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Tag Archives: Luke Skywalker (Crait)

I found this to be a bit humorous. Maybe you will too, or maybe you won’t. While periodically looking on Amazon for a Luke Skywalker (Crait) figure (since they sent me a destroyed one that arrived months ago), I was shocked to see what the aftermarket price is on this canceled figure. Currently, it’s over $60.00. That’s obviously not the humorous part. What is humorous, however, is the “alternate” lower-priced figure Amazon recommended instead in the top left corner. Click the image below and see it for yourself. I mean, I know it’s a “silver anniversary” figure and everything, but come on Amazon! I am not necessarily looking for a lower-priced figure, I am looking for this figure at MSRP! How irritating is it to deal with Hasbro’s inability to get the appropriate stock to their retail partners, without it going to ROSS, Ollie’s, or TJ Maxx first?

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New Black Series Figures Have Leaked?

Four new drawings by Black Series artist Gregory Titus have appeared on Facebook earlier tonight. They show Crait Luke, Zeb, Jar Jar and a clone that might by Commander Bly. Now all of four of these figures were heavily rumored before, Zeb was virtually confirmed by Hasbro, and Crait Luke is all but guaranteed, two more prequel characters would make sense with The Clone Wars returning for a final season and Hasbro revealed quite a few prequel characters only recently. But Titus also created some art for Hammerhead who hasn’t seen a release yet, so apply the usual grains of salt. But my feeling is that we will get all four of these figures in 2020. Thanks to Matthew Cohen for the alert!

Black Series Art by Gregory Titus

Click for larger version

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New S.H.Figuarts Star Wars Figures Officially Announced

We saw the magazine scans last week, so we knew it was only a matter of time before SH Figuarts would officially announce the two new Star Wars figures of Luke and Han. You can now find official promo photos for both The Force Awakens Han Solo and The Last Jedi Luke (Crait) on the SH Figuarts homepage.
Luke Skywalker will come with two headsculpts, which look much better than the blurry magazine scans, the usual hands, lightsaber hilt, a lightsaber with blade and the two golden dice (they are tiny). Han seems to come with almost nothing, other than a few alternate hands, and a blaster, he comes with an extra holster that was molded with a blaster inside of it, so the blaster is non removable, this is the same approach SHF chose for their previous A New Hope Han Solo figure.
Both figures go on pre-order on August 1st (Thursday), local Japanese time (Japan is 13 hours ahead of EST). Check the usual Japanese etailers if you want to secure your figure. The figures are not web exclusives so could, in theory, sell out eventually. Release date is December 2019.

SH Figuarts Han Solo & Luke Skywalker

Click for much larger version

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Prototypes for the figures were on display several times in the past, so this shouldn’t be a complete surprise. But it’s always good when SH Figuarts decides to actually produce a prototype. The Force Awakens Han Solo and The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker (Crait) both appear in a magazine scan. If you are not new to SHF you know the routine, first there’s the magazine scan, then follows the official announcement by SHF and you can usually pre-order the figures soon after. Both figures are expected to be released in December 2019. It remains to be seen if these two figures will be the only ones SHF release for The Rise of Skywalker or if SHF is also under embargo and will show off Rise of Skywalker figures later in the fall.

SH Figuarts Han Solo and Luke Skywalker

SH Figuarts Han Solo and Luke Skywalker

In my opinion the sculpt for Han is perfect, this IS Harrison Ford, Luke, maybe because of the beard (beard is notoriously difficult to sculpt) looks a little bit off perhaps. But the overall shape of the face seems to be correct. Also, why does SHF give Luke this bright hair as well, similar to the Hasbro TVC version? Is it possible that both Hasbro and SH Figuarts were given out of date reference material for Luke and that his appearance (hair color) changed later? This also means SHF will beat Hasbro to the punch and release their version of Crait Luke sooner. The TBS version is expected to be released in Q1 2020 or so.

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Here is a picture perfect example of “photorealistic” technology gone awry for the 3.75″ super-articulated line. Special thanks to JTA reader Sven R. for posting this image in our RDR.

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Our Visual Guide updates from The Vintage Collection’s wave 22 continue tonight, this time featuring Luke Skywalker (Crait) (VC146). Click below to have a look at our fully detailed Visual Guide, and then stop by and read our full review.

Luke Skywalker (Crait) (VC146) - The Vintage Collection

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Review: Luke Skywalker (Crait) - TVC - VC146

The latest wave of The Vintage Collection is a bit disappointing. So is Luke Skywalker (Crait) that’s part of it. Find out all the details you need for this figure, and make sure you look for Kylo Ren having a temper tantrum in the photo gallery. It’s the focus of our Research Droids Reviews today! Be sure to leave your thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or comment about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.

Luke Skywalker (Crait)

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The Vintage Collection Wave 22: Lower Your Expectations

We’re almost done with the reviews, but you can check everything else out right now including a ton of comparison images, diorama shots and the new figures interacting with other figures and vehicles. I have to admit that The Vintage Collection wave 22 isn’t doing it for me. My favorite figure in the wave is the Imperial Assault Tank Commander, and that should NOT be the case. I am thrilled about finally getting a carded “12-Back” Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) figure, but this character and card back were worthy of a completely all-new sculpt. Oh well. Luke Skywalker (Crait) is a decent release, but he is limited in movement thanks to constricting robes. His articulation system is almost voided out by it. And the Death Star Gunner should have been the crowning joy of the wave, but it has disappointed me hugely. Anyhow, check out the new images of the latest figures. Hopefully, the next wave will be a little bit better.


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Quick Pic: TVC Luke Skywalker (Crait) (VC146)

Here is the new The Vintage Collection Luke Skywalker (Crait) (VC146) figure. Special thanks to JTA reader and good friend Josh M. for the image!

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Luke Skywalker (Crait) Coming In The SH Figuarts Line?

Bandai has a survey up on their website about the recently released Count Dooku figure. The survey is in Japanese, but using the translate function in Google Chrome you can still take it if you feel like it. However the survey is not really what I want to talk about. What I do want to talk about is the part of the survey in which Bandai wants to know what SH Figuarts Star Wars figures you already own. The recently announced Revenge of the Sith Yoda figure is on the list. But so is the yet unannounced Crait version of Luke Skywalker. The figure was on display in Japan, so we know it exists. However, nothing has been announced yet. But with Luke on the list the question is if SH Figuarts will announce him soon. SH Figuarts should certainly try to beat Hasbro to the punch and release their Crait Luke before Hasbro if they want to make more money. Chances are collectors outside Japan would not order the SHF version if Hasbro releases Luke first. Would you get the SHF version of Crait Luke? Or will you wait for Hasbro’s Black Series version?

Battle of Crait Luke Prototype

Battle of Crait Luke Prototype

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Pre-Order TVC Luke Skywalker (Crait) From Walmart has the upcoming The Vintage Collection Luke Skywalker (Crait) up for pre-order. Thanks to JTA reader Vadersaber for letting us know!

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Hot Toys Announces Luke Skywalker (Crait)!

Today Hot Toys announced their take on Luke Skywalker as he appeared on Crait. Expect pre-orders to open very soon! The figure will come with a light-up LED lightsaber, an extra lightsaber blade that simulates motion blur for that swooshing action, the usual extra hands and with Han’s pair of dice. Go to Hot Toys’ Facebook page for many more photos of Crait Luke!

Hot Toys Luke Skywalker (Crait)

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