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Power Of The Jedi

Luke Skywalker (As Seen In Star Wars: A New Hope) (100th Figure) - POTJ - Action Collection

Name: Luke Skywalker (As Seen In Star Wars: A New Hope) (100th Figure)
Collection: Power Of The Jedi
Number: N/A
Scale: Action Collection
Source: A New Hope
Availability: December 2000
License: Hasbro

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Capture a piece of Star Wars history... the ultimate commemorative figure for Star Wars enthusiasts throughout the galaxy! Hasbro's 100th, 12" Action Collection Star Wars figure traces the evolution of Luke Skywalker from his humble beginnings as a farmboy on Tatooine to his daring adventures as a heroic X-wing pilot and Jedi apprentice. With authentically styled Tatooine clothing and X-Wing flight suit, this landmark figure and accessory set adds to the lore and nostalgia of Star Wars: A New Hope, where it all began in a galaxy far, far away...

Obi-Wan Kenobi presents Luke with his father's lightsaber signifying Luke's "first step into a larger world."

Luke boards his X-wing fighter and, guided by the Force, targets the Death Star exhaust port to annihilate the Empire's ultimate weapon.

The Power Of The Jedi line was full of landmarks, important events, and a re-envisioned approach to the basic figure line. The 3.75” figures, for the first time, began to be made in scale with one another. Chewbacca was much taller than Princess Leia Organa, for example. Also, the Power Of The Jedi was the first line look to celebrate and set the stage for the 25th Anniversary of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. But perhaps most importantly, the Power Of The Jedi line saw two major milestones with both the basic figure line and the Action Collection 12 Inch Figures lines. At the end of 2000, Hasbro released their 300th basic figure (they released a commemorative Boba Fett figure to celebrate this) as well as the release of the 100th Action Collection figure. Luke Skywalker served as the alpha and omega of this landmark as the first 100 figures begin and end with Luke Skywalker. Hasbro proudly released Luke Skywalker (As Seen In Star Wars: A New Hope) Action Collection figure, which presented the beloved Luke Skywalker character in most outfits and their slight differences throughout Episode IV. The big omission here is the ceremonial outfit seen at the end the film. This omission isn’t any worry, as Hasbro released that version of Luke Skywalker (In Ceremonial Gear) as a general marketplace Action Collection release. Hasbro included multiple outfits and a plethora of accessories to give collectors nearly every outfit option possible for Luke Skywalker.

Luke Skywalker comes dressed in the poncho we see him don at Docking Bay 94 in Mos Eisley in the package. The figure is also holding a blaster rifle, which will make you recall the moments of film he decided to hunt the Sand People, only to get foiled by them in return. Visually, the packaging is stellar. It comes with deluxe gatefold packaging. The flaps open up to show various scenes from A New Hope, as well ad the different ways you can arrange the included Luke Skywalker Action Collection figure. The poncho has button snaps sewn into it. They’re important because they help keep a streamlined look for Luke Skywalker. The clothing looks more fitted because of little enhancements like these. You can easily convert Luke Skywalker into his basic “farmboy” attire, and you can also easily transition the figure into the specific look while trying to escape the Death Star after rescuing Princess Leia Organa. Luke Skywalker comes with both his standard utility belt as well as an Imperial Stormtrooper belt to help you complete these looks. The figure also comes with an E-11 blaster with projectile, a comlink, a grappling hook, a hat, goggles, lightsaber hilt, lightsaber blade, macrobinoculars, and so may other accessories. You get the full enchilada here, and collectors should be thrilled about this. Luke Skywalker also comes with a blastshield helmet and training remote so you can recreate his training on the Millennium Falcon under the tutelage of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The big surprise here is that Hasbro also included gear and clothing for another completely different outfit: his X-wing pilot gear. We will tell you that we nearly lost our cool changing outfits for Luke Skywalker. The clothing fits so tightly on the figure that it’s difficult to remove. And trying to get the clothing over the figure’s head and arms is enough to make you want to seek alcohol for coping reasons. Eventually, you will be able to change Luke Skywalker into Battle of Yavin gear, and the figure looks fantastic if you get it right. Disappointingly, the X-wing helmet DOES NOT fit this new figure’s portrait. It’s a major disappointment, but it is what it is. There are a lot of parts here to enjoy, and this figure is made with collectors in mind. They should be very happy with what Hasbro produced here. To whether or not Luke Skywalker (As Seen In Star Wars: A New Hope) is indeed the 100th Action Collection figure or not is another story. We appreciate the detailed checklist Hasbro included with Luke Skywalker, but they were inconsistent with their counting. For example, they list both the 1997 and 1998 AT-AT Drivers, but they don’t list the single versions of Han Solo (In Hoth Gear) and Luke Skywalker (In Hoth Gear). Also, they list the Luke Skywalker Vs. Wampa set as two separate figures, but the Han Solo & Tauntaun set gets counted as one. As you can see, they fumbled a bit with compiling this list. The Power Of The Jedi line signals we are well beyond the 100th figure mark.

