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Name: Ewok With Glider (Assault On Endor)
Collection: Star Wars [Saga - Phase II]
Number: N/A
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Availability: April 2004
License: Hasbro
The Ewoks are sentient furred bipeds native to the moon of Endor. They cautiously accept into their tribe the Rebel heroes Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, who have come to Endor on a crucial mission against the Empire. The Ewoks join forces with the Rebels and help them in the ground battle to destroy the shield generator that is protecting the Empire's second Death Star in orbit above the moon. The Ewoks use their primitive weapons and hang gliders to fell stormtroopers and attack scout walkers, helping to pave the way to victory at the Battle of Endor.
It goes without saying that one of the greatest things produced by Hasbro in 2004 was the Ultra line. It’s just a fancy new name for the Deluxe line, but Hasbro decided to focus on action figures with well-developed and screen-accurate detail instead of ones with disproportionate scale and gimmicky and forced action features. The Star Wars “Saga” [Phase III] line was an absolute collector’s dream. Hasbro not only focused on main things that collectors adore, like themes from Jabba’s palace and the Battle of Hoth, but they also took some risks, like the Ewok With Attack Glider (Assault On Endor) set. Ewoks have not been a strong point with Hasbro, and they appear reluctant to release them in the toy line. Thankfully, an aggressive release like this one not only gives us an all-new Ewok we have never seen as a 3.75” action figure, but we also get an amazing large accessory, the Attack Glider, to accompany it. Without exaggeration, the Ewok With Attack Glider (Assault On Endor) Ultra set is one of our most favorite releases in the line because it takes risks, looks magnificent, and breaks new ground for Hasbro. We hope it paves the way for more and similar releases like this for the future.
This unnamed Ewok comes with a decent amount of articulation. (Editor’s Note: Expanded Universe sources have confirmed that this Ewok’s name is Tokkat.) These points include a ball-socket neck, two swivel shoulders, a swivel right wrist, and two swivel hips. There is enough articulation here to give the figure enough believable movement to interact with the included Attack Glider. And its swivel wrist is especially useful to hold onto the “controls” of the Attack Glider while in flight mode. We don’t believe this character was one of the Ewoks who flew an Attack Glider during the Battle of Endor. One of the Ewoks was Warok, but the other Ewok is unidentified by name, but lighter in color. The character is not colored a dark gray color like this Ewok is. The Ewok also comes with a spear for use when he isn’t flying the Attack Glider. It’s a nicely detailed accessory and he can hold it well. The Ewok’s cowl is also nicely detailed and designed. It isn’t removable, as it’s attached to its head, but we appreciate the work that Hasbro put into it to make it look as authentic as they did. Largely based on 2002’s POTJ Teebo figure, this new Ewok has enough new parts to warrant it a nearly all-new figure. We believe the only unaltered parts are the figure’s legs.
This whole set is a work of art. But it still has playability and features geared towards kids. The Attack Glider comes with two “rock bombs” just like we saw in Return Of The Jedi. They attach to two hooks on the Attack Glider pilot area and then you can remove them and drop them on its targets below. Overall, this set provides authenticity and fun at the same time. It would be wonderful if Hasbro keeps producing items based on the Battle of Endor on a consistent basis. They add a great deal of worth to Star Wars collections. In summary, the Ewok With Attack Glider (Assault On Endor) Ultra set hits all the right spots for collectors. It’s interactive. It’s beautifully decorated/painted. It’s an “outside of the box” concept that fans want to see Hasbro make and not be afraid to release. From these perspectives, it’s a homerun for everyone who purchases Star Wars toys. The Ultra line has proven to be a fantastic group of figures that are too big outside of the standard basic figure packaging. Hasbro has done an excellent run of eight individual packages for collectors. We hope that they will continue into the future because it seems it’s the only way we’re going to keep getting characters like this to round out our collections.
Status: Ewok With Glider (Assault On Endor) is a kit-bashed figure that utilizes the legs from 2002's POTJ Teebo figure. The rest of the figure is all-new.
Articulation Count: 6 points (6 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)
Accessory Count: 7
Accessory Details: attack glider (4 parts), spear, 2 rock bombs
Date Stamp: 2003
Assortment Number: 84782/84716
UPC: 076930847824
Retail: $9.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
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