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Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]

Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) - SW [S - P3] - Basic (’04 #07)

Name: Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge)
Collection: Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]
Number: ’04 #07
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Availability: February 2004
License: Hasbro

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As part of a daring mission to rescue Han Solo, Lando infiltrated Jabba the Hutt's palace by concealing himself in the armor of one of Jabba the Hutt's many skiff guards. When Luke Skywalker sprang his rescue mission over the Great Pit of Carkoon, the skiff guards were startled when one of their own turned on them and revealed himself to be a Rebel infiltrator. Disposing of the guards, Lando piloted the rescue skiff that spirited away the Rebels.

It’s quite amazing how a little time and a little clever sculpting can produce and action figure that just looks fantastic no matter how much criticism you might give it, or how much it truly deserves or not. To say that Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) – and Lord knows why he has that subtitle – is one of the finer moments in the Star Wars “Saga” line may be an understatement. This is coming from a point of view where we know that the articulation of this figure isn’t great, and some of the paint operations could have been more in tune, but overall possesses a great likeness to the character and a replicated costume done so well it makes grown men-boys cry. It’s a tremendous update in general and Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) totally ignores its 1997 predecessor and Hasbro approaches it from an angle where screen accuracy takes front and center stage. This worked in its favor as Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) turned out incredibly well. Visually, we have nothing negative to say about this action figure. As a display piece you’re going to be thoroughly impressed. He looks absolutely amazing and thanks to a cleverly thought out swivel join arm system, you can for the first time recreate this poses and stances directly from Return Of The Jedi perfectly. Even the accessories have been wonderfully constructed and have awesome interaction with the figure as well.

Right off of the bat you’ll noticed just how great he looks at face value. Whether incognito or fully revealed, Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) is immediately recognizable thank to a fantastic likeness and screen accurate sculpt. Your mind will be immediately taken back to 1983 when Kenner gave us the first interpretation of this character as an action figure. Times have changed a lot since then and now Hasbro has ensured that they’ve gotten all of the details just so in an effort to bring collectors one of the nicest versions of Lando Calrissian in his skiff guard disguise yet. From the intensely accurate detail of his disguise to the nicely applied paint job, we bet that you’ll find very little reason to dislike this action figure once you hold it in your hands. Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) comes with a removable helmet, which hides most of his facial features, save for his eyes, extremely well. It also fits wonderfully on his head. He also comes with a skiff guard blaster that can be stored in a functioning holster when not needed for the time being. Lastly, he comes with a force pike. We love the accessory as it’s designed very, very well, but it has been cast from a very pliable plastic material and is unable to keep its shape at all. Hasbro utilized this material to prevent breakage, but at what point does rubbery plastic become moot? Besides that, it’s a very thin weapon and had it been thicker it may have been able to sustain its straightness much better.

If you really spend some quality time with this action figure, you’ll quickly see why we are crazy about it. Simple details like the wrinkling in the pants to the skits that covers his cod section are just incredibly well done and set it apart from other figures in the line and well as sets a new standard for what collectors can expect from Hasbro when it comes to this level of detailing. Let’s also not forget the fact that he can use all three accessories at the same time. This friends falls under the “gravy” category for us. There really is nothing more frustrating than when an action figure is unable to hold or “fire” its weapon. So when Lando can make use of all three at once, well, that’s just sublime. We’re glad Hasbro made the connection so strong to the original vintage Kenner figure, while setting the bar high for a fantastic modern replacement of that classic 1983 action figure. Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) comes with ten points of articulation. The upper body movement is comprised of swivel shoulders, swivel elbows and swivel forearms, but they have been precisely cut in a way that makes his arms completely useful when firing the skiff guard blaster as well as perfect for holding the force pike in one hand or two hands. The choice is completely yours and Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) looks amazing no matter the configuration you choose. We’re just impressed of the amount of variety/option you have with regards to its articulation. We’re thrilled with this figure. And we believe you will be also.

Collector Notes

Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge)

Status: Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 10 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 swivel shoulders, 2 swivel elbows, 2 swivel forearms, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: force pike, skiff guard blaster, removable helmet

Date Stamp: 2004

Assortment Number: 84743/84715

UPC: 076930847435

Retail: $4.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Star Wars [Saga - Phase III] Wave 27
Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Sail Barge) (’04 #07)

Rappertunie (Jabba’s Palace) (’04 #08)
J’Quille (Jabba’s Sail Barge) (’04 #09)
Tanus Spijek (Jabba’s Sail Barge) (’04 #10)
Holographic Luke Skywalker (Jabba’s Palace) (’04 #11)

Added: February 5, 2014
Category: Star Wars [Saga - Phase III]
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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