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The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]

Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter - TCW [SOTDS] - Vehicles

Name: Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter
Collection: The Clone Wars
Number: N/A (Vehicles)
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 3 Episode 12: Nightsisters)
Availability: April 2011
License: Hasbro

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Droid tri-fighters are powerful combat starships used by the Separatists during the Clone Wars. They are armed with three laser cannons and carry proton bombs. In the center of the fighter is a gyroscopic ball that houses the droid's brain. These aggressive ships release buzz droids, which attacj to Republic ships and tear them apart.

The Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter is an extremely brisk vehicle that is hard to shake if it's tailgating you. This Confederacy droid was primarily used as a dog-fighting vehicle during the Clone Wars and was agile and fast. Made by the same people who brought the Separatists the droideka, the Droid Tri-Fighter’s design was based on the skull features of a native beast on the planet Colla IV. Armed with multiple laser canons, three could be found on each arm of the vehicle with two more protruding from the central ball (where the droid’s artificial brain was housed). One of the Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter’s most feared trait was its capability of releasing buzz droids by way of missiles (underneath the vehicle) as they had the ability to disable larger vehicles like the ARC-170 starfighter and V-wing starfighter with unfortunate results. Hasbro crafted the Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter for the basic figures and repainted it for release in The Clone Wars line. It has made a rare appearance in The Clone Wars television series in Season 3 in the popular Nightsisters Trilogy and has quickly been added to the mid size vehicle assortment.

The Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter looks great. It has been painted in a way that mirrors both the movie and television show versions. This is no small feat as its difficult to cater to everyone’s needs. Since a version of this vehicle was indeed released in 2005’s Revenge Of The Sith line (this 2011 vehicle is a rework of the 2005 release), perhaps it’s more fitting that this is the version based on the appearance in The Clone Wars TV show. The designs on the “wings” are clearly unique between the two of them, but the blue and gray colors show that they’re not too distant from each other either. (We still think that the paint job on this 2011 version is much nicer.) The vehicle comes with five buzz droids in various stages. They unfortunately cannot be attached to the missiles on the underside of the vehicle, so you’ll just have to use your imagination there. Thankfully, they can be attached to the side of the vehicle. And they look great on there! The missiles also look incredible and this hidden arsenal is something that makes this vehicle more dangerous than it looks. The Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter’s concealed weaponry is somewhat standard in many vehicles released in the toy line, but something about them on this vehicle just makes it more awesome than usual.

The Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter was one of the most visually exciting vehicles to watch in Revenge Of The Sith. Filoni and company have not fully taken advantage of this vehicle’s stealth and agility yet in the television show. If they did, this vehicle would definitely be more popular than it is. We hope he has some cool ideas up his sleeves because this is a vehicle that deserves a lot more attention than it’s currently getting. Thankfully, Hasbro has taken advantage of this opportunity and released another “new” vehicle into the mid-size assortment. This vehicle is well designed because there is something in it for everyone. If you like figures to pilot your ships, there is an opening canopy in the center ball. If you like play features, they are missile projectiles and removable torpedoes (oh, and buzz droids). And if you’re anything like us, then you’re happy just getting an aesthetically pleasing vehicle with faithful proportions to what was seen in the films. The Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter is one of the better vehicles out there. We just hope it makes a bigger splash in The Clone Wars franchise. Once it does, you’ll be happy you got it before it became ridiculously popular.

Collector Notes

Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter

Status: Separatist Droid Tri-Fighter is a rework of 2005's ROTS Droid Tri-Fighter vehicle.

Articulation Count: 1 point

Articulation Details: spinning canopy ball

Accessory Count: 10

Accessory Details: 2 torpedo missiles, 3 projectiles, 3 buzz droids (balls), 2 buzz droids (with plugs)

Date Stamp: 2004

Assortment Number: 27843/94804

UPC: 653569561866

Retail: $24.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]
All Products

Added: April 20, 2011
Category: Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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