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Power Of The Jedi

Bossk - POTJ - Action Collection

Name: Bossk
Collection: Power Of The Jedi
Number: N/A
Scale: Action Collection
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: December 2000
License: Hasbro

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The fate of the Star Wars universe is in your hands!

From The Phantom Menace to A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi, the Star Wars galaxy is filled with the greatest heroes, cruelest villains and the most colorful characters ever created. And only Hasbro brings them all to life with detail, authenticity and fun. To see the full line of figures, vehicles, creatures and playsets, check out

Known for his success in hunting Wookiees, Bossk readies his bounty hunting skills to snare Han Solo and Princess Leia for Darth Vader.

After The Power Of The Force “2” and Episode I lines ran their course and we delved into the Power Of The Jedi line at the end of 2000, collectors of the Action Collection line started becoming restless for more bounty hunters. We wanted them produced for years and years, but Kenner/Hasbro found one excuse after another to not make them a focus. But that all changed when the Star Wars toy line transitioned into the Power Of The Jedi line look. Hasbro’s first attempt to house the entire Star Wars saga, the Power Of The Jedi line brought forth a concentration of characters from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, but also equally represented the remaining Star Wars saga, from the Original Trilogy to the Expanded Universe. They also focused on upscaling the Action Collection line. Instead of mostly using GI Joe bodies and giving them Star Wars head sculpts and costumes, they introduced figures into the line that required all new tooling, like Death Star Droid and IG-88. Some of the greatest moments in Action Collection history are found within the Power Of The Jedi line. In fact, Hasbro commemorated their 100th 12 Inch Figure/Action Collection release under the Power Of The Jedi line look. But we digress. Hasbro produced a wave wholly containing bounty hunters in the Power Of The Jedi line. And they are some of the nicest figures they produced.

Bossk is a standout figure in the Power Of The Jedi 12 Inch Figures line. Once again, it’s difficult to assess any Hasbro Star Wars 12 Inch Figure as definitive or perfect, but Bossk may come close. They tooled an all-new body for Bossk, which gives him the much-needed humanoid reptilian frame seen in The Empire Strikes Back. Because of the new tooling, Hasbro didn’t work in as many points of articulation as we’d have liked to see here. But there is enough to position the figure in many configurations. Bossk has an athletic and tall frame and stands erect with confidence and slight anger. Hasbro tooled his mouth in an “almost” closed position, which reveals his sharp teeth, but not much else. And although we’re certain he is not generally a happy camper, his expression doesn’t come off as vicious or nasty. But he doesn’t look friendly either. The head sculpt is very nicely done. We wouldn’t claim that Hasbro nailed the proportions of the head sculpt perfectly, but it’s a better-than-fair likeness of the Trandoshan. They did, however, nail the color of his skin color, and between the scaly detail and the reflective sheen, Hasbro did a fantastic job with this character’s realism. The arms bend at the elbows and the legs bend at the knees. But aside from a swivel head, Bossk doesn’t offer that much more in terms of its articulation system (aside from the basic points).

Bossk also comes with a better-than-average costume. The yellow flight suit is accurate in style but too pale in color when compared to the one we saw in The Empire Strikes Back. But if you can overlook the light shade of the costume, you’ll find that Hasbro made up for it in detail. The costume has hoses, grommets, a “bib,” and flight straps that all recreate the unforgettable character stunningly. And the costume is freeing where it doesn’t inhibit the articulation of the figure at all. Hasbro also added two separately woven ammo “slings” (for lack of a better description or word) that fit like two fasteners on each shin. There are six separately tooled gray plastic bullets in each sling as well. It’s a nice touch to an already nice 12 Inch Figure. We’re perhaps most impressed with the gun that came with Bossk. The strapped blaster rifle can be placed on his shoulder and hand down, or his right hand will accommodate it in a firing position if you wish. The detail of the fun is nice, but it’s cast in black plastic and doesn’t have any accenting colors to bring out the finer elements in the tooling. We managed to get Bossk into some pretty nifty action poses while holder the blaster rifle, and we think Hasbro did an excellent job giving Bossk everything he needs for the large-sized scale. We look forward to seeing all of the bounty hunters in the collection as well. They're some of the greatest Star Wars characters of all time.

Collector Notes


Status: Bossk is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: TBD

Articulation Details: TBD

Accessory Count: 16

Accessory Details: flight suit, blaster rifle, 12 rounds of ammo, 2 ankle slings

Date Stamp: 2000

Assortment Number: 26472/26479

UPC: 076930264720

Retail: $24.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Power Of The Jedi Action Collection Wave 1




Power Of The Jedi Action Collection Wave 2

Death Star Droid (With Mouse Droid)

Death Star Trooper

Han Solo (In Stormtrooper Disguise)

Power Of The Jedi Deluxe Action Collection

Luke Skywalker (As Seen In Star Wars: A New Hope) (100th Figure)

Sith Lords (Darth Vader/Darth Maul)

Power Of The Jedi Action Collection TARGET Exclusives

Captain Tarpals & Kaadu

Speeder Bike (With Luke Skywalker)

Power Of The Jedi Action Collection Walmart Exclusive

Luke Skywalker & Yoda

Power Of The Jedi Action Collection Masterpiece Edition

Aurra Sing (Dawn Of The Bounty Hunters)

Added: August 4, 2019
Category: Power Of The Jedi
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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