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The Saga Collection

Clone Trooper (Sergeant) - TSC - Basic (SAGA 060)

Name: Clone Trooper (Sergeant)
Collection: The Saga Collection
Number: SAGA 060
Source: Attack Of The Clones
Availability: December 2006
License: Hasbro

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Clone Trooper

The Rumbling Of War

weapons: blaster rifle, blaster pistol

trained in: military skills and marksmanship

engineered to: be loyal to the republic

The clone troopers make their first appearance on the planet Geonosis as the Grand Army of the Republic. All the genetic engineering and training have led up to this climactic moment, when the clones will prove their value as an effective and relentless fighting force against the Separatists and their droid armies.

In 2006, it was evident that the green color-flashed Clone Trooper (Sergeant) was getting the short end of the stick as far as releases as action figures were concerned. And it really wasn’t until 2004’s OTC Clone Trooper Troop Builder 4-pack sets that collectors had the opportunity to receive a super-articulated version of him (in two distinct styles no less). So Hasbro thought they would make up for lost time and release it as the sole clone officer basic figure in the first Repack & Repaint wave of 2006. Despite a correctly shown prototype at 2006’s San Diego Comic Con, the final figure was missing the completed green stripe that runs from the visor up to the entire length of the mohawk. This infuriating misstep in the paint job is actually lessened by the fact that the figure still looks great. Somehow Hasbro bleached the white on the armor as there is no yellowing or off-whiteness and the joints seem to have been tightened as well. Overall, this is a step up and we suppose if the helmet bothers you that much you can switch it for one of the ones from the 2004 sets.

Clone Trooper (Sergeant) looks fantastic in the 2006 The Saga Collection packaging. A gorgeous Geonosian backdrop is behind him and he is posed in a great stance that serves his character well. Unfortunately, as with many figures in the Repack & Repaint waves, many of the first runs of this figure come with a personalized The Empire Strikes Back action figure stand. In a rare move (this didn’t happen often), Hasbro corrected the stand and the last few batches of this figure come with the corrected personalized Attack Of The Clones stand. And as if you needed more, you get another random holographic miniature figure. (What in the world was Hasbro thinking to stop at only 12 unique miniature holograms? Surely the worst pack-in premium ever, huh? Even the Power Of The Jedi Force Files were better than these.) Still, once the figure is placed on the base, you’re really not going to care that much that he is standing on the wrong logo, right? Well, maybe that would bother you. It goes without saying though that this is a great opportunity to army build this figure, but maybe all of the clone officer should have been included in the mix.

It goes without saying that we will see this figure again and it greater numbers. (Editor’s Note: The Clone Trooper Officers made a huge splash in the 2007 TAC Saga Legends line and they came with correctly applied color flashes including the chest ranking dots and stripes on the helmet.) Kids and collectors both love clone troopers so it makes sense for Hasbro to keep releasing them ad nauseum. The Saga Collection really set a precedent for organization in the basic figure line. Between the color-coding and the source-specific details (even if they were technically incorrect in some places) really tightened up the collection in a way that fans never really felt before this. Many people just care about the actual figures being released, but those who love packaging found The Saga Collection to be one of the most clear and concise collections to date. The Clone Trooper (Sergeant) who is part of this very organized collection will undoubtedly become and important figure in this collection. There weren’t any Episode II clone troopers before him all year in The Saga Collection and Hasbro has released one of the rarer ones to help us out. Get the Clone Trooper (Sergeant) for your collection for sure! He’s great.

Collector Notes

Clone Trooper (Sergeant)

Status: Clone Trooper (Sergeant) is a repaint of the figure in 2004's OTC Clone Trooper Troop Builder 4-pack. His color flashes have not been applied correctly.

Articulation Count: 14 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, ball-jointed torso, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: DC-15 blaster rifle

Date Stamp: 2003

Assortment Number: 87330/85770

UPC: 653569216278

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Clone Trooper Sergeant

The Saga Collection Wave 8
Sith Training Darth Maul (SAGA 053)
Chewbacca (With Electronic C-3PO) (SAGA 054)
Kit Fisto (SAGA 055)
Holographic Clone Commander Cody (SAGA 056)
Clone Trooper (442nd Siege Battalion) (SAGA 057)
R5-J2 (SAGA 058)
Clone Trooper (Fifth Fleet Security) (SAGA 059)
Clone Trooper (Sergeant) (SAGA 060)
Super Battle Droid (SAGA 061)
Battle Droids (SAGA 062)

Added: May 25, 2011
Category: Saga Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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