Today we have a massive update to one of our older Special Reports that collected all of the Dark Horse Trade Paperbacks, Novellas, and Omnibus Editions in one single guide. We’ve updated this guide with new formatting and added over 70 additional issues making this guide a complete listing of Dark Horse releases. If you need to go back and catch up on the Expanded Universe that Dark Horse created, this is a great place to start. Featuring over 200 Trade Paperback releases spanning well over 800 Star Wars comic books, this guide has it all!
So, click through for our now complete Timeline and Guide To Collecting Dark Horse Trade Paperbacks (The perfect companion guide to our Timeline and Guide to Collecting Hardback Novels).
So there was an “event” of sorts with a bunch of the authors involved in Project Luminous tonight and with very little fanfare. has shared some of the details regarding the High Republic and the new books. There is also a little video that pretty much sums up what it’s all about so take a look. But very quickly and to the point, the Jedi of this period are “like the knights of the round table” and the threat is coming from the borders of the republic with the main threat known as the Nihil (pronounced Nile) who are like space Vikings. What do the Jedi fear most? Losing the light! To see the video, some concept art, and a few new book covers be sure to click through!
You can pre-order the Funko Pop! Deluxe Chewbacca in AT-ST for only $23 right now from for a March release! That’s a great deal for Pop! collectors. You can also pre-order the Forces of Destiny comics and variant covers (some look fantastic) here as well.
Our friends at Fantha Tracks have put together a fantastic article that focuses on the advertising of Star Wars toys through comic books, specifically in the UK. They go into history and cite some pretty amazing examples of how the brand was sold to kids back in the day. It’s definitely worth check out. Don’t forget to come back here to talk about it!!
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