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Tag Archives: Kmart

Sears/Kmart On The Brink Of Liquidation

Sears, America’s iconic but bankrupt department store chain, passed a critical milestone Friday when a deadline for potential buyers to submit bids on its assets passed. Before the 4 p.m. ET deadline its former CEO, Eddie Lampert, had proposed buying the struggling retailer in full for $4.6 billion through his hedge fund ESL Investments – including 500 Sears and Kmart stores, store inventory, the Kenmare and DieHard tool brands and other assets. As part of the deal, ESL would also forgive $1.8 billion of debt that the retailer owes the hedge fund. But the deadline passed without word of an official bid. Fox Business has the full story.

The Amazon of yesteryear has been killed by the Amazon of today. The retail apocalypse continues. As you know, Sears was a founding Kenner partner and offered the world some of the most significant Star Wars exclusives we ever saw for our collections. We’re sure many of you who grew up with the original Kenner line feel a bit melancholy to see this retail chain finally bite the dust. There is a chance a confidential bid is out there, but right now it’s looking very grim.

UPDATE: There seems to be a reprieve from the liquidation. See the latest news at CNBC.

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Hey. If you think you got a raw deal when Kmart sent you wave 1 figures instead of wave 2, you could have been one of our multiple Facebook friends who received shampoo bottles instead. Imagine ordering the TVC Enfys Nest figure and getting the Han Solo shampoo bottle instead! Why does so much drama afflict the Star Wars line? It’s comical at this point.

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JTA reader and friend CJ sends us an online experience he had at Kmart. Check out the two images below because there is a LOT going on here. Firstly, these images provide evidence that CJ actually bought something Star Wars action figure related. Secondly, he was too lazy to post this at Bantha Skull, so he sent me the report instead. And thirdly, Kmart just plain sucks. Click through for his encounter.


Full Story

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Sears Is Closing Another 46 Stores Including Kmarts

Here is a story we missed. Sears announced a couple of days ago that it is closing another 46 stores which include many Kmart stores. The retail apocalypse continues. CNN has the full story.

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Kmart And Sears Closes More Stores

It’s amazing any of these stores are left. Business Insider reveals that Kmart and Sears are closing even more stores. Special thanks to JTA reader Martin M. for the alert.

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Where Does Kmart Get Those Wonderful Toys?

Look what JTA reader Joe Y. found under a pile of “crap” at a south Jersey Kmart. You never know what you might find out there folks, especially Kmart!


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Friend and JTA reader Han Solo Mio forwards us images taken at a local North California Kmart where new The Last Jedi products were placed on store shelves and rang up for $29.99 (vehicles) and $42.99 (role-play).


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After yesterday I needed a small “pick-me-up” to distract me and make me laugh. JTA reader and friend Steve U. sent me the perfect thing to cheer me up. In my entire time collecting the modern Hasbro line, I have NEVER once seen a Star Wars toy get marked almost 99% off. On a lighter note, at least it was successful for Hasbro. I can’t wait for the next one! Seriously, you have to wonder if this thing was Better off Dead. While Kmart doesn’t have any in stock, you have to wonder if this is some sort of political statement from them. 🙂

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UPDATE: Kmart TBS6 [SW40] Wave 1 On Sale

If you still need to pick up a Luke, Leia, or Obi-Wan, Kmart has them for $16.99. If you haven’t already, you can sign up for Kmarts shoppers points and typically get $10 off of your order right away. That could be some good savings on those figures or the First Order 6″ TIE Fighter which is listed at $64.40. They have R2-D2 listed as in stock and you can add it to your cart, but it’s a cruel joke. It doesn’t let you check out. Don’t forget, free shipping on orders over $49

UPDATE: Figures are actually out of stock. As soon as you go to your cart there is an error message. Sorry for the false alarm, we’re just trying to help everyone out!

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Kmart has upped the ante by beating out Walmart’s price by a whole dollar! Kmart has the TBS6 First Order TIE for $64. This is like a game of limbo with this thing… How lowwww can you go? Bonus, if you sign up for Kmart’s “Shop Your Way” program, you’ll get $10 off of this! 

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TBS [SW40] Titanium Figures Reduced On

More Closings From Sears Holdings Are In The Works

Sears Holdings Corporation recently announced in their Blog that 8 Sears and 35 Kmart stores deemed unprofitable are set to close. This is part of their “strategy” to  address loses as well as reduced the square footage of some of their other stores because they are “simply too big for our current needs.” What kind of effect will this have on future TBS6 Exclusives? Hopefully, this will mean finding somewhere else to distribute future exclusives. I personally liked the environmental pieces with K-Mart exclusives, although they could have been handled a bit better.  Click Here for a list of the stores set for closing.

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Review: Legends Of The Saga - TLC - Kmart Exclusive

Kmart’s Legends Of The Saga multipack is the worst vendor exclusive Hasbro produced for The Legacy Collection. (It’s also one of their worst exclusives of all time.) Find out why this is completely true in our Research Droids Reviews today. Be sure to leave your own thoughts in our comments section, vote in the poll or even leave comments about it on our Facebook page. Click the banner below for the direct link to the review! As always, you can also send your own personal review requests via email if you’d like to see something that we didn’t cover yet.

Legends Of The Saga

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