Droid Factory [Solo: A Star Wars Story]  - Disney - Disney Parks (2018)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

This index is intended to list all of the repacks/repaints of a specific figure, as well as the accessories. This index does not include kit-bashed figures as a repack/repaint since they are unique figures, although if a figure was just slightly retooled it will be included (such as a glued on accessory, or drilled/filled holes, etc). If a figure has a new limb or head, that will be considered a unique sculpt. Also, pack-ins such as stands, booklets, holograms, etc are not listed as accessories. #1 of each figure is considered the original release and is listed as so in the index. While some figures may be technically new characters that utilize the same sculpt (clones, for example), they are still listed here to help identify which sculpts they share. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which figures to re-buy, and this guide is here to help you in that decision!

This index will continue to grow as we add new repacks, and fill in the old repacks. To quickly jump to specific repack information, look for the symbol in our guides indicating that the figure is a repack of some type, then click the symbol for detailed repack information for that figure.

–Numbers–   –A–   –B–   –C–   –D–   –E–   –F–   –G–   –H–   –I–   –J–   –K–   –L–

 –M–   –N–   –O–   –P–   –Q–   –R–   –S–   –T–   –U–   –V–   –W–   –X–   –Y–   –Z–


4-LOM – POTF2 Basic Figure (Commtech)

  1. POTF2 Basic (Green Card) – 1997 (with blaster pistol & blaster rifle)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Hunt for the Millennium Falcon) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, same blaster rifle as #1)


Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #32 (Jedi Knight) – 2005 (with lightsaber hilt, & lightsaber blade)
  2. ROTS Basic #67 (Hologram) – 2005 (repaint of #1 (clear), with clear lightsaber hilt, & same lightsaber blade as #1)

Admiral Motti – POTF2 Basic Figure (Commtech)

  1. POTF2 Basic (Commtech) – 2000 (with blaster)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Death Star Briefing) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, different blaster)

Agen Kolar (Jedi Master) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #20 (Jedi Master) – 2005 (with lightsaber hilt, lightsaber blade, plastic cloak, plastic cloak sleeves x2)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)

Airborn Trooper (Clone Commander) – TSC Battle Pack

  1. TSC Battle Packs (Mace Windu's Attack Battalion—Clone Commander) – 2006 (with DC-15 blaster rifle, pistol, sachel, & helmet)
  2. TAC Basic #07 (Airborne Trooper) – 2006 (repaint of #1, different DC-17 blaster rifle, same pistol; helmet, & sachel are the same, but repainted)

Anakin Skywalker (Lightsaber Attack) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #2 (Lightsaber Attack!) – 2005 (with lightsaber handle, right hand, right hand w/ blue saber, right hand w/ red saber (variant) or count dooku lightsaber.)
  2. ROTS Exclusive (Hasbro Press Kit–Toy Fair Exclusive) – 2005 (repack of #1, same right hand)
  3. ROTS Electronic Lightsaber Action 2-Pack – 2005 (repack of #1, same right hand w/ blue saber)
  4. ROTS Darth Vader Carry Case – 2005 (repack of #1, same right hand)
  5. ROTS Vehicles (Anakin's Jedi Starfighter) – 2005 (repack of #1, same right hand, right hand w/ blue saber; headset added)
  6. ROTS Battle Pack (Jedi Temple Assault) – 2005 (repack of #1, same right hand w/ blue saber)
  7. ROTS Exclusive (Darth Vader: Duel at Mustafar) – 2005 (repaint, same right hand w/ blue saber; lava base added)
  8. TSC Heroes & Villains – 2006 (repack of #1, same right hand, right hand w/ blue saber, Count Dooku lightsaber, and lightsaber handle)

Anakin Skywalker (Slashing Attack) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic Figure #28 – 2005 (with lightsaber, right gloved hand, right mechanical hand, & cloak)
  2. ROTS Exclusive (Star Wars Reunion Paris) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Anakin Skywalker (Trade Federation Cruiser) – ROTS Battle Arena

  1. ROTS Battle Arena – 2005 (no accessories)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—1 of 3) – 2005 (repack of #1)

ARC Trooper – Clone Wars Basic Figure

  1. Clone Wars Basic 03-43 (Blue Armor) (Red Armor) – 2003 (with DC-17 blaster rifle, kama, color specific pauldron, and rangefinder)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (The Hunt for Grievous) (Blue Clone Trooper x3) – 2006 (repaint of #1; repainted shoulder pads & kamas, 2 DC-17 blaster rifles, 1 DC-15 rifle, 3 repainted rangefinders)

