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The Black Series [Phase III]

Astromech Droid Pack - TBS [P3] - Exclusives

Name: Astromech Droid Pack
Collection: The Black Series [Phase III]
Number: N/A (Entertainment Earth Exclusive)
Scale: 3.75"
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 2 Episode 21: R2 Come Home)/The Clone Wars (Film)/A New Hope/The Clone Wars (Season 5 Episode 10: Secret Weapons)/Return Of The Jedi/The Clone Wars (Season 1 Episode 3: Shadow Of Malevolence)
Availability: November 2016
License: Hasbro

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When the Entertainment Earth exclusive Astromech Droid Pack was teased and then fully revealed, the response was a mixed bag. Or maybe we should say that it went from electric blue excitement to wasteful complaining. For the first time in years, Hasbro has crafted a brilliant collector-focused collection of super-articulated action figures for an era where the line feels like it could go no lower. Because of this, collectors should be ready to warmly welcome the wonderful Astromech Droid Pack into their collections. It's better than you think. This set, unofficially part of The Black Series [Phase III] lineup has its own "over the top" packaging and showcases a half dozen astromech droids, five of which make their debut into the basic figure line. One "repeat" droid, R7-D4, was released as 2011’s TCW [SOTDS] R7-D4 (CW64) figure and was the line's first Build A Droid figure in animated style. It was a fantastic release, but we have to say we’re thrilled that we now have Plo Koon’s astromech droid in realistic style (for the very first time). This is the only “repeat” character this set presents.... which is a wonderful thing. The other five are a motley crew and include some “outside of the box” choices as well as some desperately needed characters from the Original Trilogy. Together, this multipack should rank itself as a collector’s dream come true and for us we couldn't be happier with the final product. Each and every figure is based on the popular and somewhat controversial smaller scaled 2010 TVC R2-D2 (VC25) figure. We are fans of that figure, but we understand those that might take exception with it. It was certainly a bizarre approach to R2-D2, but there is no doubt it is well made. Sure, it may not fit in scale with the rest of your astromech droids, but it holds its own quite well. So, it’s nice to get more droids that now match the seemingly “one off” sculpt of R2-D2.

The paint operations on all of the astromech droids are extremely well done. We almost cannot believe that this set was produced by Hasbro. That is how good the paint jobs are. There are some instances of overspray, but these issues aren’t that overt and we believe that collectors will be able to look the other way for the times they do see some issues. One problem that some collectors may not be able to forgive however is some of the incorrect paint detail on some of the droids, especially the Original Trilogy ones. For example, both R2-A5 and Jabba’s Bartender have incorrect details. These issues have already been documented on the web and Hasbro was contacted to address the issues, but it looks as if it was too late in the process to make any changes. Still, we believe if you can focus on the beauty this set brings instead of complaining about it – even if those issues are founded and warranted – that this set will provide more joy than heartache for you. Let's recap the rest of these droids. Most of us are already familiar with R7-D4. It’s pretty cool to get this droid in realistic style. The coloring is spot on and we don’t see any issues with the droid’s color scheme. It matches the animated version quite well. R7-D4 comes with a removable periscope accessory. R2-C2 is the first “all-new” and “first time offered” droid in this set. It looks phenomenal. It has some of the most complex paint operations we have ever seen in this era of collecting (and even in the past). But Hasbro stepped up to the plate and delivered stunning deco to this droid. Sadly, R2-C2 makes us desperately ache for Ziro the Hutt in the toy line. We now want this previously planned (but canceled) figure more than ever now. Hopefully this will inspire Hasbro finally release that exclusive once and for all? We certainly hope so.

The other two The Clone Wars figures in this set are also the most colorful. One, R7-F5 (really R2-Y9 per Wookieepedia) is based on a character from the first season of The Clone Wars television show. The other, QT-KT is based on the final fifth season of The Clone Wars (providing you don’t consider the Lost Missions as an official season 6). Both R7-F5 and QT-KT are also beautifully painted. R7-F5 looks like an “orange” version of R7-D4. They have very similar patterns and because they share the same sculpt it makes them even more alike. Fans of The Clone Wars have reasons to celebrate with this set as two-thirds of it is based on the popular television show. QT-KT is just perfect too. This droid (we’re assuming she could have female programming because of the color pink maybe) has complex deco and Hasbro once again hits it out of the park and makes this droid look incredible. On top of the dome is a warning yellow and black pattern and it is flawless. We’re thoroughly impressed with the cleanness of the application. We’re also glad that QT-KT is part of the line. It's great to have this R2 unit, but we hope the rest of its squad is in the works as well. If we had to complain, we’d have to comment that these droid choices are not too concentrated and pretty much all over place. It doesn’t seem like a set of six astromech droid provides any homogeneity to the Star Wars line. Then again, the mainline The Black Series 6” line doesn’t either. We just need Hasbro to keep pumping these things out so that we can continue to grow our collections. 3.75” collectors are a starved bunch of people. The Astromech Droid Pack is helping to feed that hunger, but we just have to make it clear that we need more sets like this including Jabba’s palace aliens, skiff guards, protocol droids, etc.

