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Tag Archives: Rancor

Topps Star Wars Living Set (Week 143) - Rancor & Krrsantan

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The next two cards from the weekly Topps Star Wars Living Set are now out. Featuring the iconic blue starfield and the impressive artwork of Kris Penix, check out the Rancor (#285) and Krrsantan (#286). Each Tuesday, two new cards will be released and be only available for one week. Click here to view the entire Star Wars Living archive, including individual print runs.


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An official statement by Hasbro about the failed Rancor HasLab was posted on the Hasbro Pulse Instagram page. Click through to read the statement in full!

Hasbro’s statement is somewhat less emotional

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BREAKING NEWS: The HasLab Rancor Fails Spectacularly!

Now that was one hell of a night. We had lots of fun here on JTA in the comments section and watched with awe as the Rancor backer count on HasLab literally exploded in the last few hours. For the longest time it seemed as if the final number would be something like 7,800, far short of the funding goal, but when midnight came it was 8,534!

But then the most mysterious thing happened… once the deadline ended the backer number collapsed. Literally. It went from 8,534 to a little more than 7,500 and then just barely over 7,000 and as of now, 17 minutes after the deadline it’s not even 5,000 backers anymore. One reason could be that HasLab is cancelling orders now, since the funding goal was not met before the deadline ended. Whatever the reason for this gigantic collapse is after the deadline ended one thing is clear, the Rancor won’t reach the required 9,000 backers anymore!

And the only people to blame for this are working at Hasbro and Lucasfilm. They miscalculated, they hoped a Haslab with nonsensical tiers consisting of repacks, cheap bones, cardboard and a Rancor centerpiece that is not remotely as impressive as the barge or the Razor Crest would make collectors pay $350 for it. But it didn’t! The only hope is that Hasbro (and their partner Lucasfilm who has total control over everything) learn from their mistakes. Maybe collectors are finally fed up with a toyline that mostly consists of repaints, repacks, kitbashes and exclusives these days. The mainline is still strong, but far too few figures are released in it, most figures these days are exclusives, repaints and repacks to the point that even the HasLab Rancor had several of them as tiers. Click through for more!

“He’s dead Jim!” (quote from Hasbro’s favorite franchise)

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We are entering the finishing straight for the HasLab Rancor! In roughly 24 hours the campaign will end – unless Hasbro announce an extension of the deadline today. The Rancor currently has 5,605 backers, about 62% of the required funding. At this point in time all the other successful HasLabs had already been funded and had experienced a massive boost. The Rancor has only added 120-200 backers each day ever since Malakili was added to the offering, not even 900 backers in total.
So what will it be? Yay or nay? What do you think? Place your bet and feel free to share any other musings you have in the comments! This will be the go to HasLab Rancor discussion thread for the final day of the campaign!

He needs love

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How Does The HasLab Rancor Compare To Other Options?

The HasLab Rancor is not the first (approximately) 6 inch scale Rancor on the market. Back in 2006 Gentle Giant released a Rancor + Malakili statue, Regal Robot made a Rancor replica as an extremely limited edition (only 83 Rancors were made) not too long ago and Sideshow Collectibles is offering their Rancor actually right now, estimated shipping date is December 2021. All of these Rancors are roughly the same size, something between 16-18 inches tall (without stand). For this article I want to compare the $350 HasLab Rancor to the $605 Sideshow Colletibles Rancor and the $2,999 Regal Robot replica of the original maquette from the movie. How does the HasLab Rancor fare? Click through for more!

Phil Tippett working on the Rancor maquette

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Well, it seems Hasbro DOES actually listen to fan feedback! They just announced that the Rancor Keeper Malakili will be added to the Rancor! He will come uncarded and will be added to the Rancor as no additional tier, instead he will come no matter what, as soon as the Rancor receives funding. Right now, the Rancor has 4,763 backers. It will need to almost double that number in the next six days to be successful!

So, what is your opinion? Will it change your mind and will you back the Rancor now? Or is it too little too late?

In my opinion Hasbro could have avoided much drama if they had included Malakili from the very beginning. It’s apparent Hasbro hoped to get away with as little as possible, but the fans have spoken. It’s welcome that Hasbro has listened. However, if would be even better if fans didn’t have to voice their displeasure so vehemently for Hasbro to do something! It’s pretty apparent they are quite desperate so late in the campaign.

Click through for Hasbro’s full statement!

