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Jedi Temple Archives And Hasbro Converse - Our NYCC Preview Party Q&A

Posted by Paul | October 11, 2016 at 07:32 PM ET

For me, Hasbro’s NYCC Preview Party is the highlight of the year as far as my “fake” hobby world is concerned, (a world many of you take us much too seriously for as evidenced in the comments). None of this impacts my real world life including my health, happiness and general joy of life. But I'll be darned that when it comes time to be a Star Wars collecting nut that the passionate and dedicated Star Wars fan comes out. Being in an environment like the Hasbro NYCC Preview Party puts me in this mood and mode. There is something special when you’re being served high-end hors d'oeuvres with drinks named after your favorite Star Wars characters. But even better than this is the face to face time fan sites get to spend with Hasbro. Over the years the format has gotten less relaxed and a little more rigid. You’re being recorded and you’re under severe time restraints. It makes follow-up questions or clarifications nearly impossible. It's quite a change of pace today. Sometimes those Hasbro conversations in the past could go on for hours. Whatever. It’s all good. We’re just still thankful for the time we get with Hasbro. JTA is known for asking some of the harder questions and never being satisfied with a first answer. Sadly, as mentioned above, the time for pressing for more info on some of the more pertinent issues just gets eaten by the stopwatch. We did what we could however. There is definitely some resistance to answer our questions fully as you'll see. But at least we ASKED them. Hopefully a happy medium has been reached with the responses below. We hope our conversation bring additional clarity to a brand we love and cherish and of which we are very protective. (more....)

Before we jump into the Q&A, we'd like to remind you that Jedi Temple Archives will ALWAYS proudly champion for the return of 3.75” super-articulated action figures as a mainline item. All the sub-tweeting, Facebook trolling and general two-faced interactions we get from some won’t ever change our focus. Please keep sending your audiences our way. We continue to grow because of it. Whether it’s a losing battle (highly unlikely from what Hasbro has inferred with us) to spend so much of our time wishing for something that’s not front and center right now, or whether we and our readers have influence on helping the brand, we will continue to do what we’re doing. Hasbro may (or may not) want fan sites to act like free advertisements for their 6” brand (we’re not claiming to know the state of their minds), but while JTA will support and report on all Hasbro action figures, give balanced reviews on ALL products Hasbro makes (including shampoo bottles, 5POA figures and TBS6 figures), know where our passions live and where we want to see the line head. Hey, even some of our best friends collect 6” figures. (That's more East Coast sarcasm folks....)

Please find below the main themes of our conversations with Hasbro:

3.75” super-articulated action figures:

So, whatever happened to that supposed big Bloomberg announcement for the 3.75" range of super-articulated action figures? Well, even though Bloomberg quoted Hasbro rep Joe Ninnivaggi as saying “a big announcement was coming for the line,” Joe told me that this was a bit of a misquote on Bloomberg’s part. While Hasbro is always looking to do “things” in the line, there is nothing specific to be announced and nothing is being planned at the moment. I then asked if the super-articulated 3.75" line would ever return as a mainline product. Joe said that he hopes this will be the case one day. Not even remotely warmed by that answer I then asked both Joe and Steve if something like a hybrid line could be created instead of a strict super-articulated store exclusive line and a general marketplace 5POA line. I then described details of how I thought a line might work best. I suggested that all of the troopers should come super-articulated as well as some of the main characters. And then background aliens and B/C human characters could either be 5POA or have enhanced shoulder and knee articulation to offer a little more movement. They nodded their heads almost to suggest it wasn’t a bad idea (my interpretation) and said it was something they could think about for the Star Wars brand. I expressed how a line like that would be more engaging for the longtime collectors as well as new fans and kids. They didn’t disagree with me on this point.