AT-TE Tank Gunner (Clone Army) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #38 (Clone Army) – 2005 (with DC-15 blaster, helmet, helmet pad, shoulder harness, left shoulder pad & scout pistol)
  2. ROTS Basic #65 (Vader's Legion) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with same DC-15 blaster, repainted removable helmet & left shoulder pad)
  3. TSC Greatest Battles #1 (501st Legion Trooper) – 2006 (repack of #2, same accessories)
  4. TSC Greatest Battles #2 (AT-TE Tank Gunner) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)

AT-AT Commander – POTF2 Vehicle

  1. POTF2 Vehicle (AT-AT Commander) – 1997 (no accessories)
  2. ROTS Battle Packs (Assault on Hoth) ( General Veers) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with blaster)

Aurra Sing – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic – 2001 (with rifle and blaster)
  2. Saga Multipacks (Ultimate Bounty) – 2003 (repack of #1. same accessories)
  3. TSC Basic #70 – 2006 (repaint of #1, same accessories as #1, added lightsaber and soft goods scarf)


Bail Organa (Republic Senator) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #15 (Republic Senator) – 2005 (with cloak & blaster)
  2. ROTS Exclusive (Separation of the Twins) – 2005 (repack of #1, with same accessories, added infant Leia)
  3. ROTS Multipacks (Collector Pack) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Barada – POTF2 Cinema Scene (Skiff Guards)

  1. POTF2 Cinema Scenes (Skiff Guards) – 1999 (with blaster)
  2. Saga Multipacks (Skirmish at Carcoon) – 2004 (repaint of #1, same blaster as #1)
  3. TSC Basic #4 (Battle of Carkoon) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same blaster as #1)

Battle Droid (Boomer Damage) – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic (Boomer Damage) – 2000 (with blaster & 2 boomer damage effects)
  2. OTC Multipacks (Naboo Final Combat) – 2004 (repaint of #1 (no damage) with same blaster)
  3. TSC Battle Packs (Sith Lord Attack) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same blaster, added blast effect)

Battle Droid (Security) – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic (Security) – 2000 (with blaster)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Sith Lord Attack) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, same blaster)

Battle Droid (Separatist Army) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-11 (Arena Battle) (Tan Version) / (Red Version) – 2002 (with blaster, blast effect, 2 energy charges, & backpack)
  2. ROTS Basic #17 (Separatist Army) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with darker blaster, repainted backpack, and same blast effect)

Battle Droid (With Droid Factory Assembly Line) – Saga Deluxe Figure

  1. Saga Deluxe (Droid Factory) – 2002 (with magnetic C-3PO & Battledroid heads, blaster, backpack & blast effect)
  2. TSC Basic #62 (Kashyyyk Conquest) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same accessories as #1, without magnets & blast effect)

Biker Scout – TSC Vintage Style

  1. TSC Vintage Style – 2006 (with scout blaster)
  2. TSC Basic #65 (Elite Corps Clone Trooper) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same accessories as #1; added DC-15 blaster)

Boba Fett (300th Figure) – POTJ Special Edition

  1. POTJ Special Edition (300th Figure) – 2000 (with blaster rifle, pistol, rocket pack, standard rocket, and projectile rocket)
  2. Saga Multipacks (Ultimate Bounty) – 2003 (slight repaint of #1; darker cape; same blaster rifle, pistol, rocket pack, & standard rocket as #1)
  3. Saga Exclusives (Silver) – 2003 (repaint of #1, same blaster rifle, only painted silver)
  4. OTC Vehicles (Slave I) – 2004 (repack of #1, same blaster rifle as #1; rocket not included with most sets)
  5. TSC Multipacks (Hunt for the Millennium Falcon) – 2006 (repack of #1, same blaster rifle, pistol, rocket pack, & standard rocket as #1)

Boba Fett (Battle of Carkoon) – TSC Basic Figure

  1. TSC Basic # 6 (Battle of Carkoon) – 2006 (with blaster rifle and rocket-blast base)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Battle above the Sarlacc) – 2006 (repack of #1, same blaster rifle)

Boba Fett (Pit of Carkoon) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic 03-08 (Green Armor) / (Blue Armor) – 2003 (with blaster rifle, blast effect, & rocket-blast base)
  2. OTC Basic #14 – 2004 (slight repaint of #1, with same blaster rifle, same blast effect, & same rocket-blast base)
  3. ROTS Cup & Figure Set – 2005 (repack of #1, same blaster rifle)

