Posted by Paul | November 23, 2014 at 12:41 PM ET
Back on November 3rd, we published a RUMOR report that Rebels figures could/might be delayed until the end of January. We received this info from reliable sources, including a major distributor. However, the feedback we got from those that (1) didn't read the word "rumor" as well as see the question mark in our post and (2) misrepresented what our report ACTUALLY said, was filled with vitriole. (more....)
The things we saw posted were unbelievable. We wanted to respond right away to the hecklers, but due to the massive negative reaction, we wanted to see if more details would surface (which they have) to give the rumor more clout. By the way, these are toys, right folks? Anyway, we had good reason to post what we did (as a RUMOR report). One of our sources was responsible for leaking us our BREAKING NEWS on the 18 figure super-wave rumor report (of which ALL the figures listed has been 100% confirmed – including the three cancelled figures from this wave too). No one had problems with that "RUMOR" report, did they? Despite having seemingly valid proof of the "new" January 30, 2015 availability date, we were VERY reluctant to post this new development as hardcore fact. It seemed to not make much sense, which is why we posted it as a rumor AND as a question. We ALSO posted in the article that it's clear that early cases had gotten out. Entertainment Earth received some preliminary cases and there were even store reports, albeit sporadic, across the USA. Obviously, the figures were making an appearance way before we announced the rumor. Heck, JTA even provided the community with the very first Rebels store report!
New details have come to light. What we've learned is the following:
The January 30, 2015 was never intended to be a hard street date (as in Hasbro changing the release date plans). But what many are forgetting is that these figures were supposed to be available in September. Not October. Not November. There is no doubt about that at all. But now we've learned that the January 30th date was given with the intention that is was an approximation because of the backup and the port slowdown of incoming shipment due to unresolved union negotiations. You can Google this drama anywhere and see one horror story after another and how it's devastating businesses. We have received an overwhelming supportive response from business owners affected by this as well. From toys to furniture, product is not arriving with nearly the same speed it should. These retailers are not getting their products either. And although stuff is leaking out in dribs and drabs, it's estimated it will get worse before it gets better (just read the reports in the news). A bottle-necking effect is developing.
You want more proof? Entertainment Earth has CHANGED THE AVAILABILITY DATE of Rebels Wave 1 Saga Legends figures to January 2015. Most online retailers do not have these figures in stock yet either. In fact, we believe that Entertainment Earth may be the only exception to this. Not even HasbroToyShop has them in stock.
We're not trying to be cocky or desperately trying to prove ourselves right, but if you saw some of the responses we got from our original RUMOR report you'd understand why we are looking to be somewhat vindicated here. We are ALSO not backpedaling now either. We even concede that there is STILL a lot of gray area and unanswered questions here even with this new info. Sure, Hasbro sent them out, but what good is that if there is a stumbling block still that is preventing them getting into stores? We have plenty of readers who have yet to see one Rebels figure in stores yet. One reader wrote "Way to make everyone panic, JTA. Why make a story out of nothing?" Anyone who panics over toys is a sad case. There are people who charge by the hour to help you with issues like this. We kid. (Maybe not.) But we want you ALL to know that we don't post stories for click bait. We get enough "clicking" without posting sensationalizing articles.
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