Hasbro's Compiled List Of The First 100 Action Collection Figures
  1. Luke Skywalker
  2. Darth Vader
  3. Han Solo
  4. Ben (Obi-Wan Kenobi)
  5. Lando Calrissian
  6. Luke Skywalker (Bespin)
  7. Tusken Raider
  8. Boba Fett
  9. Princess Leia
  10. Luke Skywalker (X-wing Pilot)
  11. Stormtrooper
  12. Admiral Ackbar
  13. C-3PO
  14. Chewbacca
  15. TIE Fighter Pilot
  16. Jawa
  17. R2-D2
  18. Yoda
  19. Grand Moff Tarkin w/ Droid
  20. Greedo
  21. Luke Skywalker (Ceremonial)
  22. Sandtrooper w/ Droid
  23. AT-AT Driver
  24. Han Solo (Hoth Gear)
  25. Luke Skywalker (Hoth Gear)
  26. Snowtrooper
  27. Barquin D'an
  28. Chewbacca in Chains
  29. Emperor Palpatine
  30. Luke Skywalker (Jedi)
  31. Electronic Darth Vader
  32. Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (Jedi Mentor)
  33. Luke Skywalker (Trash Compactor)
  34. Ponda Baba
  35. Chewbacca
  36. Han Solo (Endor)
  37. Princess Leia (Jabba's Prisoner)
  38. Anakin Skywalker
  39. C-3PO w/ Net
  40. Doikk Na'ts
  41. Figrin D'an
  42. Ickabel G'ont
  43. Nalan Cheel
  44. Tech M'or
  45. Tedn Dahai
  46. R2-D2 w/ Tools
  47. R5-D4
  48. Wicket
  49. Electronic Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
  50. Electronic Darth Vader
  1. Sandtrooper
  2. Electronic Boba Fett
  3. Han Solo (Bespin)
  4. Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise)
  5. Luke Skywalker (Tatooine)
  6. Han Solo w/ Droid (Stormtrooper Disguise)
  7. Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise)
  8. Electronic C-3PO
  9. Electronic R2-D2
  10. Han Solo & Tauntaun (Hoth Gear)
  11. Biggs Darklighter
  12. Wedge Antilles
  13. Bib Fortuna
  14. Luke Skywalker (Jedi)
  15. Death Star Gunner
  16. Electronic Emperor Palpatine
  17. Royal Guard
  18. Han Solo & Carbonite Block
  19. Luke Skywalker (Hoth Gear)
  20. Wampa
  21. AT-AT Driver
  22. Princess Leia (Hoth Gear)
  23. Darth Maul
  24. Jar Jar Binks
  25. Qui-Gon Jinn
  26. Anakin Skywalker
  27. Brown Pit Droid
  28. White Pit Droid
  29. R2-A6
  30. Battle Droid
  31. Obi-Wan Kenobi
  32. Watto
  33. Mace Windu
  34. OOM-9
  35. Qui-Gon Jinn (Tatooine)
  36. TC-14
  37. Darth Maul & Sith Speeder
  38. Aurra Sing
  39. Sandtrooper & Dewback
  40. Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike
  41. Darth Maul (Sith Lord)
  42. Darth Vader (Sith Lord)
  43. Boss Nass
  44. Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot) w/ Droid
  45. Sebulba w/ Chubas
  46. Captain Tarpals & Kaadu
  47. Bossk
  48. 4-LOM
  49. IG-88
  50. Luke Skywalker: A New Hope

Collector Notes

Luke Skywalker (As Seen In Star Wars: A New Hope) (100th Figure)

Status: Luke Skywalker (As Seen In Star Wars: A New Hope) (100th Figure) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 20 points (14 aread of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-jointed head (2), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), swivel left bicep (1), swivel right bicep (1), hinge-jointed left elbow (1), hinge-jointed right elbow (1), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right right wrist (2), ball-jointed waist (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), hinge-jointed left knee (1), hinge-jointed right knee (1)

Accessory Count: 41

Accessory Details: fitted shirt, pants, left boot, right boot, standard belt, poncho, long blaster rifle, grenade, lightsaber hilt, lightsaber blade, blastshield helmet, training remote, training remote stand, macrobinoculars, floppy hat, goggles, Imperial Stormtrooper belt, Imperial E-11 blaster, 2 projectiles, grappling hook (with rappel line), X-wing pilot jumpsuit, bib, X-wing helmet (with articulated goggles), chest box, left black boot, right black boot, 3 code cylinders, 8 flares, flare belt, medal, 100th Figure Collector Checklist

Date Stamp: 2000

Assortment Number: 32437

UPC: 076930324370

Retail: $49.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Power Of The Jedi Action Collection Wave 1




Power Of The Jedi Action Collection Wave 2

Death Star Droid (With Mouse Droid)

Death Star Trooper

Han Solo (In Stormtrooper Disguise)

Power Of The Jedi Deluxe Action Collection

Luke Skywalker (As Seen In Star Wars: A New Hope) (100th Figure)

Sith Lords (Darth Vader/Darth Maul)

Power Of The Jedi Action Collection TARGET Exclusives

Captain Tarpals & Kaadu

Speeder Bike (With Luke Skywalker)

Power Of The Jedi Action Collection Walmart Exclusive

Luke Skywalker & Yoda

Power Of The Jedi Action Collection Masterpiece Edition

Aurra Sing (Dawn Of The Bounty Hunters)

Added: January 26, 2020
Category: Power Of The Jedi
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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