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The Rancor HasLab Latest Developments

On November 19th Hasbro livestreamed their final HasLab Rancor video on YouTube in which they revealed the remaining two tiers. Salacious B. Crumb and a new Luke Skywalker figure. During the livestream the YouTube chat was filled with angry or incredulous comments. First YouTube videos from disappointed collectors who said they would now cancel their Rancor were uploaded that same day, those videos were viewed by a lot of people, often vastly outperforming other videos on those channels, showing an increased level of interest in the shared disappointment. In the days following the livestream the Rancor HasLab lost about 400 backers, it went down from almost 5,150 to below 4,750. So what is the situation now? Click through for more!

Nothing to see here, please disperse!

Hasbro’s chief of Star Wars marketing at work

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Ever since Hasbro’s stupendously tone-deaf livestream on Friday the current Star Wars HasLab has lost almost 350 backers. Maybe a small number, at the time I write this 4,811 people still want a Rancor, no matter what-  but still, the damage is done. And the number is still decreasing (actually, 4,808 now).
It should by now be obvious to Hasbro that things are not proceeding as planned. That what maybe they hoped would just be a few disgruntled fans that may cancel their order in the first few hours after the livestream has become something of a real downward trend. It is now Monday morning in the US and anyone at Hasbro who had hoped things will go back to normal will have to realize that no, things are probably not going back to normal. Maybe Hasbro still hopes that the usual boost in the last few days will save the HasLab campaign and make the Rancor a success. Which is certainly a possibility. However, it’s maybe even more likely now that the Rancor HasLab has taken on a new dynamic, a vicious cycle where potential backers see the counter decreasing hour by hour and thus discouraging them from pulling the trigger, because, after all, who wants to back a losing horse at the races?
So what can Hasbro do? What should Hasbro do? Click through to find out.

Artist’s impression of the Monday morning Hasbro Star Wars team meeting

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Sunday Matinee: HasLab Rancor Backer Count Watch Party

Let’s all have some fun! Yes, maybe the HasLab livestream today did not get the reaction Hasbro would have hoped for. Yes, maybe quite a few collectors are either angry, sad or disappointed now. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have some good old fun! So let’s all watch the HasLab Rancor backer counter fall below 5,000 tonight and let’s make bets if it will fall below 5,000 to begin with and when it may do so! At the pace the counter is falling it could be mere minutes! So place your bets! The winner gets 10 plush porgs, 200 Rose Tico 5 POA action figures and 50 banana visor X-Wing pilots from The Force Awakens 5 POA toyline!
Join in the fun in the comments section and let’s have a party!

UPDATE: Friday’s livestream may go down in history as one of the most disastrous Hasbro events ever. The Rancor HasLab has lost almost 320 backers since then and there is no end in sight.

Still counting down…

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Hasbro's Idea Of Good Value For Your Money Looks Like This...

Hasbro’s Black Series HasLab livestream just ended. The team showed off the painted Rancor prototype and revealed tiers 3 and 4 for the figure, available at 16k and 19k backers. So what are those tiers? Malakili? Giran? Oola? Try again. Tier 3 is a slightly retooled repack and Tier 4 is technically speaking an all new figure, but really just a repack too. What is Hasbro thinking? Click through for more!

Tier 3…..

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Breakdown Of The Final TBS Rancor HasLab Livestream

Hasbro has now done their full pitch for the TBS HasLab Rancor. Along with the rancor, backers can now hope to unlock:

  • Tier 1: Gammorean Guard (POTF Card Back) – 11,000
  • Tier 2: Cardboard backdrop diorama with bone accessories – 13,500
  • Tier 3: Salacious B. Crumb (ROTJ mini Carc Back) – 16,000
  • Tier 4: Luke Skywalker (POTF Card Back) – All new figure – 19,000

So, are you backing? Five minutes before the live stream there were 5,134 backers. Let’s see how those on the fence decide now that they have all of the motivation tiers revealed. Click through for a small gallery and discussion. Let us know if you are backing this.

Click here for the HasLab Rancor Page

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Tune in today at 11 AM Eastern for the latest Hasbro Pulse Fan First Friday featuring the unveiling of the painted model Rancor and the final two stretch goals revealed. Click through and join the discussion and leave your thoughts on the latest reveals. 

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What the HasLab The Black Series 6-inch Rancor needs is an “out of the box” vision like my friend Russ Turk has. A former designer for Toys R Us, Russ mocked up what he would want to see included in the Rancor HasLab campaign. Hasbro is missing the boat by not including world-building with this project. Yes, it’s much harder to world-build in the 6-inch scale, but it’s possible with a clever imagination. Cardboard backdrops and bones are insults.

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Hasbro is doing everything to secure a successful campaign for the HasLab The Black Series 6-inch Rancor. But is the effort futile? With lackluster stretch goals and outrageous backer landmarks before you’re entitled to them, this HasLab is souring the customer base. It’s evident Hasbro is in damage-control and panic mode. (more….)

