The Jedi Temple Archives 2005 San Diego Comic Con - Hasbro

Hasbro Question and Answer
Hasbro Image Gallery
Hasbro Toy Announcements
ROTS Basic Figure Line
#57 - Commander Bly
#58 - Wookiee Commando (Light Fur/Soft Goods)
#59 - Commander Gree
#60 - Grievous Bodyguard (White)
#61 - Passel Argente
#62 - Cat Miin (Shu Mai's Aide)
#63 - Neimoidian Commander
#64 - R4-P17 (Obi-Wan's Astromech)
#65 - Tactical Ops Trooper (501st - Super Articulated)
#66 - Plo Koon (Holographic)
#67 - Aayla Secura (Holographic)
#68 - Wookiee Heavy Gunner (Dark Fur/Soft Goods)
Exclusive Lava Glow Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi (Target)
Holographoic Palpatine (TRU)
"Seperation of the Twins" Bail Organa with Leia (Wal*Mart)
"Seperation of the Twins" Obi-Wan Kenobi with Luke (Wal*Mart)
2006 Saga Line
Battle of Carkoon Wave - Liea in Boussh Disguise, Han Solo w/ Carbonite Block, Bob Fortuna
Hoth Wave - Figures TBA
Tatooine Wave - Sandtrooper
2005 Evolutions
Clone Trooper to Sandtrooper with Paint Variations (EII Clone - White, EIII Clone w/ Grey Pauldron, Sandtrooper - Dirty w/ Grey Pauldron)
Battle Packs
Assault on Hoth w/ General Veers, Snowtroopers x3 & Probot (TRU)
Jedi Temple Assault w/ Anakin Skywalker (#2), Clone Pilot & Special Ops Clone x3 (#6) (K-Mart)
Clone Trooper on Coruscant w/ 5-Pack (Target)
Other 2005 Exclusives
Entertainment Earth Rebel Astromech Droid 5-Pack
Entertainment Earth Imperial Astromech Droid 5-Pack
EU Stealth Trooper (Target)
Figure 10-Pack with Exclusive Silver Vader (KB Toys)
Cup & Figure Sets including Darth Vader, Princess Leia and Stromtrooper (Target)
Millennium Falcon
Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter (TRU)
Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter - Blue w/ pack-in Obi-Wan (TRU)
Galactic Heroes
Darth Vader and Holographic Emperor
Yoda and Kashyyyk Clone Trooper
Anakin Skywalker and Special Ops Clone (501st)
Anakin Skywalker and Orange Clone (Utapau)
Darth Vader Dangler
Darth Tater Dangler
Wave 4 - Anakin Skywalker's Green Jedi Starfighter, Queen's Royal Starship, Battle Worn Falcon and Wookie Helicopter
6" Droid Tri Fighter, Republic Gunship and X-Wing
Wal*Mart Gift Pack w/ Slave I, Blue ARC-170, X-Wing, Green Swamp Speeder and a "raw" TIE Bomber
3-3/4" Boba Fett
2" Unleashed Battle Packs
Yoda, Aayla Secura, Chewbacca, Wookie Warrior
Selection of 4 different Clone Commanders
Selection of 4 different Kashyyyk Clones
Selection of 4 different Wookie Warriors
16 Plush Dolls in 4 waves of 4
Wave 2 of this fun new line is on display...it even includes vehicles!
Wizards of the Coast
They've got a whole new line of SW Miniatures on display!
Hasbro Image Gallery
Basic Figures

Battle Packs

Target Cup & Figure Sets
Galactic Heroes

Force Batlers
Titanium Series

Other 2005 San Diego Comic Con Updates

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