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The Saga Collection

Jango Fett - TSC - Basic (SAGA 020)

Name: Jango Fett
Collection: The Saga Collection
Number: SAGA 020
Source: Attack Of The Clones
Availability: February 2006
License: Hasbro

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Jango Fett

Battle of Geonosis

homeworld: concord dawn

title: bounty hunter in the galaxy

vehicle: slave i

After spending years in the bounty hunter limelight, Jango Fett makes a deal with the mysterious Lord Tyranus to live on Kamino and act as a template for a clone army. Thousands of clones are grown in Fett's likeness, but only one has been commissioned to be an exact, unaltered clone of Jango. During the Battle of Geonosis, Jango succumbs to the mighty Mace Windu, but his unaltered clone, Boba is set to carry on the Fett bounty hunter tradition.

There are some figures in the basic figure line that Hasbro has used so many times it’s almost impossible to count all of the ways they’ve been released. The 1999 POTF2 Han Solo Comm Tech figure is one that immediately comes to mind. When double digits are required to document the ways Hasbro has used a figure for release, it’s definitely time to retire that figure a make a new one. Another figure that shares this overuse is 2006’s The Saga Collection Boba Fett (SAGA 020). Hasbro preferred this version of Jango Fett so much that it has the distinction of being released TWICE in the 2002/2003 Star Wars line with two distinct numbers! (2002’s SW Jango Fett (Kamino Escape) ('02 #13) and 2003’s SW Jango Fett (Kamino Escape) ('03 #20).) In all fairness, this is actually a pretty great figure of Jango Fett. It doesn’t have anywhere near the articulation you have come to expect, but its pose and sculpt are excellent and we think it is still aging rather gracefully after all these years.

Jango Fett is a slight repaint of the 2002/2003 Star Wars "Saga" figure. Hasbro has elected to tweak the silver parts of the armor to make it look shinier. (It worked very well here and has given the character new authenticity.) Jango’s jumpsuit has also been painted in a darker shade of blue. And lastly, the brown leather details like the holster and belt appear duller and darker. The removable helmet has been significantly cleaned up from past releases and the silver sparkles just like it does on the armor. The deco of the two parallel black lines on the helmet has been thickened and their alignment has been improved to be more even too. Overall, Jango Fett has sustained significant improvements and makes it a worthy purchase. It should also replace your past versions. The figure comes with the same features including coming with a grappling hook that attaches to hit via a real string, functioning holsters and a removable helmet. His hands have been extremely well designed and hold the Westar-34 blaste pistols flawlessly.

Hasbro is marketing this as a figure from the Battle Of Geonosis. This is an unfortunate error. The figure actually represents how Jango looked while he was on Kamino (and subsequently battling Obi-Wan Kenobi). Jango Fett should have not been packed with the Mitrinomon Z-6 jetpack. He should have come with his alternate one. But that is being technical and packaging is always in danger of being incorrect. Jango Fett is just fine for another release under the “Kamino Escape” subtitling. We think the head sculpt has also been updated slightly. And after all these years, this face has also held up well. It just goes to prove that a good sculpt sustains over time. And that’s exactly what Jango Fett does here. This is a perfect Jango Fett for some action scene in a diorama you’re creating. Or he would look just as great on the included action figure stand. But this is a figure we’re proud to say we repurchased. Hasbro made some enhancements and bought into it. So far, there hasn’t been any buyer’s remorse. Just look at that battle-damage detail on the chest armor. It's all full of scratches. The design is brilliant. Better Jango Fett figures are certain to come, but we bet this one will always hold a special place in our hearts regardless.

Collector Notes

Jango Fett

Status: Jango Fett is a repaint of 2002's SW Jango Fett (Kamino Escape) ('02 #13) figure. (The figure was subsequently re-released as 2003's SW Jango Fett (Kamino Escape) ('03 #20) figure.) Although this action figure is notated as a "Battle Of Geonosis" character, Jango Fett is really based on his appearance from Kamino.

Articulation Count: 8 points (8 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left bicep (1), swivel right bicep (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 6

Accessory Details: Mitrinomon Z-6 jetpack, removable helmet, 2 Westar-34 blaster pistols, rocket, projectile (*grappling hook is non-removable)

Date Stamp: 2001

Assortment Number: 85785/85770

UPC: 653569123415

Retail: $5.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Jango Fett

The Saga Collection Wave 3
Sora Bulq (SAGA 015)
Sun Fac (SAGA 016)
C-3PO (With Battle Droid Head) (SAGA 017)
Poggle The Lesser (SAGA 018)
Yoda (SAGA 019)
Jango Fett (SAGA 020)
Scorch (Republic Commando) (SAGA 021)
Clone Trooper (SAGA 026)

Added: April 29, 2011
Category: Saga Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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