Skirmish In The Senate Battle Packs set, the Episode II iteration of Yoda as 2006’s TSC Yoda (SAGA 019) figure and countless times in the Saga Legends lines across multiple line looks. So it’s evident that Hasbro got more than their use out of this once great figure. By the way, this particular Yoda has now been used for ever Prequel Trilogy version of the character now. Talk about some intense recycling! Now Yoda makes a new comeback into the line slightly re-colored and newly accessorized. While we don’t understand Hasbro’s logic for choosing this older sculpt when better ones exist, we do appreciate them basing a figure whose likeness on the CGI and not the puppet. So if anything, this is a worthy figure for your collection because it’s the first basic carded figure of an Episode I Yoda based on his updated computer-generated likeness seen first in the Blu-ray version of the film. That’s worthy of nothing, no? As to whether you absolutely must own this figure or not, well, only you can decide that for yourself. But it is different from all other previous releases.

It’s taken us a few moments to wrap our heads around seeing what we hail as Episode II and Episode III Yoda now Episode I Yoda too. After years of consciously keeping Yoda and his likenesses straight, a wrench has now been thrown in to the mix. Of course in the end we're thrilled that Yoda's look has been unified across the Prequel Trilogy, but it is taking some adjustment to keep that in mind. Yoda now comes to us slightly repainted and with his Jedi High Council chair (which ironically was first released in the 1999 Episode I line based on the "puppet" likeness). Because Yoda comes with the same plastic molded cloak, it's impossible to seat him in his chair while he is wearing it. He does however sit just fine in the chair without it. To throw you completely off, Yoda comes with a lit lightsaber that surely wasn’t seen in Episode I. But we're assuming this is just a bonus here. You can pretend he used it off-camera or something else. At worst, it can serve as a back-up to your Episode II or Episode III Yoda action figures. Yoda is a very important character from Episode I. And an action feature ridden version of him (also from the 2005 Revenge Of The Sith line) made its way into the Movie Heroes line. Thankfully Hasbro has made a better choice here for this release. This wasn't a terrible version of Yoda, but Hasbro has spoiled us with the Yoda that came in The Vintage Collection.

Yoda is a figure that suits the packaging better than how it looks lose in your collection. Only when you “play” with the figure do you realize just how limited it is indeed. Yoda comes with nine points of articulation which of course is not too shabby for a figure of his stature. But the pre-positioned limbs (especially the arms) make it difficult to achieve poses you’ll want to stand him in because he just doesn't have the movement he needs. And you likely won't find this figure the most beneficial addition to your various dioramas. In order to stand him up, you'll need to bend his legs and lean him forward. We find that particularly obnoxious. And his hands are a little too wide to hold his lightsaber tightly. (We noticed this grip is even weaker with this 2012 release in comparison to the 2005 figure.) Yoda's head is shaped like a football leaving a much too elongated look for our favorite Jedi Master. And Hasbro only repainted the head so Yoda suffers from the same mistake that The Vintage Collection Yoda (VC20) figure does. The hands and feet match each other, but the head doesn't match the hands or feet. Again? Really Hasbro? it was necessary for Hasbro to get out a decent version of Yoda out to kids and collectors. This one may be on the fence between good and bad for you, but at least Hasbro brought some newness to the figure. The council chair has also been repainted and it looks great. Maybe that's the reason you should pick this up.... again?

Collector Notes


Status: Yoda is a repaint of 2005's ROTS Yoda (III 3) figure. Yoda's Jedi High Council chair is a repaint of the accessory from 1999's EI Yoda figure.

Articulation Count: 9 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 swivel wrists, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-socket ankles

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: removable cloak, lightsaber, Jedi High Council chair

Date Stamp: 2004

Assortment Number: 38593/38601

UPC: 653569695691

Retail: $8.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


Star Wars [The Phantom Menace 3D] (Discover The Force)
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Added: February 19, 2012
Category: Star Wars [The Phantom Menace 3D]
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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