I then asked a totally random question. Ever since I saw the Boss Fight Studios Yoda figure, I haven’t been able to get the desire for the figure out of my blood. I asked if they would release it and told him that I would $20 for it. When I brought up this point, Joe and Steve couldn’t directly recall what blueprint I was talking about for the figure and they suggested that it might just be pie in the sky and that the Yoda figure could have never been planned to be approached in the manner that the blueprints suggested. They said they would do more research on this for a better and clearer answer on this. (Editor's Note: We are STILL waiting for an official response from Hasbro regarding the Boss Fight Studios blueprint showing what the TBS 3.75" Yoda may have looked like. As soon as we know, you'll know.) I then also brought up some scar tissue: the cancelled 2013 Legacy Collection Captain Rex. Steve and Joe acknowledged that there is a desire to see figures like this released at some point. And while they’re making no promises, Steve will put it in his black book. (Hey, the black book thing worked for the Emperor's Royal Guard. It might work for this one too.) I can’t recall, but I believe I also asked for the two Build A Droid figures and the A-wing Pilot from this cancelled wave to be re-released too. Oh, and if you have any doubts, please don’t have them anymore. Hasbro IS watching what you have to say (here at JTA and other places) and does make mental and physical notes of figures (both repacks and new ones) that collectors want to see.

I then brought up the mixed response on the Entertainment Earth exclusive Astromech Droid Pack. I expressed my own personal gratitude for the set and that I would hope more like it are on the way. I then went on to express to Hasbro the many conversations on our site surrounding this set and how it created over 700 powerful comments. Clearly, some collectors were happy about it. Some were not. I relayed the perspective that astromechs appeal to a niche audience. And that while I completely understood why we got an astromech set (cheap and easy because the sculpts already exist), I also expressed to Hasbro that 3.75” super-articulated collectors are starved for Jabba’s palace aliens and cantina aliens and asked would sets like this ever be a viable exclusive for them to create at some point? Hasbro explained that there is a balance when creating an exclusive. (Editor’s Note: moving away from astromechs WOULD be show balance in my eyes). In short, it could be possible.

The Black Series 6” action figures:

If you recall, JTA exclusively revealed that Captain Rex The Black Series 6” figure was in the works and coming soon. We’ve also followed up with Hasbro on it every year as well. This year was no different. It’s about time that they officially announce it since so many Fans’ Choice votes were wasted on him in the poll. The short answer is YES! Captain Rex is still coming. That’s the best answer Hasbro can give us at this point. Stop voting for him in the Fans’ Choice poll! I also asked about the long-rumored General Grievous and Emperor Palpatine (with Force lightning) TBS6 figures that JTA revealed also. Hasbro wasn’t willing to comment on these two. I couldn’t read their faces on the status of these figures either (they've gotten great finding the most stoic expressions possible after a probing question is asked now). I brought up the feelings that collectors of the TBS6 line feel that the line suffers from not having enough background characters, vehicles and environments with which to interact. I brought up the example of the Emperor’s throne room chair. I asked would something like this ever be made for the line. I then brought up how a $5 higher price point brings a wealth of multiple accessories and environmental display stands (just looks at ALL of the Kmart exclusive figures) and that if something like this could be brought forth into the mainline to make it feel like collectors are getting value for their money. Again, I reiterated that for only $5 more we get a ton of accessories. Could maybe the TBS6 line in general head in this direction if it means you can load up the characters with accessories? It seems like it would be a whole lot more successful than the failed "Deluxe" line. Steve smiled and seemed eager to answer this question. He relayed that this was one of his “things” that he is working on and would love to expand this more. Hopefully we can look forward to more things to accompany the 6” figures in the future. $5 is worth it folks if they all looked like the Walmart exclusives.


I asked about the inconsistent quality of the materials of The Black Series 6” line. I brought up how the TRU exclusive Imperial Hovertank Driver has a firmness and rigidity unlike the other figures like Ahsoka and Jyn Erso. Steve confirmed that they use all the same materials to make all of their figures. There is no upgraded material. He brought up some technical talk about a durometer that I didn’t follow too closely and how straight panels offer the higher degree of rigidity we see in the figures with larger limbs, so it has more to do with smaller versus larger frames and how much support to the entire figure those figures give. I then brought up paint operations. I brought up the fact that paint jobs seem to be dramatically improving as evidenced by how the 5POA figures look (there are of course exceptions and some figures still need work). I asked if Hasbro expects this trend to continue. Steve eagerly shouted out “Yes!” They are continually looking for new and improved ways of ensuring the best paint applications are given to our action figures. I was happy with that answer. And Hasbro seemed happy with the answer. So I threw in a curve ball question. I addressed that Hasbro has been accused by fan sites as not being good stewards of the 3.75" super-articulated license. And I added that if it's not financially viable for Hasbro to make them, could they perhaps extend the license to other licensees who have the passion, budget, means and desire to create them? Hasbro didn’t want to address this question. They couldn’t really answer it. But the did express that they understand the frustration of the lack of volume of 3.75” super-articulated action figures. They hope it can leave a bigger footprint in the future. It’s a big line and there are so many Star Wars media events happening that finding a balance is key, but difficult.