Bossk – POTF2 Basic Figure (Green Card)

  1. POTF2 Basic (Green Card) – 1997 (with blaster rifle and pistol)
  2. Saga Multipacks (Ultimate Bounty) – 2003 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)
  3. TSC Multipacks (Hunt for the Millennium Falcon) – 2006 (repack of #1, same blaster rifle as #1)


C-3PO – OTC Vintage Style Figure

  1. OTC Vintage Style (ESB) – 2004 (no accessories)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ROTJ) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, no accessories)

C-3PO (Protocol Droid) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #18 (Protocol Droid) – 2005 (with removable limbs)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Collector Pack) – 2005 (repack of #1, same removable limbs)
  3. TSC Greatest Battles #3 – 2006 (repack of #1, same removable limbs)

C-3PO (With Droid Factory Assembly Line) – Saga Deluxe Figure

  1. Saga Deluxe (Droid Factory) – 2002 (with magnetic C-3PO & Battledroid heads, blaster, backpack & blast effect)
  2. TSC Basic #17 (Battle of Geonosis) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same accessories as #1, without magnets & blast effect)

Chancellor Palpatine (Supreme Chancellor) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #14 (Supreme Chancellor) – 2005 (with plastic cloak and binders)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Collector Pack) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Chewbacca (Cloud City Capture) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-38 (Cloud City Capture) – 2002 (with cargo net, imperial blaster, & C-3PO torso, body parts, and light-up head)
  2. TSC Basic #54 (Cloud City Capture) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories, C-3PO parts slightly repainted)

Chewbacca (Millennium Falcon Mechanic) – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic (Millennium Falcon Mechanic) – 2000 (with welding goggles & torch)
  2. Saga HOF (Escape from Hoth) – 2004 (repack of #1, same accessories)
  3. OTC Basic #8 – 2004 (repack of # 1, same accessoreis, bowcaster added)
  4. OTC Carry Case (C-3PO) – 2004 (repack of # 1, same bowcaster as #3)
  5. OTC Multipacks (Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection—ESB) – 2004 (repack of # 1, same bowcaster as #3)
  6. OTC Vehicles (Millenium Falcon Crew) – 2004 (repack of # 1, no accessories)
  7. TSC Basic #5 (Battle of Carkoon) – 2006 (repack of #1, with real chain attached)
  8. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ESB) – 2006 (repack of #1, new style bowcaster added)

Chewbacca (Wookie Rage) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #5 (Wookie Rage!) – 2005 (with bowcaster)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (Rebel vs. Empire) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)
  3. TSC Heroes & Villains #7 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Clone Commander – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #33 (Red Armor) (Green Armor) – 2005 (with 2 blasters, rifle, shoulder pauldron, and grapple hook with rope)
  2. ROTS Basic #57 (Commander Bly) – 2005 (repaint of #1, same 2 blasters & rifle)
  3. TSC Greatest Battles #14 (Red Armor) (Green Armor) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Clone Commander Cody – The Saga Collection Basic Figure

  1. TSC Basic #24 (Battle of Utapau) – 2006 (with helmet, blaster, rifle, & jetpack)
  2. TSC Basic #56 (Holographic) (Conflict on Utapau) – 2006 (repaint (clear) of #1, same helmet, blaster, & jetpack—all holographic style; no rifle)

Clone Pilot – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #34 (Gray Gear) (Black Gear) – 2005 (with blaster, projectile, & Firing Canon)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (Jedi Temple Assault) – 2005 (repack of #1, with the same blaster as #1)
  3. TSC Heroes & Villains #6 (Black Gear) – 2006 (repack of the black gear version of #1, same accessories)

Clone Trooper (Build Your Army) – ROTS Deluxe Figure

  1. ROTS Deluxe (Kneeling) (White) (Green) – 2005 (with blaster)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—3 of 3) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with the same blaster as #1)

Clone Trooper (Build Your Army) – ROTS Deluxe Figure

  1. ROTS Deluxe (Standing) (White) (Red) – 2005 (with blaster)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—3 of 3) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with the same blaster as #1)

Clone Trooper (The Clone Wars) – ROTS Evolutions (Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper)

  1. ROTS Evolutions (Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper I) (yellow) – 2005 (with standard helmet, pilot helmet, and blaster)
  2. ROTS Evolutions (Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper II) (white) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with the same blaster and pilot helmet as #1; repainted standard helmet)

