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The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]

Hondo Ohnaka - TCW [SOTDS] - Basic (CW39)

Name: Hondo Ohnaka
Collection: The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]
Number: CW39
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 1 Episode 11: Dooku Captured)
Availability: August 2011
License: Hasbro

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Hondo Ohnaka is the leader of a band of Weequay pirates and is always accompanied by Pilf Mukmuk, his Kowakian monkey lizard. The pirate chief captures Count Dooku and plans to demand a large ransom for the return of the powerful Separatist leader.

Hondo Ohnaka is the chief of a party of Weequay pirates from the planet Florrum. He is the first animated Weequay species action figure we have ever received and Hasbro did a fine job on getting in right from the start! He’s also been carried forward into The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side] lineup with a new number and some very slight paint operation differences. While we are used seeing the Weequay species in a "skiff guard" (or musician) capacity for the most part up until now, we have to admit that perhaps the coolest look for this species has been the pirates. It is a great extrapolation of the skiff guard precedent set from their first appearance in Episode VI. After all, we saw one of them try to push Luke Skywalker off of a plank - this is very "pirate-ish" isn't it? Besides acting like one, their role in The Clone Wars television show is very pirate like indeed. Not only is his garb very reminiscent of Captain Hook, in place of a parrot is Pilf Mukmuk, a Kowakian monkey-lizard that seems to be more of a pest than a companion, but looks awesome nonetheless. Hondo Ohnaka made his debut appearance in The Clone Wars during season 1 and became a popular character almost immediately. Fans love seeing the Original Trilogy characters and species make their way into The Clone Wars. When the original figure was released in early 2010, it quickly sold through and essentially disappeared from shelves. Collectors began begging Hasbro to release him again. Hasbro listened to our wishes.

Hondo is the leader of the Ohnaka Gang and we only can pray that Hasbro will attempt to make the rest of the members for us in action figure form. They can certainly capitalize on Hondo Ohnaka’s brilliant sculpt to bring similar looking characters into the line with changes here and there. All of the members of this group look fantastic and would all make excellent action figures. We’re sure they’d all be strong sellers. Extremely similar to the skiff guard clan seen in Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi, this is a group of scum and villainy we hope to add to our collections completely one day just for the shear rough-around-the-edges personalities they have. And of course it would be even nicer to pair them with a large Sail Barge (but we'll save our breath for another day on this). But one could only hope. At first glance, Hondo Ohnaka looks a little bit like an animated version of 2008's TLC Ak-rev (BD 5) figure. The colorful threads of his outfit (not as bright however on this release) as well as being the same species causes this momentary familiarity. But if you look deeper, you will see that Ohnaka is without a doubt his own unique character. Don't mistake Hondo for a musician however, because he looks like he has a lot more attitude than Ak-rev. He should because after all he is a pirate. Add to that the awesome goggles that accompany him which add some mysteriousness to his character that we absolutely adore. You’d have to be crazy to not love how Hondo Ohnaka got translated into an action figure.

Sadly, Hondo Ohnaka does not get the highest marks in the articulation department, but we’re sure this will be a big deal with collectors. As a pirate, he should certainly have more movement, but we think the figure fairs excellently as is. He is equipped with a blaster pistol in addition to a large sword. The details on these accessories are impressive. They are sculpted quite well and colored oddly but nicely. But perhaps the best accessory is Pilf Mukmuk who is essentially another character that looks like a red and green Salacious B. Crumb. Hasbro has crafted a miraculously tiny creature with the most delicate parts/proportions you have ever seen on an action figure. The skinny limbs and tail will likely leave you speechless. They didn’t even do this well on Salacious Crumb. If Hasbro can make tiny plastic sculptures with this level of accuracy and authenticity, then they have the ability to do anything. Clearly, his pet is one of the best additional parts we have received with an action figure. Trust us, it is that good! Hasbro has also sculpted this "accessory" in a very engaging pose. It hugs Hondo around the neck and it looks absolutely splendid. The colors chosen for the included Kowakian monkey-lizard are very bright but they are however very accurate and complement his pirate uniform stunningly. Ultimately, Hondo Ohnaka is a great choice for an action figure and we are indeed thrilled that Hasbro decided to make him available again. And if you’re into pack-in premiums, collect this version for the included Game Card.

Collector Notes

Hondo Ohnaka

Status: Hondo Ohnaka is a slight repaint of 2010's TCW [S2] Hondo Ohnaka (CW41) figure.

Articulation Count: 12 points (7 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 5

Accessory Details: Pilf Mukmuk (Kowakian monkey-lizard), sword, blaster pistol, removable overcoat, removable goggles

Date Stamp: 2009

Assortment Number: 29778/94736

UPC: 653569575023

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Hondo Ohnaka

The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side] Wave 9 (Wave 22)

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Added: August 7, 2016
Category: Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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