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Name: Han Solo
Collection: The Black Series [Phase II]
Number: #19
Scale: 3¾"
Source: The Empire Strikes Back/Return Of The Jedi
Availability: July 2015
License: Hasbro
When you think of Han Solo in carbonite, it is probably a little more common to think of Return Of The Jedi than The Empire Strikes Back. Ever since the 1985 POTF Han Solo (In Carbonite Chamber) was released, it has left an indelible mark on our minds of how this figure should be. Clearly, that 1985 figure is based on Return Of The Jedi. And really the only way to determine this (aside from maybe a reference image on the card back) is by the lack of metal binders and/or shackles. In Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo can be seen with his hands tied and his arms tethered. The Ugnaughts eventually remove his binders, but the tethering bar and arm cuffs remain. (It has been surmised/explained that they melt away during his melting process in Return Of The Jedi.) Anyway, Han Solo [In Carbonite Chamber] was chosen to accompany Princess Leia Organa (Boushh) in the final wave of The Black Series [Phase II] wave and he is almost as good as her, and maybe even a tad better. We’d like to reference this figure from both The Empire Strikes Back as well as Return Of The Jedi because although he comes with binders and a tether, they’re easily removable and then we’re left with an action figure that nicely represents the post-frozen Han Solo throughout the rest of the Battle of Carkoon sequence in Episode VI. Looking at Han Solo through the eyes of Episode V or Episode VI really doesn’t matter when it comes down to nuts and bolts. All you need to know is that Hasbro has given us a definitive representation of this character that will hold up well for years to come. This completely super-articulated figure puts the many previously released versions to shame. Plus, we get an all-new carbonite block that has stunning detail and a beautiful paint job. So what’s not to love? It may feel like Han Solo is a little light in the accessory department because it feels like he should have a skiff guard blaster or force pike. But because this figure leans more heavily on the Episode V side, additional non-weaponry accessories have been included instead.
This Han Solo marks the fifth release of a Han Solo action figure packed with a carbonite block. 1985’s vintage Kenner figure was obviously the first. Then came 1996’s The Power Of The Force “2” Han Solo (In Carbonite Block). Two years after the first modern basic figure Hasbro released 1998’s POTF2 [FlashBack/CommTech] Jabba’s Palace (3D Display Diorama) which featured the very first revised and “melted” modern Han Solo (In Carbonite) figure. Even the carbonite block was melted (leaving an indentation of the figure behind it). Then collectors had to wait a very long time before Hasbro produced the extremely popular 2005 TSC Han Solo (SAGA 002) which was the first release to feature a partially melted carbonite block (by showing some red color). Would you believe it took Hasbro almost a full decade to get a modern version of this character out in the basic figure line? Despite the long and hard decade of time, this figure’s release is reason for celebration. We now have the definitive update. There have been early criticisms of this figure’s head sculpt, but we think it’s an admirable likeness to Harrison Ford. The important thing to note however is that this is Han Solo, without any wet hair or dirt on his shirt from hitting the floor of Jabba’s palace. Some might find it difficult to see this as a viable character from Return Of The Jedi. Even his shirt is partially un-tucked (this was clearly evident in both Episode V and Episode VI). If you can overlook the fine screen inaccuracies (based on how you source this figure), you’re left with a remarkable action figure. Han Solo comes with an impressive super-articulated body. He has a nice wide stance (that isn’t exaggerated in the least) which is great for thawing out of a carbonite block as much as it is battling Jabba’s skiff guards over the Sarlacc pit with a force pike. The joints match the rest of the body so everything is truly in place here. We’re very impressed.
We feel that Han Solo looks fantastic and it is such a tremendous feeling to know that we have a definitive update to this figure exactly 30 years after its original release in the vintage Kenner Power Of The Force line. Even more impressive than the Han Solo action figure is the accompanying carbonite block. Would you believe that it is an all-new sculpt. We may have missed this detail somewhere along the way, but we were fairly certain that Hasbro would just be throwing in the carbonite block from 2013’s TVC Slave I (Boba Fett’s Spaceship) Amazon exclusive. That isn’t the case at all. Hasbro tooled a beautiful all-new accessory. Han Solo can’t go in and out of the block like you may want him too, but Hasbro did expertly tool an exact replica of this prop in 3.75” scale, added in the finest of beautiful details and painted it flawlessly. This may be the first time ever that we have additional color alongside some of the panels of the carbonite. They have also added back to the carbonite block which gives it a completed look, unlike how the hollow carbonite blocks have looked in the past. As you can tell, we are thoroughly impressed with all the contents here. Together, we get a great deal of plastic for $12.99 here. Yes, it’s a shame that basic figures have risen to this unacceptable MSRP, but there is certainly a great deal of value here than the eagerly anticipated Mosep Binneed (#18) figure, and we’re sure none of us have too many problems $12.99 for him. Clearly this Han Solo leans more towards The Empire Strikes Back then Return Of The Jedi. But it’s great to know that the figure will serve as a more than acceptable to excellent action figure whether you want him for your Bespin displays or Jabba’s palace displays. Han Solo [in Carbonite] is proof that the final wave of The Black Series [Phase II] line is going out with a huge bang. We just hope it doesn’t suffer last wave syndrome and become increasingly difficult for collectors to secure.
Status: Han Solo is an all-new figure. The carbonite block is an all-new accessory as well.
Articulation Count: 22 points (14 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: swivel head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left forearm (1), swivel right forearm (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 3
Accessory Details: carbonite block, binders, tether
Date Stamp: 2014
Assortment Number: B1758/A5077
UPC: 630509298112
Retail: $12.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
The Black Series [Phase II] Wave 3 (Wave 8) |
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