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The Vintage Collection

Boba Fett (Tusken) - TVC - Basic (VC285)

Name: Boba Fett (Tusken)
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VC285
Source: The Book Of Boba Fett
Availability: September 2023
License: Hasbro

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Hey everybody! Look! It's Uncle Fettster. If you've watched the dreadful programming of the Disney+ channel, you know what a nightmare the content is under the horrid Disney Star Wars banner—characters we adored as kids are shown in ways we probably never wanted to see them. Boba Fett is a character we never wanted to see as old, worn, and overweight. But this is our lot in life. Star Wars has become a shell of what it once was, and we get mediocre action figures because of it. Let's clarify that. Hasbro makes STUNNING action figures of mediocre characters from the anemic Disney Star Wars universe. That said, The Vintage Collection produced a rather excellent version of Boba Fett from Tython, yet called it Boba Fett (Tusken) for reasons unknown. The figure is simple but looks remarkable thanks to a stunning likeness, mixed media, and solid action-figure making. We have seen this iteration of Boba Fett many times, but it's a distinct version of the character from The Book Of Boba Fett. We don't know how embraced the figure will be to the collecting community.

Boba Fett (Tusken) is the TVC equivalent of The Black Series 6-inch Boba Fett (Tython) action figure. Unfortunately, Hasbro took a few shortcuts with the TVC version, and the 6-inch version looks better overall. Firstly, Hasbro used a black fabric to make the figure's outer cloak. We're unsure why they used this color fabric when it should be a deep brown instead. However, the rest of the action figure faithfully copies what we see in the television series. Hasbro also included with Boba Fett (Tusken) figure a blaster pistol, a gaderffi stick with a soft-goods cord, and a sniper rifle. Hasbro kept the functioning holster from the original tooling of this figure for this release, and it houses the blaster pistol as needed. Boba Fett (Tusken) holds all the included weaponry well. We're happy with the figure's interactions with its accessories here. Hasbro took 2022's TVC Boba Fett Morak) (VC252) figure, gave it a new torso, arms, and lower legs. They revised the portrait to be screen-accurate with this version of the character. They also revised the soft-goods skirt too.

The paint operations on this figure are spectacular. From the scarring on the face to the details within the costume, Hasbro did an excellent job adding texture and ornamentation to this action figure. But it's also important to note that Hasbro only broke a little new ground by designing and releasing Boba Fett (Tusken). It's more of the same, and for many, that is fine for them. We expect to get every version of Boba Fett possible produced in the action figure line. Hasbro needs to play catch-up with The Black Series 6-inch line for The Vintage Collection as 3.75-inch collectors are over 100 figures behind in what Hasbro needs to produce for them. Boba Fett (Tusken) is an excellent action figure, but we have to wonder how much interest it will hold in the Star Wars collecting community. The Book Of Boba Fett was universally panned by audiences, so it's not wise for Hasbro to waste tooling dollars on Star Wars figures that won't go for more than pennies on the dollar when everyone waits for clearance. No matter your position, you should enjoy this action figure.

Collector Notes

Boba Fett (Tusken)

Status: Boba Fett (Tusken) is a retool and repaint of 2022's TVC Boba Fett (Morak) (VC252) figure. This time the figure has an all-new torso and arms, new lower legs, and a slightly revised portrait. The figure has all been completely repainted and includes new soft-goods.

Articulation Count: 29 points (17 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), reverse ball-socket neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" left ankle (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 4

Accessory Details: removable soft-goods robe, gaderffi stick with soft-goods cord, sniper rifle, blaster

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: F8173/F6878

UPC: 5010996133724

Retail: $14.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Vintage Collection Wave 39

Cad Bane (VC283)

Moff JerJerrod (VC284)

Boba Fett (Tusken) (VC285)

Added: August 29, 2023
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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