Kylo Ren - Hasbro - Star Wars [Solo] (2018)
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Sainsbury’s (a supermarket chain in the UK) have Star Wars [The Last Jedi] 3.75″ figures for sale. What’s interesting at this particular location, however, is that the male characters are on the shelf with a full £11 price tag. But the female characters are ‘reduced to clear’ at £7.33! Someone needs to do something about this. The female characters of Star Wars deserve the same higher MSRP as their male counterparts. Special thanks to JTA reader Shoretrooper for this disconcerting turn of events.


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Is this how the 40th anniversary celebration dies? With thunderous lackluster products? It’s hard to believe we’re already beyond the first week in November and that we’re just moments from reaching the holiday season once again. What’s more difficult to believe than this is what we received in the form of Star Wars merchandise to celebrate the monumental and once in a lifetime celebration of the 40th anniversary of Star Wars. (more….)

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Could The Last Jedi Be The Last Hurrah For Collectors?

Gosh. I will be upfront with you all and say that my interest in Episode VIII and The Last Jedi toy line (as well as the TLJ and TFA focused figures from The Black Series [Phase III] line) is about a microcosm of what the average Disney Star Wars zealot feels about the new films and how Star Wars is the “best it’s ever been.” I have been hoping for the best, because I need a new starting point for the Sequel Trilogy since I ripped The Force Awakens out of my own personal Star Wars timeline. However, I am getting a little nervous. (more….)

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Hasbro agreed with us when we said that The Vintage Collection needs to be a conversation. They’ve since taken this quip of ours and used it in their SDCC presentation. Therefore, we’re going to keep that conversation indeed going. How should Hasbro approach 2018’s The Vintage Collection card backs? (more….)

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Are You A Good Hasbro, Or A Bad Hasbro?

I have had time to digest Hasbro’s presentation during San Diego Comic Con and I have distilled what concerns me and what elates me. While a 6” Maz Kanata is literally the VERY last thing I would ever want in my Star Wars collection personally, I have to admit that the rest of the presentation was Hasbro’s best in years. It certainly was far from perfection, but it’s a start and I want to be hopeful as I can. That being said, I do have great concerns. Adam Pawlus has already expressed his concern that The Vintage Collection smells like it might be dead on arrival. And in all honesty, part of me has similar reservations. But my hope outweighs the negatives at the moment. In an effort to keep thinking positively, I needed to itemize the pros and cons of what Hasbro has planned thus far. So, let’s talk about what will work and what absolutely won’t work so that we can clean up the negatives. Hasbro, please listen to this advising. We really know what’s best for The Vintage Collection. (more….)


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It may be more than just a coincidence that we’re seeing “rumors” about a conscious move away from 5POA as well as the return of The Vintage Collection. It seems like a last ditch effort to revitalize the Star Wars toy line. (more….)

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Do we then expect the future lines The Vintage Collection to be handled better? I don’t know. What’s going on? (more….)

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The Hollywood Reporter has posted an article which ushers in concern for Star Wars Episode IX based on director Colin Trevorrow’s critically panned The Book of Henry. Apparently the film is so bad that the critics couldn’t stop laughing. And we know how disastrous the Jurassic World reboot film was. Should Star Wars fans be concerned about this latest installment in the series? This quote is especially disconcerting: “And the compounding coincidences he requires in order to deliver a happy ending are almost disgustingly dishonest.” Although, this is exactly what TFA brought us so it might be the perfect marriage here. No comment from this peanut gallery, but special thanks to our friends at for alerting us to this interesting Friday story.

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There are ten (10) specific things I have been obsessing about that I want to see get done when the return of The Vintage Collection comes this Spring 2018. (A lot of it has to do with the original Kenner line.) While it would be wise for all of us to not count our chickens before they hatch, TVC’s return is likely to be a scaled down version of what we encountered between 2010 through parts of 2013. However, there is no reason why Hasbro can’t make most of their existing tooling budgets, parking lots, checklists and brainstorming to help us complete modern releases of the figures we grew up with as kids. Doing this will benefit everyone involved in the Hasbro/collecting community universe. While this unofficial Top 10 list of mine is really “all over the place’ with regards to what it covers, you will notice that it hones in on one repeated topic: getting those original “Collect All 92” out/completed in this line and offers suggestions on how to do it. Please click through and be sure to leave your own two cents in our comments. We have to keep the conversations going about The Vintage Collection. It’s the most important thing Hasbro has done for us in over half a decade.

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