Hey Canada! Do you want the Retro Collection now and don’t have a TARGET near you? Well, we’ve learned that the Retro Collection will be available in Canada from Kaiaboutique.com at the end of May. Special thanks to JTA reader Jean C. for the information!
Canada’s Toys R Us President has been interviewed at MSN.com and explains why she expects Toys R Us to last a long time in Canada. Click through for the full story. Special thanks to JTA reader Stuart R. for the alert
You think we have it bad in the USA when it comes to The Vintage Collection’s Imperial Combat Assault Tank? Friend and JTA reader Jamie D. sends us a report that this gorgeous vehicle has hit his local Canadian Toys R Us store and the MSRP is $119.99. Yikes. The line will not thrive with these ridiculous prices. By the way, see our full review on this amazing vehicle in our RDRs HERE.
JTA reader Jamie D. has found the USA TARGET exclusive TBS6 [P3] Gamorrean Guard at Canada’s EB Games shop. He writes “I got lucky and snagged one today (most stores only getting a few, and most went to pre-orders). $44.99 or $40.49 with their loyalty card.” For those of you not aware, these should be hitting the first week in July at TARGET in the USA. As always, you can check out our review on this figure HERE. You can also stalk TARGET’s product page for this item so you can get it when it comes in stock!
Website Retail Dive reports that the auction for the Canadian branch of Toys R Us was canceled on Monday, since there were no other qualified bids for the Canadian Toys R Us stores other than the $235 million “stalking horse” offer by Fairfax Financial. Once the deal is approved Fairfax Financial will own the 83 Canadian TRU stores.
The UCS LEGO Millennium Falcon is IN STOCK at Canada’s Walmart.com! Special thanks to Jean C. for the alert!
Hey Canada! ToysRUs.ca has the new Solo products in stock. Special thanks to JTA reader Eric C. for the alert!
Toys R Us has released documents, giving details for the purchase of the Canadian equity sale. Click through to read more about the Toys R Us Canada auction!
Found! The latest wave of The Black Series [Phase III] figures has been found in Canada! JTA reader Argyris A. sends us some quick pics to share with the rest of our readers. The “photo realistic” technology came out better than expected. We thank him for sending these pictures along!
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