Clone Trooper (Episode II Super Articulated) – Clone Wars Basic Figure

  1. Clone Wars Basic #50 – 2003 (with blaster)
  2. OTC Multipacks Exclusive (Trooper Clean 4-pack) – 2005 (4 repacks of #1: all white; same blaster; new peghole in foot)
  3. OTC Multipacks Exclusive (Officers Clean 4-pack) – 2005 (4 repaints of #1: Lieutenant (Blue) Sergeant (Green) Captain (Red) Commander (Yellow); same blaster; new peghole in foot)
  4. OTC Multipacks Exclusive (Trooper Battle Damaged 4-pack) – 2005 (4 repaints of #1: varioius battle damage; same blaster; new peghole in foot)
  5. OTC Multipacks Exclusive (Officers Battle Damaged 4-pack) – 2005 (Same as #3, with various battle damage added; same blaster)
  6. ROTS Darth Vader Carry Case – 2005 (Repack of #2, no accessories)
  7. TSC Basic #60 (Sergeant) – 2006 (repaint of #3; same blaster)

Clone Trooper (Episode III Super Articulated) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #41 (Super Articulated!) – 2005 (with blaster & antenna)
  2. ROTS Basic #59 (Commander Gree) – 2005 (repaint, same blaster and antenna as #1; added blaster cannon with missle)
  3. ROTS Exclusive (Covert Ops) (SWS.com) – 2005 (repaint, same blaster as #1; added rifle)
  4. TSC Basic #26 (Battle of Utapau) – 2006 (repaint, same blaster and antenna as #1)
  5. TSC Basic #57 (442nd Siege Battalion) – 2006 (repaint, same blaster and antenna as #1)
  6. TSC Basic #59 (Fifth Fleet Security) – 2006 (repaint, same blaster and antenna as #1)
  7. TSC Basic #64 (Commander Appo) – 2006 (repaint, same blaster as #1, added shoulder pauldron)
  8. TSC Heroes & Villains #5 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)
  9. TSC Battle Packs (Mace Windu's Attack Battalion) – 2006 (repaint, same blaster and antenna; added shoulder pauldron)
  10. TSC Battle Packs (Skirmish at the Senate Shock Trooper) – 2006 (repaint, same accessories as #1)

Clone Trooper (Fall of the New Republic) – ROTS Evolutions (Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper)

  1. ROTS Evolutions (Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper I) (yellow) – 2005 (with helmet, handheld blasters (x2), shoulder pauldron, and rifle)
  2. ROTS Evolutions (Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper II) (gray) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with same handheld blasters (x2) and rifle; repainted helmet and pauldron; added standard clone belt and removable kama)

Clone Trooper (Firing Jet Backpack) – ROTS Deluxe Figure

  1. ROTS Deluxe – 2005 (with rifle, backpack, & 2 projectiles)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (Clone Attack on Coruscant) (x4) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with 2 rifles and 2 pistols)

Clone Trooper (Quick Draw Attack) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #6 (White Version) (Shock Trooper version) – 2005 (with pistol, rifle, plain left shoulder pad, & insignia left shoulder pad)
  2. ROTS Cup & Figure Set (White Armor) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)
  3. ROTS Battle Pack (Jedi Temple Assault) (Special Ops Trooper x3) – 2005 (repaint of #1, fixed shoulder pad, same pistol (x2) and same rifle)
  4. TSC Greatest Battles #11 (Shock Trooper) – 2006 (repack of the shock trooper version of #1, same accessories)

Clone Trooper (Target Exclusive) – ROTS Exclusive Figure

  1. ROTS Exclusive (Target) – 2005 (with pistol, & rifle)
  2. ROTS Excludive (Utapau Shadow Trooper) – 2005 (repaint of #1, same pistol, different rifle)

Commander Bacara – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #49 (Quick-Draw Attack!) – 2005 (with blaster, rifle, harness, and kama)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (Clone Attack on Coruscant) (Clone Commander) – 2005 (repaint of #1, same blaster, rifle; repainted harness, and kama)
  3. TSC Heroes & Villans #4 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Count Dooku (Dark Lord) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-27 (Dark Lord) – 2002 (with cloak, red lightsaber, green lightsaber, and Sidious hologram)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—2 of 3) – 2005 (repack of #1, same red lightsaber)