It seems as if Hasbro may become the Rancor’s next meal.

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Gee. Do you think the Hasbro Star Wars team is starting to panic? As confirmed backers back out of backing the Rancor (numbers are going down instead of up), they’ve just announced that on Friday they will show off a painted prototype of the Rancor and reveal the last two stretch goals tiers in the hope to boost the number of supporters. Don’t expect Oola. But expect a repacked/retooled Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight), probably in The Power Of The Force packaging too, and another lackluster reveal. Or will they surprise us?

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JTA has just received intel of the next two Tiers: Tier 3 for 15,500 backers, and Tier 4 for 20,000 backers. Click the image below for the reveal! These next two tiers are bound to reduce the number of current backers further to a much lower number, as evidenced by what Tier 2 did to the backer count today!

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Second Stretch Goal Announced For HasLab The Black Series Rancor

*drumroll please* For the second stretch goal (13,500 backers) you can get (what appears to be) a cardboard backdrop and some bones. How is that for motivation? I don’t know, I’m just spitballing here, but shouldn’t a cardboard backdrop already be a part of the packaging diorama? So, does this motivate you any? Let us know if this changes your mind in our comments!

Exciting news, StarWars fans! It’s time to reveal the second stretch goal for the Star Wars The Black Series The Rancor HasLab. When this project reaches 13,500 backers, it unlocks movie-inspired bone accessories and a detailed world-building backdrop to create your very own movie-inspired display!


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HasLab Rancor Tier 1 Revealed: A Repack!

The Hasbro HasLab Rancor livestream just ended and not much was actually revealed. Hasbro showed photos of a very first prototype, not the actual prototype itself though. And they revealed the very first tier that becomes available once 11,000 people back the Rancor. And what is that tier? A repacked Gamorrean Guard on a Power of the Force card with coin… Click through for a few photos!

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Hasbro Fan First Friday Live Stream Starts At 11 AM Eastern

Get ready for the next live stream from Hasbro. Starting at 11 AM Eastern. Use this article for comments and discussion! What are you hoping to see? Will this focus solely on The Black Series? The Rancor HasLab only? Might we see all of the TBS leaks from earlier this week officially revealed? Will TVC be lost in the shuffle this time? We’ll post a follow-up after the event breaking down any news. 

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Hasbro Fan First Friday This Friday At 11 AM: Haslab Rancor

Hasbro is having another Fan First Friday event this Friday at 11 AM where the topic will The Black Series Haslab Rancor. Click here for the event page.

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Battle Of The HasLabs - Week 2

The Black Series Rancor HasLab was launched 9 days ago. One day after the Rancor the very first GI Joe HasLab followed. And while the GI Joe HasLab is quite different, it’s much cheaper, it may still be interesting to compare the two. So where is the Rancor after 9 days and how does it compare to the GI Joe Skystriker? Click through for more info!

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HasLab Rancor Officially Revealed!

Hasbro just officially announced the brand new Black Series Rancor HasLab! We knew about this for months ever since Patrick’s slip of the tongue, but now we have all the details!

Price: $350
Size: 44.45 cm / 17.5 in tall, 30.48 cm / 12 in wide, much more with arms outstretched
Technical details: 45 points of articulation (including fingers) and 900 paint apps

Minimum number of backers is 9,000 by December 6th, more tiers will be made available at 11,000 and 13,500 with tiers 3 and 4 not having any goal lines yet. No stretch goals for any of the tiers have been revealed yet. As of now the Rancor comes without any extra figures, but that will certainly change once the tiers have been unlocked!

You can (if you happen to live in the US, Canada or UK, that is) back your Rancor now! Head over to the HasLab site to order Jabba’s favorite pet!

Hasbro will also partner with retailers in certain select markets to make the Rancor available in other parts of the world. No specifics were given, my guess is that several European core markets may get access to the Rancor.

Will you back the Rancor or ignore the latest Star Wars HasLab?


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HasLab The Black Series Rancor Campaign Launching This Fall

Get ready for another Star Wars HasLab campaign as Hasbro Pulse updates with the official announcement that the Rancor campaign begins this fall. 

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A long time ago, we received intel that a 6″ The Black Series Rancor was in the works for the HasLab program. We couldn’t reveal much and had to play it off as a “fantasy” to protect our sources then, and the uncertainty that the Khetanna created for this new platform put the project on hiatus. Today, during a Q&A, Hasbro let it slip that it’s coming. Check it out!

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Holy moly! The Prop Store YouTube channel posted a video by Phil Tippet that shows a clip of the pre-production animatics of the elaborated rancor scenes including some that never made their way to the final cut of Return Of The Jedi. You can also bid on the original videocassette of these scenes if you’re so inclined. Check it out!

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