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Tag Archives: Jabba’s Palace Adventure Playset

TVC Jabba's Palace Adventure Playset Marked Down To $34.99!

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The Jabba’s Palace Adventure Playset is currently marked down to $44.67 as of this post. It might be a great time to pick it up!

Update: Marked down to $39.99 $34.99 for Cyber Monday!

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If you still need The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Playset exclusive from Walmart, they’re BACK IN STOCK!!


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Once again, The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Adventure Playset is killing it in the best way possible for Walmart, and they’ve sold out of them online. At the moment, the brick and mortar level is THE ONLY way to secure this item. The good news? Walmart is doing everything possible to get in one more order for online purchases to help meet the product’s demand. The goal is to place an order for holiday availability, but if that doesn’t work out, it could arrive at the beginning of 2020. Stay tuned for any new updates on this development. Disclaimer: as warehouse stock adjudicates and balances itself, you may see a few units arrive in stock, but that’s all that’s happening. Thank you for supporting this product as vigorously as you have been, it makes the case for future playsets strong.

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You can still grab Jabba’s Palace online if it’s available near you. It shows that it is not available for delivery, but is available for pick-up. Results may be mixed on whether or not it is available to ‘Add to Cart’ based on your zip code, so make sure to try different zip codes to cover all the Walmart stores in your area!

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HURRY! TVC Jabba's Palace BACK IN STOCK Online!

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If you still need The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Playset exclusive from Walmart, it’s back in stock!


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TVC Jabba's Palace Playset: Soon The Restock Is!

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If you still need The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Playset exclusive from Walmart, you may want to stalk this page. It’s been going in and out of stock and is showing in stock at the brick and mortar level. As you know, these will be readily available for TFF and beyond, as well as a limited restock online.


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We first reported that The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace would make an appearance at retail for Fall 2019. This is all still true. And now it looks as if it’s getting labeled as a Triple Force Friday product (Ian’s email partially confirms this), despite some remite stores putting it on the shelf earlier this summer (there were only a handful of store reports). ALso, don’t forget that Walmart is retsocking this item online as well. It will likely be avaialable on October 4th as well, but if we get better details we will let you know. In the meantime, reader JTA reade Ian M.’s store report by clicking through.

Full Story

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We have some great news to report. All of you who had your Walmart online orders canceled for the TVC Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) will have new hope. Although completely sold out with no plans for a restock, we’ve learned from some reliable sources that Walmart’s plans have changed for the better and they WILL replenish online stock. Also, Walmart is working very hard to remedy their ordering and stock logistics to make everything a smoother experience for collectors. At the moment, we don’t have an exact ETA on when that happens, but we expect it to run closer to when these units hit brick and mortar, which right now is “Fall.” If we receive more specific information, we’ll post an update. This release was Walmart’s fastest selling exclusive ever, and they’re excited what interest products from The Vintage Collection brings. More great things to come!

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Packages From Walmart.com Arriving In Great Condition!

As you know, the Walmart exclusive TVC Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Playset) is arriving to homes all across America. And many of you have noticed that the items are well-packed with air pillows and properly-sized boxes. That isn’t a coincidence. Walmart is aware of the shipping issues and has begun taking steps to rectify this. Mine arrived perfectly, and the image below, courtesy off JTA reader and friend Russ T., show proof that his merchandise came unharmed and in beautiful condition. Let us know how your shipping experiences are.

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Oh No! Can't Believe It! Bubblegate Returns?

The Walmart exclusive TVC Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) is the hybrid of many perfect things. It’s why it’s selling out the moment it goes back in stock. And it’s why we are still talking about it after so many posts. But today I noticed something that concerns me. (more….)


Full Story

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They’re here! Heather O’Rourke couldn’t have said it better. JTA reader and friend Danny R. was so eager to send in his report to let everyone know he picked up his Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) and he’s thrilled with it (so far)!. Let us know about your arrivals and what you think about this incredible retailer exclusive too!

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In case you’re not aware from reading this detail in our review yet, the carded figures in Jabba’s Palace Adventure Playset don’t arrive in perfect condition. Ree-Yees is in better shape than Han Solo (Carbonite) because it lays against the side of the box. But Han Solo (Carbonite) has less support. This is an issue because of the way Hasbro packaged the, essentially floating around inside of the box without much support. This isn’t a Walmart issue. You can see how they’re packaged by clicking HERE. I am sure that time outside of the box laying flatly will help return the cared figures to their original shape, but please note that they may not arrive in ideal form.

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They're On The Way, So Check Out What You'll Receive!

For many, The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) is quickly on its way to homes across America. As you eagerly anticipate the arrival of yours, catch up on our thoughts on this fantastic set right now in our full gallery right now. It’s loaded with imagery and details, and hopefully, it will pump you up with excitement until yours arrives.

Jabba's Palace (Adventure Set)

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Many of you have noticed your cards have been authorized for the Walmart exclusive The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Playset). We’ve got great news! We’ve learned that stock has finally arrived in the warehouse (which is why there was a little splurge of available units this morning) and that the “ship to customer” date is TOMORROW! So, these should begin shipping TOMORROW! Aren’t you excited? We also can confirm that, while you may see periodic online availability, that our original report is 100% accurate. This item is sold out online and will be available next in quantity at the retail level in the Fall.

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TVC Jabba's Palace Adventure Set Is Back In Stock!

Hurry! Pre-order The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Adventure Set with exclusive carded Han Solo (In Carbonite) and Ree-Yees! It probably won’t last long! Thanks to JTA reader Frank for the tip!

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Question. Actually, two questions. Question #1: Should The Vintage Collection Ree-Yees (VC137) and Han Solo (Carbonite) (VC136) from Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) receive VC numbers part of the regular lineup, or should they instead receive a number more similar to the one given to Yak Face from Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna) (VC000)? Do you find it bothersome in any way that figures part of the basic figure numbering system are exclusive to playset? I suppose the same would apply to retailer exclusives like Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) (VC144) and Han Solo (Stormtrooper) (VC143) as well.

Question #2: Should Han Solo (Carbonite) (VC136) have been part of this set? Shouldn’t Hasbro have added the redone magnetic carbonite block as an accessory here and instead included another Jabba’s palace alien? The reason I bring this up is that Han Solo is based on his appearance from The Empire Strikes Back and not Return Of The Jedi. Oh, and if you think neither of these questions is important, please skip over this post. Thanks.


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IT'S BACK IN STOCK! TVC Jabba's Palace Adventure Set!

Hurry! Pre-order The Vintage Collection Jabba’s Palace Adventure Set with exclusive carded Han Solo (In Carbonite) and Ree-Yees!

Update: Back IN STOCK for the time being! 

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What a surprising evening! We teased that the pre-order for Jabba’s Palace (Adventure Set) was coming very soon. And we approximated it would be Wednesday-ish. In actuality, Wednesday-ish translated into late Tuesday evening. We reviewed this spectacular product two weeks ago, so if you haven’t, be sure to check out our full review on it HERE. Thanks for being great sports about the teaser posts!  (If you haven’t yet, pre-order yours HERE

Jabba's Palace (Adventure Set)

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With special thanks to JTA reader Craig P. for the alert, the product page for the Walmart exclusive Jabba’s Palace Adventure Playset is back up again, and this time with images. The only question left is when this item goes up for pre-order! Special thanks to JTA reader Craig P. for the alert!

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