Watto - Gentle Giant - Mini Busts (2012)
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JTA reader and wife Darlene, AKA Mrs. Chuck has put together a book review of Star Wars: Knitting the Galaxy. Click through to check out her thoughts and what project she chose!

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The second Mandalorian episode was released earlier today! And it’s another winner. I cannot tell you anything really about this episode because a certain spoilery something is very much involved with the plot. The basic plot is simple, the Mandalorian found his target in Chapter 1 and wants to get back to his ship now. On his way back he is attacked by rival bounty hunters who want to kill his bounty, the Mandalorian expertly disposes of them, only to find that when he returns to his ship pesky Offworld Jawas have dismantled it… now he needs the parts back. But the Jawas want something in return… and the fun begins. This episode will be talked about for days and days and possibly even longer. I can tell you that!

Also, let me just tell you that whoever can subscribe to Disney+ and is remotely interested in Star Wars should subscribe now. $6.99, even if the only thing you’ll ever watch is The Mandalorian, is still just $0.88 per episode, and I bet you will rewatch the episodes a lot. It’s a bargain.

This show is a winner. It’s what the vast majority of Star Wars fans have hoped for, it’s what they want and what they need. It will make you happy. You will smile. You will be surprised. The show also expands the Star Wars mythos in a very fundamental way. So don’t wait, don’t hesitate, watch the episode now!  Just one caveat, the second episode is just 31 minutes long. We need more. Now! But we will have to wait until next Friday!

Anyone else who has already seen the episode – or if you enjoy spoilers – can click on the banner below or click through to read my spoiler review of the second episode!


The Mandalorian Chapter 2: The Child



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Today not only saw the debut of Disney+ in North America and a few selected other countries, today also saw the release of the highly anticipated first-ever Star Wars live-action series: The Mandalorian. I wrote a very spoilery review which you can read by clicking on the banner below. But maybe a few of you don’t want to read a spoiler review and for you, I have a few general thoughts: go watch the show! It’s the best thing in a long time, it’s like A New Hope, Rogue One and Solo, it’s your Boba Fett daydream come true, even if the character is not Boba Fett. This series is extremely well made, has a very, very, very interesting premise, and that final scene will be talked about for days and maybe even weeks. This show was made for longtime fans. Everyone can certainly enjoy it, but longtime fans will certainly love every second. So what are you waiting for? If you haven’t watched the episode yet, do it now. And if you have seen it and want to discuss it, then please read my review!

The Mandalorian Episode 1 Review

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A Closer Look At S.H. Figuarts Count Dooku

SH Figuarts released Count Dooku in April. My figure finally arrived today, time to take a good look at the latest prequel figure from SHF! So click through for my thoughts about SH Figuarts Count Dooku!

SH Figuarts Count Dooku

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A Look Back At Season 1 Of Star Wars Resistance

The season 1 finale of Star Wars Resistance aired last weekend, time to look back at the past 20 episodes and to discuss what you think about the show. So click through for a very spoilery discussion of Star Wars Resistance. Anyone not up to date and anyone wanting to avoid spoilers should absolutely not read the article and comments.

Star Wars Resistance

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Comic Review: The Chosen One (Part VI) - Darth Vader (2017)

It’s Back! After a brief hiatus, Comic Research Droids Review returns with this next entry in the Darth Vader series. Vader has just returned after his fight with Jedi Master Infil’a and bleeding his Kyber Crystal, but he is badly damaged.. Take a look at how Lord Vader pulls himself together, makes his first return to the Jedi Temple, and comes face-to-face with a new threat in Darth Vader- The Chosen One (Part VI). Don’t forget to drop me a line with your requests for future reviews! Coming up next is the Mace Windu miniseries.

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The Dark Lord of the Sith finally has a Jedi Lightsaber, but he’s about to find out that it’s not that easy to corrupt a Kyber Crystal in this next entry in the Comic Research Droids Reviews. Vader had just vanquished Master Infil’a and taken his Jedi weapon, but now he must corrupt the crystal within to claim it as his own. Take a look at how Lord Vader struggles with the conflict within himself and how Anakin Skywalker fights to break through the darkness in Darth Vader- The Chosen One (Part V). Don’t forget to drop me a line with your requests for future reviews! Coming up next is the Mace Windu miniseries.

