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Name: Mace Windu's Attack Battalion
Collection: The Saga Collection
Number: N/A
Source: Expanded Universe (Hasbro Concept)
Availability: November 2006
License: Hasbro
In a stunning move, the Separatist droid army has descended upon Coruscant! Mace Windu leads a battalion of fearless clone troopers to battle the droids. Mace makes short work of the super battle droids as his battalion takes care of the leftovers with their powerful blaster rifles.
It’s the best Battle Packs set ever! And these clones never appeared in any Star Wars source. How is that for serendipity? You really wouldn’t expect clone troopers that didn’t appear in any part of the Star Wars saga to become some of the best ones made now would you? The Mace Windu’s Attack Battalion TARGET exclusive Battle Packs set brought collectors everything they ever wanted in a multipack. (Hasbro misspelled "Battallion" on the box.) Despite coming with one “filler” figure (Mace Windu – goodness, gracious what an awful figure), this set is all about clones as you get three super-articulated clone troopers (strewn in purple attire) and a brand new Clone Commander (from a mold that was supposed to make its debut in the 30 (77-07) line but made it here instead) action figure make this one of the greatest values for a Battle Packs set that we have ever encountered. The Clone Commander gave collectors an advanced look at the 30 (77-07) Airborne Trooper (30 07) figure, but this time he is of course colored in purple to show his loyalty to Mace Windu instead of orange for Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau. As a result, this Battle Packs set is a dream come true for fans of all things Mace Windu and now we have more purple items for Mace to call his own.
The back of the packaging informs the collector that this set was inspired from the Cartoon Networks Clone Wars micro-series. This really isn’t the case at all and is actually a misnomer. While it is possible to argue that the 187th Legion was present during various chapters (in both Volume 1 and Volume 2) of Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars program, these clones wore all white armor and are actually indistinguishable from any other clone trooper. The “purple” theme is a very believable Hasbro concept mind you and despite this battalion being so, we have to say that some of the coolest clone troopers were produced as a result. The 187th Legion is really just purple-colored Shock Troopers. All of the color flashes are purple (or some purplish shade of indigo) where the Shock Trooper is all red. And Hasbro also dug out 2005’s ROTS Commander Bacara (III 49) and reworked (re-colored) the shoulder pauldron and uses it here on the 2005 ROTS Clone Trooper (III 41) figures to give these Clone Troopers a fresh new twist. As a final product, the three identical Clone Troopers are incredible and stand out from amongst the rest. The purple paint used to decorate them has a metallic finish and appears extra shiny and bright in light. And we never thought the color purple would look so good on a clone until now.
Mace Windu’s Attack Battalion is evidence why army builder Battle Packs sets are essential to the basic figure line. Sets like this offer incredible value for collectors’ dollars and they can instantly build an army of like clones with one purchase. (And imagine how quickly those armies will grow is second and third sets gets purchased?!) We’ve mentioned that this set comes with one figure that is a setback to the rest of the figures. And that particular figure would be Mace Windu. Hasbro used the 2005 ROTS Mace Windu (III 10) figure to include here. As you know, that figure has terrible action features and unless you keep Mace Windu covered up in his outer cloak, you are really going to notice how poor of an action figure he actually is. Between the distorted proportions, extra long arms and the very loose joints, this is a Mace Windu that might be better off left in the packaging to be thrown out after you get all of the Clone Troopers out of it. We partially kid here, but we need a harsh overhaul to get a definitive version of Mace Windu. This version isn’t even close to that and it’s a shame that Hasbro decided to get cheap for a moment and include that particular version of Mace here. Regardless, the Mace Windu’s Attack Battalion Battle Packs set will undoubtedly become a favorite in your collection. The basic clones are incredible and the Clone Commander is fresh and exciting. You’ll probably want to get multiple sets. You should because this is what collecting is all about.
Assortment Number: 87110
UPC: 653569160854
Retail: $19.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
These clone troopers follow their commander's orders and fight to protect the Jedi Temple.
Status: Clone Trooper [A] is a rework of 2006's Skirmish At The Senate Shock Trooper figure but repainted in the colors of the 187th Legion. The shoulder pauldron from 2005's ROTS Commander Bacara (III 49) has also been repainted and added to this figure as well.
Articulation Count: 14 points
Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, ball-jointed torso, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles
Accessory Count: 3
Accessory Details: removable antenna, removable shoulder pauldron, DC-15 blaster
Date Stamp: 2005
These clone troopers follow their commander's orders and fight to protect the Jedi Temple.
Status: Clone Trooper [B] is a rework of 2006's Skirmish At The Senate Shock Trooper figure but repainted in the colors of the 187th Legion. The shoulder pauldron from 2005's ROTS Commander Bacara (III 49) has also been repainted and added to this figure as well.
Articulation Count: 14 points
Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, ball-jointed torso, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles
Accessory Count: 3
Accessory Details: removable antenna, removable shoulder pauldron, DC-15 blaster
Date Stamp: 2005
This commander leads a team of clone troopers into battle to protect the Jedi Temple. He uses a series of hand signals to direct and position his battalion as they battle the invading droid army.
Status: Clone Commander is a "pre-paint" of 2007's TAC Airborne Trooper (30 07) figure. It has been painted in the color flashes of the 187th Legion.
Articulation Count: 14 points
Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles
Accessory Count: 4
Accessory Details: DC-15 rifle, 1 DC-17 blaster pistol, removable helmet, removable satchel
Date Stamp: 2006
Mace was once a dedeicated diplomat, but the nature of the Clone Wars has left him little choice but to become a true Jedi warrior.
Status: Mace Windu is a repack of 2005's ROTS Mace Windu (III 10) figure but this time comes with a new soft-goods cloak.
Articulation Count: 10 points
Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips (hips have action feature which spins waist)
Accessory Count: 2
Accessory Details: lightsaber, soft-goods robe
Date Stamp: 2004
These clone troopers follow their commander's orders and fight to protect the Jedi Temple.
Status: Clone Trooper [C] is a rework of 2006's Skirmish At The Senate Shock Trooper figure but repainted in the colors of the 187th Legion. The shoulder pauldron from 2005's ROTS Commander Bacara (III 49) figure has also been repainted and added to this figure as well.
Articulation Count: 14 points
Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, ball-jointed torso, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles
Accessory Count: 3
Accessory Details: removable antenna, removable shoulder pauldron, DC-15 blaster
Date Stamp: 2005
The Saga Collection |
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