The Hasbro Q & A just finished up and even though we don't have pics for you from the convention yet David and Lance called in with the scoop for the rest of the year...and for the start of 2008!
Click here for the scoop and then check back later for more info & images!
Coins will be made for figures up to #60 and then the figures will be packed with stands again
On August 2 a new Fan Coice Poll will begin that will decide what the 5th wave of the Legends figures will contain. The wave will be released in the Spring of 1008
The 30th Anniversary Line will continue for the 1st six months of 2008 and then the line will switch over to the Clone Wars line
2008 - Wave 1
Po Nudo
Octuparra Droid
Kashyyyk Trooper (All New Scuplt)
Commander Gree (All New Sculpt)
Evolutions Return in 20008!
All the prior releases will be repackaged
Evoloutions of the Jedi (Qui-Gon Jiin, Butlar Swan and Luke Skywalker)
Evoloutions of the Sith (Darth Bane, Darth Maul and Darth Nihilus)
Evoloutions of the Fetts (Mandalore, Jango Fett and Boba Fett)
Battle/Scene Packs
Jabba's Band will be released in 2 packs. They will be a Wal*Mart Exclusive
Capture at the Droid Factory
Betrayal on Bespin
EE Elite Forces Action Figure Set
Comic Pack Wave 5
Empire #37 - Moose & Able
Empire #39 - Lt. Shan & Lt. Jundland
Tales #23 - Republic Commando (White) & Super Battle Droid (Battle Damage)
The Wal*Mart wave will hit the pegs on October 1
Comic Pack wave 4 will hit the pegs on November 1
Mighty Mugs - New vinyl line
Wave 1 will have Chewbacca, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Clone Trooper, Boba Fett & Han Solo
2007 will continue with repaints only
2008 will bring new vehicles!