Count Dooku (Sith Lord) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #13 (Sith Lord) – 2005 (with lightsaber & cape)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Collector Pack) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)
  3. TSC Greatest Battles #4 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)


Darth Maul (Masters of the Dark Side) – POTJ 2-Pack

  1. POTJ 2-Pack (Masters of the Dark Side) – 2000 (with lightsaber)
  2. Saga Basic #03-25 (Theed Hangar Duel) – 2003 (repack of #1, different lightsaber with removable blade)
  3. Saga Hall of Fame (Theed Hangar Duel) – 2004 (repack of #1, same accessories as #2)
  4. ROTS Battle Pack (Jedi vs. Separatists) – 2004 (repack of #1, same accessories as #2)
  5. TSC Battle Packs (Sith Lord Attack) – 2006 (repack of #1; different lightsaber and blade)

Darth Maul (Sith Training) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-42 – 2002 (with lightsaber hilt, 2 blades, hover base, and probe droid)
  2. TSC Basic #53 – 2006 (Repack of #1, same accessories)

Darth Maul (Tatooine) – Episode I Basic Figure

  1. Episode I Basic – 1999 (with single-bladed lightsaber)
  2. Saga Cup & Figure Set – 2004 (repack of #1)
  3. TSC Basic # 48 (Holographic) (Tatooine Encounter) – 2006 (repaint (clear) of #1, holographic single-bladed lightsaber)

Darth Vader – OTV Vintage Style Figure

  1. OTC Vintage Style (ESB) – 2004 (with lightsaber & lightsaber hilt)
  2. TSC Vehicle Pack-in (Imperial Shuttle) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)

Darth Vader – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #11 (Lightsaber Attack!) – 2005 (with lightsaber)
  2. ROTS Exclusive (Hasbro Press Kit– (Toy Fair Exclusive) – 2005 (repack of #1)
  3. TSC Heroes & Villains #1 – 2006 (repack of #1, same lightsaber)

Darth Vader – ROTS (Special Edition 500th Figure)

  1. ROTS (500th Figure) – 2005 (with open & closed hand, lightsaber, helmet dome)
  2. TSC Basic #13 (Battle of Hoth) – 2006 (repack of #1, same closed hand, lightsaber, & helmet dome)
  3. TSC Basic #38 (Bespin Confession) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, same closed hand & lightsaber; added conduit spool, large storage crate, & small storage crate; helmet dome now GLUED on)

Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath) – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic (Emperor's Wrath) – 2001 (with lightsaber and cape)
  2. Saga Multipacks (Imperial Forces) – 2003 (repaint of #1; same lightsaber and cape)
  3. OTC Basic #29 (ESB) – 2004 (repaint of #1; same lightsaber, repainted cape)
  4. OTC Multipacks (Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection—ROTJ) – 2004 (repack of #2; same accessories as #2)
  5. OTC Exclusives (2005 Holiday Edition) – 2005 (repaint of #1; same lightsaber, repainted cape)
  6. ROTS Cup & Figure Set – 2005 (repaint of #1; same cape with slightly repainted lightsaber)
  7. TSC Multipacks (Hunt for the Millennium Falcon) – 2006 (repack of #6; same accessories as #6)

Darth Vader (Final Duel) – POTJ 2-Pack (25th Silver Anniversary)

  1. POTJ 2-Pack (Final Duel) – 2002 (with lightsaber and plastic cape)
  2. ROTS Exclusive (Celebration III) – 2005 (slight repaint of #1, with same lightsaber and plastic cape)
  3. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ANH) – 2006 (repack of #1; same accessories)

Darth Vader (Final Jedi Duel) – POTF2 Cinema Scene

  1. POTF2 Cinema Scene (Final Jedi Duel) – 1997 (with lightsaber)
  2. Saga Exclusive (Silver) (New York Toy Fair) – 2002 (repaint of #1; repainted lightsaber)
  3. ROTS Exclusive (Lava Glow) – 2005 (repaint of #1; repainted lightsaber)

Darth Vader (Silver Saga) – Saga Exclusive Figure

  1. Saga Exclusive (Silver Edition) – 2004 (with lightsaber and cape )
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Collector Pack) – 2005 (repaint of #1, same repainted accessories)

Darth Vader (Throne Room Duel) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #03-18 (Throne Room Duel) – 2003 (with lightsaber & removable helmet)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—2 of 3) – 2005 (repack of #1, same lightsaber, helmet is now glued on)

