Spacetrooper (BD58) - Hasbro - Legacy Collection (2010)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

The Empire Strikes Back (Series 1)

Set Details

Release Date: 1980

Series: 1

Border Color: Red

Packs Per Box: 36

Cards Per Pack: 12 Cards/1 Sticker

Set Size: 132 cards

Inserts: 33 stickers

Insert Sets

Stickers (33 total)


Base Set

1 Title Card

2 Star File - Luke Skywalker

3 Star File - Princess Leia

4 Star File - Han Solo

5 Star File - Chewbacca

6 Star File - See-Threepio

7 Star File - Artoo-Detoo

8 Star File - Lando Calrissian

9 Star File - Yoda

10 Star File - Darth Vader

11 Star File - Boba Fett

12 The Imperial Probot

13 Planet of Ice

14 "Where's Luke?"

15 Droids on Patrol

16 The Hidden Rebel Base

17 New Rebel Strategy

18 General Rieekan

19 Leia's Plan

20 Prey of the Wampa

21 "Examined: Luke's TaunTaun

22 "But Sir, I Mmmh . . . Mffh . . ."

23 In Search of Luke

24 Frozen Death

25 Skywalker's Rescue

26 Luke's Fight for Life

27 Rejuvenation Chamber

28 Surgeon Droid

29 Artoo's Icy Vigil

30 Metal Monster

31 Zeroing In On Chewie!

32 Han Solo Aims for Action!

33 Destroying the Probot

34 Death of Admiral Ozzel

35 The Freedom Fighters

36 Rebel Defenses

37 Armed Against the Enemy

38 Joined by Dack

39 The Sound of Terror

40 Suddenly . . . Starfire!

41 Rattled by the Enemy!

42 Might of the Imperial Forces

43 The Snow Walkers

44 Luke . . . Trapped!

45 Escape From Icy Peril

46 "Retreat! Retreat!"

47 Headquarters in Shambles

48 Han's Makeshift Escape

49 Invaded!

50 Vader and the Snowtroopers

51 Snowtroopers of the Empire

52 Millennium Falcon: Getaway Ship!

53 Emergency Blastoff!

54 Battle of the Star Destroyer

55 Fix-it Man Han Solo

56 A Sudden Change of Plan

57 Misty World of Dagobah

58 The Creature Called Yoda

59 "Welcome, Young Luke!"

60 Journey Through the Swamp

61 Yoda's House

62 Artoo Peeking Through

63 The Secret of Yoda

64 The Princess Lends a Hand

65 Repairing Hyperdrive

66 Star Lovers

67 "Pardon Me Sir, But . . . Ohhh!"

68 Mysterious and Deadly Chamber

69 Attacked by Bat-Like Creatures!

70 "Use the Force, Luke!"

71 Raising Luke's X-Wing

72 A Need Beyond Reason

73 A Gathering of Evils

74 The Bounty Hunters

75 IG-88 and Boba Fett

76 Enter Lando Calrissian

77 Warm Welcome for an Old Buddy

78 Conniving Pals

Base Set (Continued)

79 "Greetings, Sweet Lady"

80 Calrissian's Main Man

81 Pretty as a Princess!

82 A Swarm of Ugnaughts

83 Threepio . . . Blasted to Bits!

84 A Pile of See-Threepio!

85 Escorted by Lando

86 Dinner Guests

87 Host of Horror

88 Deflecting Solo's Blasts

89 Alas, Poor Threepio!

90 The Ordeal

91 The Price of Boba Fett

92 His Day of Triumph

93 The Carbon-Freezing Chamber

94 End of the Star Warriors?

95 Pawn of the Evil One

96 "No! This Can't Be Happening!"

97 The Fate of Han Solo

98 Boba's Special Delivery

99 Observed by Luke

100 Luke Arrives

101 Ready for Action!

102 The Search for Vader

103 "Where Are You, Skywalker?"

104 Dark Lord of the Sith

105 Weapon of Light

106 The Confrontation

107 Duel of the Lightsabers

108 Escape From Their Captors

109 Lando . . . Friend or Foe?

110 Leia Takes Control

111 Blasting the Stormtroopers!

112 Artoo to the Rescue!

113 Spectacular Battle!

114 "Embrace the Dark Side!"

115 "Hate Me, Luke! Destroy Me!"

116 Luke's Last Stand

117 "Do You Have a Foot in my Size?"

118 Probot

119 Falcon on Hoth

120 Snow Walkers

121 The Pursued

122 Darth Vader

123 Swamps of Dagobah

124 Cloud City

125 Lando's Greeting

126 Threepio's Destruction

127 Luke Battling Darth

128 The Final Stand

129 Rescue

130 Ion Cannon

131 Checklist 1-66

132 Checklist 67-132


Insert: Stickers

1 F O

2 R I

3 A E

4 B X

5 U I

6 W U

7 M N

8 C D

9 O U

10 H E

11 E O

12 Y U

13 A K

14 A V

15 E S

16 Q L

17 A I

18 I O

19 Z T

20 G J

21 E I

22 A P

23 Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, C-3P0

24 C-3P0

25 Luke with Yoda and Han Solo on TaunTaun

26 Stormtrooper and Boba Fett

27 Trooper Luke Skywalker and Yoda

28 Too Onebee, Bossk and Lobot

29 Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca

30 Boba Fett

31 Stormtrooper and IG-88

32 C-3P0, Lando Calrissian and R2-D2

33 Darth Vader

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