This topic was answered in two different ways. Before I met with Steve and Joe for the interview I bumped into Hasbro rep Andy Ochiltree at the bar and we said hello and the usual pleasantries. He asked me about Rogue Friday and if things were easier to find this time around. I conceded that it was and that although I found stuff for Jedi Temple Archives, I really didn’t find anything for myself (specifically referring to the Walmart exclusive 3.75” line). I expressed my concerns for the line and that I haven’t found anything at retail since the Poe Dameron/Finn wave and that Phasma was found once and all of the others needed to be purchased online (and NOT Walmart’s online store either). Andy is about as frustrated with the distribution issues as we are.

He explained how great it is to see the passionate response to Hasbro's exclusive 3.75” line as a driving force for Star Wars collectors and fans. Andy explained that Walmart is a valued partner for Hasbro and their The Black Series 3.75” line. Hasbro works with them and their buyers on a daily basis to distribute product to the community, as well as communicate fan feedback to ensure that Hasbro/Walmart deliver consumers the latest in the line in a timely manner. Andy also explained that they keep identifying ways that Hasbro can work internally, as well as with their trusted retailers and fans, to deliver the products we all love. While Hasbro can’t speak to product availability at every regional retailer, they ARE looking to make the 3.75” line more accessible for fans throughout the country. Although Hasbro knows that this is an ongoing issue, it is one that they take seriously and appreciate the community’s patience and understanding.

As mentioned, we asked the same question to Joe and Steve about Walmart’s frustrating involvement in the collector focused 3.75” line. I asked what can we do to get you to yank the TBS 3.75" line away from Walmart? As we predicted before the first wave was even released, Walmart has treated this line like the rest of the garbage it sells in its stores. Stores are flooded with Finns, Han Solos and Poes and some still haven't seen any new figures since the initial launch. We've been told that Walmart KNOWS what it has by having sole exclusivity to these figures, yet it has become the bane of collecting for so many people. What's the point of selling a whole bunch of these to Walmart when so many won't reach the "end user" (for lack of a better word). Joe responded that Walmart is a great partner and that they have buyers that know what they’re doing. And they have solid inventory of the Walmart exclusive TBS line. (Editor’s Note: Obviously this is a frustrating answer. What’s the point if inventory looks good if they’re nowhere to be found?)

The Return of The Vintage Collection/40th Anniversary Celebration of Star Wars:

When asked about what Hasbro plans to do for the 40th anniversary of Star Wars I really couldn’t get much out of them. They aren’t ready to reveal details of that but they did say great stuff is coming. By the way, when we finished up the interview, some of my last words were “I can’t wait to see all of the vintage stuff” and it looked to me that I caught them off guard. They may beg to differ with this interpretation. But dang if I didn't interpret that as some wonderful ray of light coming in 2017. Because they weren’t ready to talk about the 40th anniversary of Star Wars or the possible return of The Vintage Collection, I urged them to please consider certain things to do or bring back in 2017. I asked them to please consider the 1984/1985 Power Of The Force coins. A complete set is wanted by so many collectors. I also asked for a gray suited Death Squad Commander, updated Yak Face and of course Sim Aloo. It still blows my mind that this figure has still gone ignored by Hasbro.

Well, that's all folks. Be sure to leave your thought, comments and questions in our comments module below. Hasbro IS watching!

Paul Harrison
Co-Owner, Jedi Temple Archives


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