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Tag Archives: Season 7

Seriously delayed due to real life reasons (I moved to a new apartment last week and I still need to unbox and pose 300 figures…) there is finally time to take a closer look at the series finale of The Clone Wars. The 12th and final episode of season 7, “Victory And Death”, provides lots of action and some poignant character moments. It’s everything a fan of the show could ever have hoped for and maybe even more. So let’s discuss the season and series finale of The Clone Wars! Click here or on the banner below for the spoiler discussion!

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Today is not just the day for toy reveals, it’s also time for Order 66. You all know what that means. As season 7 of The Clone Wars draws to a close things seem to turn out very well for the Republic. Dooku is dead, Grievous has been cornered by Obi-Wan, Maul has been captured and the war could very soon be over! And now Ahsoka will accompany Rex to Coruscant as Maul is delivered to the capital to face justice. So what could possibly go wrong with Ahsoka on board a Republic Star Destroyer filled to the brim with clones? Today we talk about “Shattered”, the episode that tells us what happened to Ahsoka when Order 66 was issued. Let the grief counceling begin in the spoiler review of the penultimate The Clone Wars episode “Shattered”, which is yet another masterpiece. Read it by clicking here or on the banner below!

Rex and Ahsoka, best friends forever

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Most fans will have seen the latest episode of The Clone Wars by now. The perfect time to talk about “The Phantom Apprentice”. In many ways the current arc is a compendium piece to “Revenge of the Sith”, with events in the series unfolding concurrently. And in the latest episode Ahsoka learns the truth. About everything. So what does she do? Click through for the spoiler discussion of “The Phantom Apprentice” by clicking here or on the banner below!

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The Clone Wars enters its final stages. The Siege of Mandalore begins! While Anakin and Obi-Wan must rush to Coruscant to ward off an attack by the Separatists under command of General Grievous, Ahsoka and Rex make their way to Mandalore in an attempt to capture the renegade Sith Lord Darth Maul. Read the full spoiler review of “Old Friends Not Forgotten” by clicking here or on the banner below!


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“Together Again” concludes the Ahsoka arc. Yet again in a Pyke prison Ahsoka comes up with a plan to save the Martez sisters, but then the Martez sisters come up with a plan of their own to save Ahsoka in return. What could ever go wrong? Meanwhile Ahsoka finds out that the Pykes are not at the top of the food chain, they are scared of someone! Read all about it in my spoiler review of “Together Again” by clicking here or on the banner below!

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This weeks’s episode of The Clone Wars finds the three heroes in a Pyke prison. Of course the Martez sisters and Ahsoka try to escape. Will they succeed? Click here or on the banner below to read the spoiler filled review of “Dangerous Debt”!


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This week’s episode “Deal No Deal” is a considerable improvement over the somewhat slow previous episode. Now that we know who the Martez sisters are the adventure can actually begin. And it takes us to Kessel of all places… Read my spoiler review by clicking here or on the banner below!

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In this week’s episode of The Clone Wars we get our first new episode not based on a previously released animatic. We meet Ahsoka again who is on her own now after leaving the Jedi Order. And because of an accident she finds herself on Level 1313 of Coruscant, where she meets the Martez sisters. Trace operates the garage Ahsoka more or less crash landed onto, whereas Rafa has some shady business going on that Ahsoka gets drawn into. Read the full spoiler review by clicking here or on the banner below!

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Before the third episode of the The Clone Wars season 7 airs on Friday I review last week’s episode “A Distant Echo”. It’s part two of the four part “Bad Batch” arc and it is based on old material. Rough animatics with full dialogue were released to the public in 2015. But like the previous episode “A Distant Echo” underwent a few changes. It has a completely new scene, another scene was removed instead and it turns out some people think it’s somewhat controversial. So what is it all about? Read my spoiler review for “A Distant Echo” that continues Rex’ search for Echo, who was believed dead, but turned out to be probably alive in the previous episode!

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The Clone Wars Will Return On February 21st On Disney+

We finally have an official date for the return of The Clone Wars on Disney+. It’s February 21st! A new trailer has also dropped on YouTube! Click through to watch it and check out the new poster art for the final season!

The Clone Wars Season 7

That kid in the background is Caleb Dume

Full Story

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The Clone Wars Season 7 Discussion!

Discuss The Clone Wars Season 7 RIGHT HERE! Man oh man is this going to be a great “reboot” (I know it’s NOT a reboot) of the series!

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