501st Legion Trooper (SL 16) - Hasbro - The Legacy Collection (2008)
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The Legacy Collection

Remote Control R5-X2 - TLC - Exclusives

Name: Remote Control R5-X2
Collection: The Legacy Collection
Number: N/A (TARGET Exclusive)
Source: The Phantom Menace
Availability: May 2009
License: Hasbro

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Japan is known for making really cool and highly collectible Star Wars items. Around 2005, they started creating very sought after basic figure scaled remote controlled droids and in 2009 they were finally picked up on American soil and sold at TARGET stores via Hasbro through The Legacy Collection as exclusives. R5-X2 was one of four droids released and has the unique distinction of being the only one that has yet to be made in the basic figure line (in non-remote control form). R5-X2 was one of Jabba's droids that calculated Podrace odds for him. It was typically a clever droid and had figured out that Sebulba would win the race, but apparently his probability and statistics were off that day or it was the will of the Force that Anakin Skywalker win that day. As a collectible toy, this droid is pretty exceptional. R5-X2 has a striking color, ironically the same orange/red used by TARGET, along with silver and white parts. This figure was designed with black lines accenting his photoreceptors and the top of his head as well as other "boxes" set throughout his head and body. It gives R5-X2 a very crisp look and he has been painted better than many other basic figure astromechs we have received. Remote Control R5-X2 brings frustration to collectors because this astromech droid has yet to be produced as a basic figure in the Hasbro line. To date, this is the only way this droid can be obtained in 3.75" scale.

The functionality of Remote Control R5-X2 is amazing! This little droid certainly has a great deal of "pep" and zooms around very fast with the proper maneuvering of its remote control. There are two switches that must be turned to the "ON" position; one on the droid and one on the remote control device. There are also two buttons on the remote control. One moves the droid forward, while the other turns his center leg to allow him to change direction (to the right only) or simply spin in circles. It may not look like much, but Remote Control R5-X2 has it where it counts and this was a pleasant surprise for us. He moves very quickly, so it may take you some time to discover the appropriate degree of "button pressing" you are going to need to make him move in an evenly balanced motion. While you press the buttons on the remote, you will hear many astromech beeps and blurts and they are quite loud and very realistic sounding. Therebe must a well-designed speaker at the bottom of the remote control that makes these sounds blare loud and clear. The head also wobbles back and forth as the droid moves. It's a shame we didn't see Remote Control R5-X2 move around in the film since all it did was stand static in Jabba's box at the Podrace. Despite what it did in the film, we think the total package of this figure is really quite impressive but we're not so sure about the price. Price is creeping up and we don't see any signs of it stopping. It's quite expensive to produce action figures in this day and age.

The remote control device itself is shaped very similarly to Yoda's lightsaber, short and stocky. It is large (almost 1:2 scale) and while it is not meant to serve as an accessory for the droid, it complements it nicely. They are nearly equal in size too! This exclusive sub-line (and we don't think that they'll continue beyond the four droids) is very welcomed by us and we think they'll make for a transition in your collection. Both collectors and fans should enjoy the remote control figures just as much as the basic figures. And while they are definitely higher priced, Hasbro saved us a little bit on the droids themselves and even more on shipping costs by making them available at retail. We are happy they were able to secure the license. The droids have also seen release at StarWarsShop.com and in fact, there is one that is exclusive to the online store, the clear R2-D2. Likely to not do as well as a regular basic figure exclusive, we hope that these do well enough for Hasbro. (Editor's Note: They were clearance fodder by the time there time at retail was over.) We think it would be wise to at least consider Remote Control R5-X2. He is perfectly in scale with your other astromechs and since we don't have him yet in the basic figure line, here is your chance for him now. Because R5-X2 is a simple repaint of the Remote Control R5-D4, his sculpt is a bit off from his movie appearance since the Episode I (and other Prequel Trilogy R5 units) have a different shaped head/dome. Even still, we love this red/orange droid and it is the perfect complement to your Episode I collection.

Collector Notes

Remote Control R5-X2

Status: Remote Control R5-X2 is an all-new figure utilizing the Remote Control R5-series Astromech Droid sculpt.

Articulation Count: N/A (the figure's movement is all controlled via remote control)

Articulation Details: N/A

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: lightsaber remote control

Date Stamp: 2008

Assortment Number: 89051/87849

UPC: 653569396499

Retail: $16.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Legacy Collection
All Products

Added: August 15, 2009
Category: Legacy Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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