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The Black Series [Phase II]

Jabba The Hutt - TBS [P2] - Six Inch Figures (Deluxe)

Name: Jabba The Hutt
Collection: The Black Series [Phase II]
Number: N/A
Scale: 6"
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Availability: July 2014
License: Hasbro

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Luke Skywalker tries to use a Jedi mind trick on Jabba the Hutt to make the crime lord release Han Solo and Chewbacca, but the Hutt is unaffected by Skywalker’s Force powers.

"Ya ku kacha ka pouna ni sa. Ee?" Translation: "Your mind powers will not work on me, boy."

Released nearly concurrently as a 2014 SDCC exclusive (with more bells and whistles), the 2014 TBS Jabba The Hutt Deluxe Six Inch Figure is hardly noteworthy when shoved into a box by himself. Although we think The Black Series Jabba The Hutt Six Inch Figure is quite an accomplishment as far as sculpt and deco are concerned, the thing that makes Jabba “Jabba” are his environmental surroundings. To not have his hookah pipe and bowl and is simply unacceptable. And what’s crazy about this is that collectors are seemingly quite willing to shell out the cash to get this much adored character right. There is no doubt about it. This figure really, really looks like Jabba The Hutt. In fact, he looks so good it makes us feel disappointed now about the likeness of the figure from 2010’s SW [SOTDS] Jabba’s Throne Walmart exclusive which was released as a Walmart exclusive. When compared side by side the 2010 3.75” scaled release is quite off now. Hasbro ensured that the detail in the likeness was spot on for The Black Series release and we honestly have to hand it to them because they did a rather marvelous job with Jabba. It even makes 2004's SW [S - P3] Jabba The Hutt (Jabba's Palace) look just "OK". His paint job is perfectly recreated and these paint applications help to being out what is an incredibly accurate sculpt. Jabba comes with a cool action feature and before you have a heart attack, know that it is has been added seamlessly to this figure.

When you rotate either of Jabba’s arms in either direction vertically, it will open and close the lower jaw on Jabba. Soft rubbery plastic has been used to develop his mouth detail so the feature is quite realistic. The same technique was utilized for the Jabba The Hutt figure included in 2009’s TCW [F/S1] Jabba’s Palace Battle Packs set. It worked fantastically back then and it works fantastically now…. even in larger scale. What’s even nicer is that Jabba The Hutt has also been given some premium articulation in the arms. Although they’ve been designed to accommodate the action feature, they include ball-jointed shoulders, ball-jointed elbows and ball-jointed wrists. This gives Jabba The Hutt a wide range of motion and helps add to his realism. We just wish that more articulation could have been added to his tail. After all, that is a key part of Jabba’s personality. Aside from the opening mouth, Jabba The Hutt also comes with a swivel torso which quite honestly interrupts the aesthetics of the character, but gives it needed articulation at the same time. Clearly, Jabba The Hutt was made with collectors in mind. And if somewhere down the road Hasbro could tool an appropriately scaled plastic dais, all would be right in the world. One key detail that Hasbro egregiously overlooked was the open wound on his tail. It would have been sublime if the sculptors paid attention to that detail. They did manage to capture his arm tattoo, so we have to give them credit for that.

We have to admit that Hasbro made a HUGE mistake by releasing this Jabba The Hutt figure separately sans all accessories (as compared to the SDCC exclusive Jabba The Hutt’s Throne Room). Jabba without anything makes the price feel high no matter what you pay for it. After all, it’s an incomplete toy and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do with it but display it. Even if Hasbro managed to cast a properly scaled plastic dais in the future, would that make the pain of plopping down $40 for Jabba alone seem any less irritating? We’re not so sure about that. Jabba should have been released at a $100+ set and come with all the extras possible. It would have been worth it for everyone in the long run. There is no denying many positives things about Jabba The Hutt either, so please don’t mistake our complaining for denial of the good points. Jabba The Hutt has an incredibly awesome sculpt. And the paint operations are beyond excellent. You’ll find that you will be very pleased with how amazingly well they bring Jabba The Hutt to life. We have heard early reports of the mouth cracking due to the action feature, but our sample doesn’t have that issue at all. We wonder how wide others were making Jabba’s mouth open. The detail in Jabba’s eyes is fantastic as well. It totally blows away the 2010 Star Wars [SOTDS] Jabba’s Throne release. We hope The Black Series line will continue to think outside of the box. But there has got to be more included for true value to be felt.

Collector Notes

Jabba The Hutt

Status: Jabba The Hutt is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 14 points (8 places of articulation)

Articulation Details: opening mouth (via action feature in arms) (1), ball-jointed left arm (2), ball-jointed right arm (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), swivel torso (1)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: A7809/A7808

UPC: 653569944249

Retail: $39.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


The Black Series [Phase II]
All Products

Added: December 5, 2014
Category: Black Series [Phase II], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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