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NY Toy Fair: Hasbro Round Table Interview Session Audio

Posted by Paul | February 14, 2016 at 04:35 PM ET

There were a great number of changes this year in the format of the Hasbro Toy Fair presentation and in general the event was organized extremely well. But with change comes some discomfort. One of the more uncomfortable changes this year was the "round table" interview session. For the first time that I can remember we weren't granted one-on-one interaction with the Star Wars brand Hasbro team, which I felt was very unfortunate (and something we're going to express to Hasbro). I felt I couldn't press for the answers I needed. Instead, we sat in a group and spouted off our questions. (Maybe that was cleverly planned.) Click through for more.

Sadly, we have NO time to transcribe this, so you're just going to have to tuck away about 45 minutes to listen to it. Some of the audio is difficult to hear. We apologize. But some of the questions asked surrounded "I thought Legacy Collection[2] was cancelled and never went into production. How did Calendars get it? The fate of The Vintage Collection. Vehicles. Droid Factory exclusives. The Walmart TBS 3.75" exclusive line, etcetera. Enjoy and be sure to leave your comments below!

We asked Hasbro something outside of the group round table discussion. We asked about why TBS6 C-3PO doesn't come vac-metallized and the fate of TBS6 Captain Rex. Hasbro confirmed with us that TBS6 C-3PO isn't vac-metallized because of environmental reasons and nothing to do with cost or availability of process. They did find a paint that they believe will impress us all on the final version. Also, TBS6 Captain Rex is still coming. They're trying to slot him in the lineup.

If anyone wants to transcribe this we would be happy to post the text. We are too tired at this point! :-)

Listen to our full interview with Hasbro using the player below. If you are unable to play the file, you can download it directly right here (downloadable MP3).


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