Dengar (Executor Meeting) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #04-18 (Executor Meeting) – 2004 (with blaster and backpack)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Hunt for the Millennium Falcon) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, repainted blaster)

Destroyer Droid (Geonosis Battle) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-48 (Geonosis Battle) – 2002 (with 2 projectiles)
  2. ROTS Basic #44 (Firing Arm Blaster!) – 2005 (repaint of #1, 2 newly designed projectiles)
  3. TSC Heroes & Villains #12 – 2006 (repack of #2, same accessories as #2)


Emperor (Firing Force Lightening) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #12 (Firing Force Lightning) – 2005 (with lightsaber, hood, force effect, & force lightening)
  2. ROTS Exclusive (Holographic) – 2005 (repaint of #1 (clear) with clear lightsaber, hood, force effect, & force lightening)
  3. ROTS Battle Pack (Imperial Throne Room) – 2005 (repack of #1 with same force lightening)
  4. ROTS Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—2 of 3) – 2005 (repack of #1 with same lightsaber)
  5. TSC Greatest Battles #13 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)
  6. TSC Battle Packs (Skirmish in the Senate) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)

Emperor (Throne Room) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #03-30 – 2003 (with cane & force lightening)
  2. OTC Multipacks (Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection—ROTJ) – 2004 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)
  3. TSC Basic #43 (Battle of Endor) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, same force lightening; hand retooled with peg hole, different cane with peg)
  4. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ROTJ) – 2006 (repack of #2, same accessories as #2)


General Grievous (Exploding Body) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #36 (Exploding Body!) – 2005 (with lightsaber, blaster, cape, & 7 body parts)
  2. TSC Heroes & Villains #9 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)

General Grievous (Grievous' Wheel Bike) – ROTS Vehicles

  1. ROTS Vehicles (Grievous' Wheel Bike) – 2005 (no accessories)
  2. TSC Vehicles (Grievous' Wheel Bike) – 2006 (repack of #1—same product repackaged in new box)

General Grievous – ROTS Sneak Preview Figure

  1. ROTS Basic (Sneak Preview) – 2005 (with blaster, lightsaber blade, hilt, and cape)
  2. ROTS Cup & Figure Set – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)
  3. ROTS Battle Packs (Jedi vs. Sith) – 2005 (slight repaint of #1, same accessories)
  4. TSC Basic #30 (Battle of Coruscant) – 2006 (repaint, with new blaster, repainted cape, retooled lightsaber; added electrostaff)
  5. TSC Exclusive (Demise of Grievous) – 2006 (repaint with slight retooling in eyes, with same blaster & electrostaff as #4, added eye-socket flames)

General Rieekan – Saga Deluxe Figure (Hoth Evacuation)

  1. Saga Ultra (Hoth Evacuation) – 2004 (with tactical screen)
  2. TSC #12 (Battle of Hoth) – 2006 (repack of #1, with blaster)

Geonosian Warrior – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-15 – 2002 (with spear)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Republic Commando Delta Squad) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, with sonic blaster)

Grievous' Bodyguard – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #08 – 2005 (with cloak & electrostaff)
  2. ROTS Basic #60 – 2005 (repaint of #1, with repainted cloak & repainted electrostaff)


Han Solo – POTF2 Basic Figure

  1. POTF2 Basic – 1999 (with blaster and vest)
  2. ROTS Cup & Figure Set – 2005 (repack of #1, same same accessories as #1)

Han Solo (Bespin Capture) – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic (Bespin Capture) – 2000 (with blaster pistol and binders)
  2. OTC Multipacks (Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection—ESB) – 2004 (repack of #1, same blaster pistol)
  3. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ESB) – 2006 (repack of #1, same blaster pistol)

Han Solo (Carbonite) – TSC Basic Figure

  1. TSC Basic #2 (Battle of Carkoon) – 2006 (with force pike & carbonite block)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Battle above the Sarlacc) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, same force pike as #1)

Han Solo (Endor Raid) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-37 (Endor Raid) – 2002 (with blaster pistol and 2 grenades)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (Rebel vs Empire) – 2005 (repack of #1, same blaster)


IG-88 (Bounty Hunter) – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic (Bounty Hunter) – 2000 (with rifle and bandolier)
  2. Saga Multipacks (Ultimate Bounty) – 2003 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)
  3. OTC Basic #27 (ESB) – 2004 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)
  4. TSC Multipacks (Hunt for the Millennium Falcon) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, same accessories as #1)

