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Tag Archives: George Lucas

Pre-Order The Black Series George Lucas (In Stormtrooper Disguise)

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Pre-orders are open for the latest Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary The Black Series release George Lucas (In Stormtrooper Disguise). Click below for pre-order links!

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George Lucas Joins TBS As Part Of 50th Anniversary Celebration

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Lucasfilm continues to celebrate 50 years with another Vintage-style The Black Series release: George Lucas (In Stormtrooper Disguise), paying homage to the creator himself. Featured in a The Black Series 6-Inch Vintage Card Back, replicating the 2006 mail-away exlusive, look for this to go up for pre-order on Amazon on September 29 at 1 PM Eastern (link not yet active). has the full story.

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You saw our The Pathway To The Vintage Collection Special Report published on August 6th. Now we’re revisiting the figures that set The Vintage Collection in motion. Before we start the final wave, let’s look at the novelty figure of 2006. George Lucas (In Stormtrooper Disguise) has charm. We updated the figure in our newly revised review, complete with new text and photos and Visual Guide.

George Lucas (In Stormtrooper Disguise)

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It’s almost unfathomable, but Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back officially turned 40 years old today. We can all celebrate the film’s 40th Anniversary and the impact it’s had on popular culture. Recollect your memories of this prestigious film in our comment.s And don’t forget to include your Kenner memories if you grew up with the toy line at this time too!

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Happy 76th Birthday To George Lucas!

Yikes! We almost missed it! Happy birthday to the Creator of Star Wars. Thanks for the years of joy and all of the memories!

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Baby Yoda Meets His Grandfather!

And now something fun and lighthearted for the weekend! Jon Favreau posted the following photo on his Instagram yesterday:

Baby Yoda and George Lucas

Baby Yoda and George Lucas

This is from the season 2 set of The Mandalorian! Everyone loves Baby Yoda! Click on the photo for the large version! Now all we need is a Mandalorian episode directed by George Lucas!

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Disney CEO Bob Iger released his autobiography “The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned From 15 Years As CEO Of The Walt Disney Company” yesterday and in it he also very candidly talks about how George Lucas reacted when he first saw The Force Awakens. And while it’s nothing we haven’t guessed before, it’s still a very interesting read! So click through for all the relevant passages from the book!

Update: one more passage from Iger’s book added about the fact that Lucas initially didn’t even want to attend the Force Awakens premiere! Scroll to the end of the article for the new quote from Iger’s book!

Bob Iger and George Lucas

That fateful moment

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I only learned about this now, but on June 29th 2019 the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences held a special back to back screening of Rogue One and Star Wars A New Hope. What makes this so special is that Star Wars was, for the first time in decades, shown in its original, unaltered, pre special edition version. And according to someone from the audience it was an immaculate 70mm print of Star Wars. The only change to the original 1977 movie was the addition of “A New Hope” to the title crawl.
Apparently, the Academy needed a special permission from George Lucas himself to screen the original version of Star Wars. That begs the question if George Lucas still has some say over what happens with the movies he made. If the Academy needed Lucas’ permission and not just Disney’s that would imply “yes”. Does Lucas still own the prints of the unaltered movies? So even if Disney owns Star Wars, would even they need George Lucas’ permission, if Disney wanted to release the original, unaltered versions of the original trilogy movies on Blu-Ray? Or wanted to make some additional changes (updated CGI) to the special editions for a potential release in 4K? Also, if Lucas allowed the screening, could it mean he’s open to re-releasing the original versions in high definition? Read more about the screening on!

Classic Star Wars Poster


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The Phantom Menace Panel was held at Star Wars Celebration just a short while ago and during the panel a video message by George Lucas for the fans was played. You can watch it here:

So The Phantom Menace is still one of George’s favorite movies and Jar-Jar is his favorite character. While some fans may disagree with him, he, as the creator, sees things from a different perspective and while The Phantom Menace has its faults, it still gave us many iconic scenes and even a few iconic characters. It was the Star Wars of a new generation. Not too much unlike the current sequel trilogy. Time will tell how we look back at the sequels in 20 years from now. What are your thoughts about The Phantom Menace? Were you there on release day? What do you remember? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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JJ Abrams Consulted With George Lucas For Episode IX

Now that’s a very interesting tidbit which was revealed following the Episode IX panel at SWCC earlier today. JJ Abrams actually consulted with George Lucas for Episode IX and the return of Emperor Palpatine! Does it mean that some of George’s ideas made it into Episode IX? Or was JJ merely asking for some insight into the character of Palpatine? Either way it’s good to see that George’s input is still valuable, no matter how minor (the wardrobe scene in Solo) or major (Palpatine’s return) it may be. JJ certainly knows that the franchise owes everything to George Lucas and for him to have some input on the very last Skywalker movie is only appropriate, I think.