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After a long wait, the latest Comic Research Droids Review is here (sorry for the delay!). We last saw the Lord of the Sith being thrown from the mountain in pieces. Come see how he pulls himself together so that he can continue his battle with Master Kirak Infil’a in Darth Vader- The Chosen One (Part IV). Don’t forget to drop me a line with your requests for future reviews! Coming up next is the Mace Windu miniseries.


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Comic Review: Book I (Part V) - Darth Maul - Issue 05

It has come to an end! The Darth Maul mini-series goes out with a clash, bang, and a sizzle. I found this to be a fitting end to this mini-series that gave us a deeper look into the character that we all love. See what I thought made this final issue one not to miss with the Darth Maul – Book I (Part V) Review. If you haven’t yet,be sure to stop by the Research Droids Reviews Comics section and leave your thoughts in previous reviews. Is there a comic series you want to see reviewed? Then drop me a line with your comic review requests!


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If you’re a fan of the new Darth Vader series like me, then you have been patiently waiting to see the showdown with the Jedi Kirak Infil’a! Did the waiting pay off? Was the battle everything it should’ve been? Find out now in the latest RDR Comics review of Darth Vader: The Chosen One (Part III) and share your thoughts and opinions. If you haven’t yet, stop by the Research Droids Reviews Comics and leave your thoughts in previous reviews. Is there a comic series you want to see reviewed? Then drop me a line with your comic review requests!


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Comic Review: Book I (Part IV) - Darth Maul - Issue 04

We’re one issue away from seeing the finale of this mini-series play out, but meanwhile this was an epic issue. The co-operation between Maul and Eldra plays out so well, but you can feel the tension as it builds between them. Make sure you check out this latest addition in the Research Droids Reviews Comics section with Darth Maul #4. Come and see why you should be excited for the final showdown. Be sure to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments and don’t forget to drop me a line with your comic review requests!


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Comic Review: Book I (Part III) - Darth Maul - Issue 03

When we last left Maul, he had just found the Padawan after sneaking around the auction.What is Darth Maul going to do now that he has come face to face with his enemy? And how will he make it out of the auction filed with dangerous gangs and criminal syndicates. Join us as we continue this amazing series with Darth Maul #3. Don’t forget to catch up with our other reviews in the Research Droids Reviews Comics section. Be sure to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments and don’t forget to drop me a line with your comic review requests!

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Comic Review: Book I (Part II) - Darth Maul - Issue 02

Darth Maul had just learned about an auction on an item that he can’t resist. Now, he just needs to find out where it is and how to get in. Check out who Maul enlists to assist his efforts in Darth Maul #2! If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the other Research Droids Reviews Comics section and don’t forget to drop me a line with your comic review requests. Your requests will decide what series I do next!


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Comic Review: Book I (Part I) - Darth Maul - Issue 01

Darth Maul was one of Star Wars biggest one hit wonders when his time in Episode I was cut short by a young Obi-Wan and after losing him for good recently in Rebels, but it’s nice to know there’s still more to tell! I’m playing catch up with the newer Marvel series for the new Research Droids Reviews Comics section, so today I bring you Darth Maul #1. Come and see why I can’t get enough Maul with the latest review. Be sure to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments and don’t forget to drop me a line with your comic review requests!

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Comic Review: Annual - Poe Dameron (2017) - Issue 1

There are apparently a lot of Poe Dameron fans out there and LucasFilm and Marvel felt there was enough there to warrant his own comic series. The series may have a lot of readers, but it isn’t one of my favorites and this one-off Annual didn’t make it much better. That being said, this issue did add a bit of depth to the character we see on screen in The Force Awakens. Check out what I thought about this Annual issue and be sure to check out the other comic Research Droids Reviews. While you’re there, be sure to share your thoughts in the comments. If there is a series you think I should review, be sure to drop me a line and let me know!

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The first official Jedi Temple Archives Marvel Comics Research Droids Reviews is now up. Come and take a look at why I think the new Darth Vader series is one of the best yet with The Chosen One Part 1 and Part 2. Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section and let us know how you feel about the series thus far. This is a new section in our companion RDR database, so let me know what you think and if you have any requests for other Star Wars comics, be sure to drop me an e-mail

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Marvel's Darth Vader #1 Comic

I’m not a huge fan of many of the recent Star Wars comic titles that have been coming out faster than they can be printed, but I was thoroughly impressed with the new Marvel comic Star Wars: Darth Vader. Find out why I think it is worth taking a look at after the jump. Full Story

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