Imperial Dignitary (Janus Greejatus) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #03-35 (Death Star Procession) – 2003 (no accessories)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (Imperial Throne Room) – 2005 (repack of #1, no accessories)


Jango Fett (Final Battle) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-31 (Final Battle) – 2002 (with jet pack, 2 blasters, flame projectile, and removable head)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (Jedi vs. Separatists) – 2005 (repaint of #1, same jet pack, flame projectile, and removable head; same blaster x1)

Jango Fett (Kamino Escape) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-13 (Kamino Escape) – 2002 (with helmet, jetpack, 2 blasters, grappling hook, rocket, projectile)
  2. TSC Basic #20 (Battle of Geonosis) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)


Kabe – POTF2 Exclusive

  1. POTF2 Exclusive (Kabe and Muftak) – 1998 (with vibro-blade)
  2. TSC Basic #72 (2-pack) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same accessory, also repainted)

Ki Adi Mundi – Episode I Basic Figure

  1. Episode I Basic – 1999 (with lightsaber)
  2. TSC Basic #27 (Holographic) (Battle of Coruscant) – 2006 (repaint (clear) of #1, holographic lightsaber)

Ki Adi Mundi (Jedi Master) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #29 – 2005 (with lightsaber hilt, blade, cloth robe, and belt)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Collector Pack) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Kit Fisto – Clone Wars Basic Figure

  1. Clone Wars Basic #49 – 2003 (with lightsaber)
  2. TSC Basic #55 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Kit Fisto (Jedi Master) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #22 (Jedi Master) – 2005 (with lightsaber hilt & blade)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Collector Pack) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)
  3. TSC Greatest Battles #8 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)
  4. TSC Battle Packs (Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious) – 2006 (repack of #1, same lightsaber hilt & blade; new softgoods cloak)

Kitik Keed'kak – OTC Screen Scene (Mos Eisley Cantina Scene 1)

  1. OTC Screen Scene (Mos Eisley Cantina) – 2004
  2. TSC Basic #71 – 2006 (repaint of #1)


Labria – POTF2 Cinema Scene (Cantina Aliens)

  1. POTF2 Cinema Scene (Cantina Aliens) – 1998 (with blaster & Cape)
  2. TSC Basic #73 – 2006 (repaint of #1, same accessories, also repainted)

Lando Calrissian (Jabba's Sail Barge) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #04-07 (Jabba's Sail Barge) – 2004 (with blaster, helmet, and vibro-axe)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Battle above the Sarlacc) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same accessories)

Luke Skywalker (Jabba's Palace) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic 04-04 (Jabba's Palace) – 2004 (with cloak, lightsaber and blaster)
  2. OTC Basic #06 (Jedi Knight) – 2004 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)
  3. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ROTJ) – 2006 (repack of #1, same lightsaber as #1)

Luke Skywalker (Tatooine Encounter) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic 03-31 (Tatooine Encounter) – 2003 (with lightsaber)
  2. Saga Hall of Fame (Tatooine Encounter) – 2004 (repack of #1, same lightsaber)
  3. OTC Multipacks (Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection—ANH) – 2004 (repack of #1, same lightsaber)
  4. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ANH) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, different lightsaber)

Luke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #03-17 (Throne Room Duel) (left hand variation) (right hand variation) – 2003 (with lightsaber hilt, blade, throne base, and break-away railing)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (Rebel vs. Empire) – 2005 (repack of #1, same lightsaber and hilt)

Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #31 – 2005 (with lightsaber hilt and blade)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Collector Pack) – 2005 (repack of #1, same lightsaber hilt and blade)


Mace Windu – Episode I Basic Figure

  1. Episode I Basic – 1999 (with lightsaber and plastic cloak)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—1 of 3) – 2005 (repack of #1; with new lightsaber)

Mace Windu (Force Combat) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #10 (Force Combat!) – 2005 (with lightsaber & force lightening)
  2. TSC Heroes & Villains #10 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)
  3. TSC Battle Packs (Mace Windu's Attack Battalion) – 2006 (repack of #1, with same lightsaber as #1; added soft goods cloak)

Mace Windu (Jedi High Council) – Saga Screen Scene

  1. Saga Screen Scene (Jedi High Council) – 2003 (no accessories)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious) – 2006 (repack of #1; added lightsaber and softgoods cloak)

Muftak – POTF2 Exclusive

  1. POTF2 Exclusive (Kabe and Muftak) – 1998 (with blaster)
  2. TSC Basic #29 (Foul Moudama) (Battle of Coruscant) – 2006 (repaint of #1, with boots, plastic tunic, and lightsaber. Re-made into a new character.)


