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Galaxy's Edge Trading Outpost

BB Units [Blue/White] - Galaxy’s Edge Trading Outpost

Name: BB Units [Blue/White]
Collection: Galaxy’s Edge Trading Outpost
Number: N/A (TARGET Exclusive)
Source: Star Wars Legends (Hasbro Concept)
Availability: August 2020
License: Disney

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In addition to three Astromech Droid releases, Hasbro also added three Two-packs of BB Units. At first, we didn’t understand why they’d be gracious enough to give us two characters for the price of one. But once we opened up the packaging, we understood instantly. Hasbro didn’t include two of the premium BB Units from the Disney Droid Factory line. They don’t split in half, and they don’t have the weighted ball inside of them that keeps them upright. And they also don’t come with any unique accessories to keep them from looking different. These BB Units are from The Force Awakens and Star Wars [The Last Jedi] Two-Packs sets that came with other figures. Hasbro opted for simple paint operations this time around, but they’ve opened up the palette to many different colors, including neon red, purple, white, blue, etc. Each droid features a leveled bottom to stand upright unassisted, but that also limits how you can display them into your collection. It’s a crying shame that Hasbro feels so much pressure to include Sequel Trilogy-related characters into their product line. We know for sure that collectors would have much preferred to see three other Astromech Droids added to the line instead of six random BB Units. And we anticipate that the BB Units packs will collect on store shelves as well. Hopefully, Hasbro has big plans for the Galaxy’s Edge Trading Outpost line and that many other Astromech Droids are planned for the line. Droid variety is nice, but they shouldn’t have gone with a 50% Astromech Droids and 50% BB Units to launch this line of Droid Factory/Build A Droid figures. And coincidentally, the BB Units don’t fall under the latter categories either. Hasbro is disappointingly blurring the lines and muddying the waters of a potentially successful sub-line of 3.75” action figures.

Collector Notes

BB Units [Blue/White]

Assortment Number: E9930/E9916

UPC: 5010993754854

Retail: $9.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

BB Unit [Blue]

Status: BB Unit [Blue] is a rework of the figure from 2017's SW [TLJ] Rose (First Order Disguise)/BB-8/BB-9E Two-Packs set. This time the figure has been repainted to be a generic BB Unit.

Articulation Count: 2 points (2 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: double ball-socket head (2)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: N/A

BB Unit [White]

Status: BB Unit [White] is a rework of the figure from 2015's TFA BB-8/Unkar’s Thug/Jakku Scavenger Two-Packs set. This time the figure has been repainted to be a generic BB Unit.

Articulation Count: 2 points (2 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: double ball-socket head (2)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: N/A

Galaxy’s Edge Trading Outpost

All Products

Added: September 7, 2020
Category: Galaxy's Edge Trading Outpost
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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