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Prop Replicas | Helmet Replicas | Scaled Replicas & Riddell Helmets
Force FX Lightsabers |
Studio Scale | Miscellaneous

Master Replicas was present and in full force and part of Corgi International. They had plenty of Star Wars product on hand between their own product, great stuff from Cards Inc. and other lines that they will be distributing in the US such as the Kotobukiya vinyl figures.

Prop Replicas

Upcoming Limited Edition Prop Replicas:

  • Luke Skywalker Blaster
  • Boba Fett Blaster
  • Luke Skywalker Lightsaber
  • Ki-Adi Mundi (Collector's Club Exclusive) (not pictured)
  • There will be one Jedi Council Member's lightsaber per year as a Collector's Society Exclusive.
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Helmet Replicas

Upcoming Helmet Replicas:

  • Boba Fett
  • 212th Attack Battalion Trooper
  • Clone Trooper
  • Stormtrooper
  • Commander Gree (Collector's Club Exclusive)
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Scaled Replicas and Riddell Helmets

News and information on scaled replicas:

  • There will be no lightsaber or blaster scaled replicas in 2007.
  • The old Riddell helmets now officially belong to Master Replicas. These highly detailed helmets will be the offering of scaled replicas for the year.
  • On hand were the TIE Fighter Pilot, Boba Fett, X-Wing Pilot and Stormtrooper helmets.
  • The never produced TIE Fighter pilot helmet will be manufactured so you can put it in your collection.
  • There was a prototype Episode III helmet on display...expect several paint renderings of this helmet.
  • Several more helmets not shown will be offered up as exclusives.
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Force FX Lightsabers

Currently Available FX Lightsabers:

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Studio Scale Replicas

Studio Scale Replicas:

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Miscellaneous Items

With the recent merger with Corgi, Master Replicas will now be distributing a large variety of Star Wars merchandise. Take a look at what you can expect...

  • Kotobukiya figures will be available through Master Replicas online store.
  • Two new blueprints were on display...the X-Wing and Stormtrooper Helmet.
  • International Corgi customers will be able to purchase the Cards Inc. Cookie Jars, Plates, trading coins and other great Star Wars Merchandise!
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