Height: .96 meters average
Status: Navigator, T-65 X-wing Fighter
Classification: Astromech Droid
Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
R2-D2 is a tripodal computer repair and information retrieval robot, or astromech droid. As an R2 unit, he is equipped with navigational starfighter interfaces, plus extensive sensor packages and numerous devices to facilitate in-flight repairs: laser arc welder, circular saw, grasper arm, and fire extinguisher. He communicates through information-dense chips, beeps and whistles and seems to take pleasure in causing anxiety for his neurotic companion, the protocol droid C-3PO.
R2-D2 played several important roles in the Rebellion's victory over the Empire at the Battle of Yavin. First, he escaped the consular ship Tantive IV with the technical readouts of the Death Star hidden in his memory banks, making him and C-3PO the most hunted droids in the galaxy. Then, he brought Luke Skywalker together with Obi-Wan Kenobi, making possible the delivery of the plans to the Rebel alliance. Using that information, a small group of fighters launched an attack against the Death Star. R2-D2 served as "co-pilot" aboard Luke's Red-5 X-wing, monitoring the fighter's control and tactical systems during the final attack run that destroyed the Empire's ultimate Battle Station.
Come on! The first modern version of R2-D2 will probably excite you as much as it will let you down. Add in a few gimmicks and you’ll probably forget what you were disappointed with from the start. R2-D2 is an inevitable release in the 1995 The Power Of The Force “2” line. He was one of the first four modern figures, so it makes complete sense that he is part of a new modern era of collecting from the start. As the first R2-series astromech droid of the new modern era, we get a good idea of how Kenner/Hasbro will be approaching these action figures going forward. There is a great deal “right” with R2-D2, but there are also a few things “wrong” which undoubtedly will be picked up by anal-retentive collectors. (That’s not a knock.) There will be no doubt in your mind that the POTF2 R2-D2 looks like the onscreen character. That we’re sure. It’s in the small details however where you’ll see where Kenner/Hasbro have erred. We mustn’t discount the strides forward taken either. For the first time ever, R2-D2 comes without a sticker to show the detail on his body. He now has a fully tooled body which shows all of the compartments, vents and panels that a two-dimensional ticker did for years. No, we’ve come a very long way and for that we’re thankful.
One of R2-D2’s biggest issue is the dome. Actually there are multiple issues within this area of the action figure. Firstly, the dome has been vac-metallized in chrome. We hoped in the modern era of collecting that Hasbro would have given R2-D2 a correct “brushed nickel” finish on the dome instead. This was undoubtedly a slip or homage of the 1978 vintage Kenner R2-D2 action figure. Perhaps Kenner/Hasbro was worried about breaking the spirit of the classic 1978 figure and decided that it would make the most sense in 1995. Sadly, it doesn’t work that well at all. It was a great gimmick for the 70s, but the 90s are calling for more realism. Kenner/Hasbro has also added alight port “action feature” and it’s connected to the top of the dome down to R2-D2’s main “eye”. While neat we suppose, this “eye” is actually solid black and never lights up. There are also some inconsistencies from the character of the film to this action figure, but we understand as not every last detail can be forever etched into a 3.75” action figure. They did a pretty thorough job otherwise. R2-D2’s body cavity looks fantastic. It’s wonderful to actually feel the three-dimensional texture of all of the panels and whatnot for the first time. It really makes you appreciate how complicated this character is.
A new feature for 1995 is a sliding third leg/foot. The feature works quite well, although the awkwardness of the clumsy “lever” to move it up and down really hurt the aesthetics of the figure. Also, because this figure only has a swivel dome, and two swivel legs (aside from the sliding third leg), you really can’t position R2-D2 is a truly believable “third leg extended” position because the feet don’t angle at all to give you that leaning back position. The paint operations on R2-D2 are pretty fantastic. There are some missing details, but they aren’t horribly noticeable. But the details are clean and there aren’t any signs of bleeding. R2-D2 seems a tad tall for the rest of the figures in the line when by himself, but when posed with other figures, interestingly, you’ll find that he really isn’t out of scale at all. R2-D2 is one of the most satisfying figures in The Power Of The Force “2” inaugural offerings. He is realistic, screen accurate (minus a few blemishes) and comes with a long-awaited third leg, a first for this character in this scale. We foresee better versions coming in the future, but this is a great start. And we’re pretty certain that other collectors will feel similarly about this figure too. It’s comforting to know that droids are looking up in this line. Too bad the humans can’t follow suit.
Collector Notes
Status: R2-D2
is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: 4 points (4 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), slide-out third leg (1)
Accessory Count: None
Accessory Details: None
Date Stamp: 1995
Assortment Number: 69570/69574
UPC: 076281695747
Retail: $4.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on