Star Wars Episode IX Tweet

Tweeted by Star Wars Holocron on Twitter

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George Lucas Is The Wealthiest US Celebrity 2018

George Lucas is the number one! Number one wealthiest US celebrity, that is. Forbes released their annual list of wealthiest US celebrities (not considering people like Bill Gates or Marc Zuckerberg who made their money in tech and not entertainment/sports) and the wealthiest celebrity by far is George Lucas with a fortune of about $5.4 billion! Most of that money comes from Disney who bought Lucasfilm from him in 2012. You could say that Star Wars fans made George very rich. And he deserves it. He gave us something wonderful in return. The number two on the list with a fortune of $3.7 billion is Lucas’ buddy Steven Spielberg.
Go to the Forbes website for the full list!

George Lucas and Darth Vader

The deal is getting better all the time!

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George Lucas To Direct Obi-Wan Movie?!!?

British politician Boris Johnson (former mayor of London, former Brexit minister) made a quite odd, or let’s say “interesting”, remark at a political speech he held recently in Northern Ireland. He said this:

“Which was the biggest grossing movie last year? Star Wars and where does George Lucas propose to make a follow up about Obi-Wan Kenobi? Northern Ireland.”

Now, Boris Johnson is not exactly known for conveying facts. And it’s more likely than not he has no clue what he’s talking about here. But if it were true, then that would be quite sensational news. Of course, nothing official is known. Should Lucas actually direct another Star Wars movie we should learn about it one way or the other sooner than later. Until then, don’t hold your breath!

Boris Johnson

The official Wikipedia photo for “Bad Hair Day”

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I Have A Good Feeling About This

Jon Favreau updated his Instagram account with some new photos a few hours ago and  look who came to visit for his birthday! It’s good to see that George is still around, at least visiting. Who knows, maybe he even gave Jon the one or the other piece of advice about Star Wars. No matter what he did, it’s nice to see the two of them together. Another photo shows the two with Dave Filoni who will, as you all know, direct the first episode of The Mandalorian. The show can’t come soon enough!

George Lucas and Jon Favreau

George Lucas and Jon Favreau smiling just for you

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RUMOR: George Lucas To Consult On Episode IX's Script?

One rumor that appears to be picking up steam is that George Lucas will be consulting on the Episode IX script. If this is true, it provides additional support to the foundation that there are significant problems internally with Star Wars fandom because of the direction Episode VIII took (founded or unfounded). It will be fascinating to see how this transpires. I hope that, if involved, he helps to steer Star Wars back to a direction that will no longer split the community or alienate fans. There is too much strife at the moment, and something needs a revisiting. Hopefully, this is it. Movie Web has the full story.

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New Details About The Sequel Trilogy That Never Was!

Some new details have been revealed about the sequel trilogy that George Lucas would have made, had he not sold the company to Disney. The picture below gives you a hint. Click through for more!


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Dave Filoni and the cast of Star Wars Rebels talked with Entertainment Weekly about the explosive series finale, the future, who really voices Chopper, and honoring George Lucas through fearless storytelling. Head over to EW to read the full interview.

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Marcia Lucas Talks Star Wars In A Rare Interview

Marcia Lucas, who won an Oscar for editing the first Star Wars, has rarely talked about her experience working on the film or her relationship with her ex-husband George Lucas. Many have pointed out her importance during the early days of the saga and that her contributions remain underappreciated. Athena Studios interviewed Marcia, along with Emmy-winning editor Duwayne Dunham, at the 40th Anniversary ILM reunion in May. In the interview she talks about Star Wars, George, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and more. Click through to watch the full interview!

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Ron Howard makes some comments about his first adventure in A Galaxy Far, Far Away on Twitter. He discusses how he has been around Star Wars basically since the beginning. Also, TMZ asks George Lucas his thoughts on Ron Howard’s journey into Star Wars and Lucas also gets some shots in at the fake Autograph seekers (pretty funny, worth a watch). And Ron Howard’s letter defending The Phantom Menace & Jake Llyod’s performance. Come on in and check it out!

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