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30 (77-07)

General Grievous - TAC - Saga Legends

Name: General Grievous
Collection: 30 (77-07)
Number: N/A
Source: Revenge Of The Sith
Availability: July 2007
License: Hasbro

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The supreme commander of the droid armies is tracked to Utapau by Obi-Wan Kenobi. A powerful combination of droid and alien, Grievous is a formidable fighter, and ultimately confronts the Jedi in single combat.

Every new villain introduced in a Star Wars film always is the center of attention for Hasbro, and it seems to be especially true for those characters from the Prequel Trilogy. This of course is a good thing. Darth Maul and to a lesser extent Count Dooku saw plenty of action figure incarnations of their characters so that demand could be meant during such a huge multimedia event as a new Star Wars film. Episode III was really no different. General Grievous was the short-lived villain in Episode III. And although he was first introduced officially in the Tartakovsky Clone Wars micro-series, Star Wars fans didn’t see him “organically” until after the opening crawl of Episode III. First “teased” as 2005's ROTS General Grievous (1 of 4) Sneak Preview figure, the very first “basic” figure release was 2005’s ROTS General Grievous (III 9) which boasted “Four Lightsaber Attack!” as a call out action feature right on the front of the figure’s packaging. You know our feelings on action features and you probably know even better how important accurate scale is to us, but we have to admit that Hasbro made a very fun figure for the kids here. And it goes without saying that a whole bunch of adult collectors are going to find it hard to not like “something” about this version of General Grievous. Hasbro thought it was worthy of release as they included it in 2007's 30 (77-07) Saga Legends line.

General Grievous comes with fourteen point of articulation, but it honestly gets convoluted when you try to count them. The action feature is all in the upper body. When you press his head down, his four arms flail while each holds one of the four lightsabers included with the figure. You get two blue and two green lightsabers and a droid blaster. All of these weapons fit flawlessly into any of his hands and they even stay in place (within reason) while utilizing the action feature. The articulation is confusing in the shoulders. It's partly double ball-jointed, but it's also more of three swivel points working as a system (a swvel shoulder with two hinge-jointed arms on each shoulder). We feel the ball-jointed knees were completely wasted here. Ball-jointed articulation isn’t necessarily cheap to produce, so it should have been saved for another figure or a different version of General Grievous (at least collector-focused version). On the other hand, the ball-jointed shoulders were definitely required to help with posing his arms in a variety of ways since it’s the only articulation they possess. Grievous isn’t without his issues. He is much too short in scale. He should tower over Obi-Wan Kenobi and they are “peers” in the height department. And it still appears that his color is much too yellow (even though the paint job looks spectacular). Lastly, this isn’t an action figure for collectors.

Obviously a big portion of people who buy Star Wars figures will affect the performance of this General Grievous figure. There are plenty of General Grievous figures in the Revenge Of The Sith line and it appears we're going to get plenty of carried forward versions of him in future lines as well. We think each brings a special “something” to the basic figure line. And it is good to see them often. You obviously won’t get accuracy with this version. But it serves a purpose and Hasbro had to find a way to grab the kids' attention to hopefully create a new generation of fans. It's a perfect version to keep at retail and Hasbro will do that well with the Saga Legends line now. We still think scale could have been better represented here, but in all honesty we know that Hasbro had to work months in advance with incomplete reference material. It does seem that scale was clearly set in Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars micro-series, especially during the capture of Chancellor Palpatine. Even the General Grievous animated figure is larger than the other figures in that line. Oh well, it was missed by Hasbro. We’ll just have to wait until they can bring collectors a truly impressive version of him in the future. General Grievous is a staple Star Wars character from Revenge Of The Sith, so expect to see frequent releases of him in the future. And it appears we will via Saga Legends now.

Collector Notes

General Grievous

Status: General Grievous is a slight repaint of 2005's ROTS General Grievous (III 9) figure.

Articulation Count: 14 points (12 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), push-down neck (1) (action feature), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), hinge-jointed front left arm (1), hinge-jointed rear left arm (1), hinge-jointed front right arm (1), hinge-jointed rear right arm (1),swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2)

Accessory Count: 6

Accessory Details: 4 lightsabers (2 blue, 2 green), droid blaster, removable vocoder

Date Stamp: 2005

Assortment Number: 87421/85770

UPC: 653569248477

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

30 (77-07) Saga Legends Wave 1

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General Grievous


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Added: July 18, 2016
Category: 30 (77-07)
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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