For us, the crowning glory of the Astromech Droid Pack is the inclusion of Jabba’s Bartender and R2-A5. You may or may not know this, but R2-A5 was intended for The Vintage Collection, along with the gray R1 unit seen on the streets of Mos Eisley. Clearly that didn’t happen as Lucasfilm Ltd. turned those choices down. (What a shame, right?) The good news is that we now have one of them. Granted, R2-A5 does have some deco issues, as in the paint job is inaccurate to the onscreen character. Despite this issue, R2-A5 is still painted very nicely. A longtime wanted characters for us, we’ve decided to overlook the figure’s issues and embrace it instead. We’re thrilled this character has finally been released into the super-articulated 3.75” Star Wars action figure. It’s a wonderful release! The surprise of this set however is Jabba’s Bartender. This droid also has some inaccurate deco issues, but it still looks fantastic. We’re more disappointed about Hasbro not seeking out an official R2 designation for the character. Couldn't they have given it an official name? Did they not even ask Lucasfilm, Ltd.? Does Legends negate the naming of droids now or something? Who knows, but this BAR2 unit is fantastic. We were pretty sure that this droid would NEVER arrive in 3.75” scale, but here it is. It’s reason to celebrate. Overall, the Astromech Droid Pack is breath of fresh air in an era of five points of articulation action figures, a 6” line that none of us asked for, and one boring release after another. This is fresh an exciting. While we’re not crazy about the packaging (it’s just too over the top for us), the back of the box has stunning sketches of the droids and their identifiers. Check that out HERE. We’d like to thank Entertainment Earth and Adam Pawlus for making this set a reality. It has exceeded our expectations. Don’t miss this one. You’d be shooting yourself in the foot passing on it.

This sample has been provided to us by Entertainment Earth.

Collector Notes

Astromech Droid Pack

Assortment Number: B8671

UPC: 630509494224

Retail: $79.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


Status: R7-D4 is a rework of 2010's TVC R2-D2 (VC25) figure.

Articulation Count: 13 points (13 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), sliding third leg (1), hinge-jointed third leg (1), hinged front panel door (1), hinge-jointed utility arm (1), left foot rolling wheel A (1), left foot rolling wheel B (1), right foot rolling wheel A (1), right foot rolling wheel B (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: periscope

Date Stamp: 2010


Status: R2-C2 is a rework of 2010's TVC R2-D2 (VC25) figure.

Articulation Count: 13 points (13 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), sliding third leg (1), hinge-jointed third leg (1), hinged front panel door (1), hinge-jointed utility arm (1), left foot rolling wheel A (1), left foot rolling wheel B (1), right foot rolling wheel A (1), right foot rolling wheel B (1)

Accessory Count: 10

Accessory Details: drink dispenser arm attachment, drink tray, 7 drinking glasses, periscope

Date Stamp: 2010


Status: R2-A5 is a rework of 2010's TVC R2-D2 (VC25) figure.

Articulation Count: 13 points (13 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), sliding third leg (1), hinge-jointed third leg (1), hinged front panel door (1), hinge-jointed utility arm (1), left foot rolling wheel A (1), left foot rolling wheel B (1), right foot rolling wheel A (1), right foot rolling wheel B (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: periscope

Date Stamp: 2010


Status: QT-KT is a rework of 2010's TVC R2-D2 (VC25) figure.

Articulation Count: 13 points (13 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), sliding third leg (1), hinge-jointed third leg (1), hinged front panel door (1), hinge-jointed utility arm (1), left foot rolling wheel A (1), left foot rolling wheel B (1), right foot rolling wheel A (1), right foot rolling wheel B (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: periscope

Date Stamp: 2010

Jabba’s Bartender

Status: Jabba’s Bartender is a rework of 2010's TVC R2-D2 (VC25) figure.

Articulation Count: 13 points (13 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), sliding third leg (1), hinge-jointed third leg (1), hinged front panel door (1), hinge-jointed utility arm (1), left foot rolling wheel A (1), left foot rolling wheel B (1), right foot rolling wheel A (1), right foot rolling wheel B (1)

Accessory Count: 10

Accessory Details: drink dispenser arm attachment, drink tray, 7 drinking glasses, periscope

Date Stamp: 2010

R7-F5 [R2-Y9]

Status: R7-F5 [R2-Y9] is a rework of 2010's TVC R2-D2 (VC25) figure.

Articulation Count: 13 points (13 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), sliding third leg (1), hinge-jointed third leg (1), hinged front panel door (1), hinge-jointed utility arm (1), left foot rolling wheel A (1), left foot rolling wheel B (1), right foot rolling wheel A (1), right foot rolling wheel B (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: periscope

Date Stamp: 2010

Astromech Droid Pack

The Black Series [Phase III]

All Products

Added: September 30, 2016
Category: Black Series [Phase III], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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