Nabrun Leids – POTF2 Cinema Scene (Cantina Aliens)

  1. POTF2 Cinema Scene (Cantina Aliens) – 1998 (with rifle)
  2. TSC Basic #72 (2-pack) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same accessory, also repainted)

Neimoidian Warrior – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #42 (Neimoidian Warrior) – 2005 (with helmet, rifle, & projectile)
  2. ROTS Basic #63 (Neimoidian Commander) – 2005 (repaint of #1, repainted helmet, & battle staff)


Obi-Wan Kenobi (Final Duel) – POTJ 2-Pack (25th Silver Anniversary)

  1. POTJ 2-Pack (Final Duel) – 2002 (with lightsaber)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ANH) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi) – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic Figure – 2000 (with green lightsaber and plastic cloak)
  2. OTC Screen Scene (Jedi High Council - Scene 2) – 2004 (repack of #1, no accessories)
  3. TSC Battle Packs (Sith Lord Attack) – 2006 (repack of #1, slight retooling of the belt; with blue lightsaber & soft goods cloak)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Kick) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #27 (Jedi Kick!) – 2005 (with lightsaber, kicking pole & pole base)
  2. TSC Heroes & Villains #8 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Mustafar Final Duel) – ROTS Playset

  1. ROTS Playsets – 2005 (with lightsaber)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—1 of 3) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Slashing Attack) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #01 (Slashing Attack!) – 2005 (with right hand, lightsaber hilt, & lightsaber with right hand)
  2. ROTS Electronic Lightsaber Action 2-Pack – 2005 (repack of #1, same right hand with blue saber)
  3. ROTS Exclusive (Duel at Mustafar) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with lightsaber with right hand)
  4. ROTS Cup & Figure Set – 2005 (repack of #1, same right hand & right hand with blue saber)
  5. ROTS Vehicles (Jedi Starfighter) – 2005 (repack of #1, same right hand, lightsaber hilt & right hand with blue saber; added headset)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (With Pilot Gear) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #55 (With Pilot Gear) – 2005 (with lightsaber, lightsaber hilt, headset, and plastic cloak)
  2. ROTS Special Edition (Separation of the Twins) – 2006 (repack of #1, same plastic cloak and lightsaber hilt; added infant Luke Skywalker)
  3. TSC Basic #28 (Battle of Coruscant) – 2006 (repack of #1, same lightsaber and lightsaber hilt; added cloth cloak)
  4. TSC Basic #63 (Holographic) (Report from Coruscant) – 2006 (repaint (clear) of #1, same lightsaber, lightsaber hilt, & plastic cloak as #1, all holographic style)
  5. TSC Greatest Battles #12 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)


Padmé – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #19 (Republic Senator) – 2005 (with blaster pistol)
  2. TSC Greatest Battles #6 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)

Palpatine (Lightsaber Attack) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #35 (Lightsaber Attack!) – 2005 (with closed left hand, right hand with saber, open right hand, open left hand, lightening x2, Sidious head, & Palpatine head)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, sidious head, new hands, & lightsaber)

Passel Argente – Saga Screen Scene (Geonosian War Room)

  1. Saga Screen Scene (Geonosian War Room) – 2003 (no accesories)
  2. ROTS Basic #61 – 2005 (repaint of #1)

Plo Koon – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic (Jedi Master) – 2000 (with lightsaber)
  2. ROTS Basic #66 (Holographic) – 2005 (repaint of #1 (clear) with clear lightsaber)

Poggle the Lessor – Saga Screen Scene (Geonosian War Room)

  1. Saga Screen Scene (Geonosian War Room) – 2003 (with staff)
  2. TSC Basic #18 (Battle of Geonosis) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same accessory)

Princess Leia Organa – POTF2 Basic Figure (Freeze Frame)

  1. POTF2 Basic (Freeze Frame) – 1997 (with blaster pistol and rifle)
  2. ROTS Cup & Figure Set – 2005 (repack of #1, same blaster pistol)

Probe Droid – POTF2 Deluxe Figure (Green Card)

  1. POTF2 Deluxe (Green Card) – 1997 (with projectile and exploding head)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (Assault on Hoth) (Probot) – 2005 (repaint of #1, same accessories)


Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Master) – Episode I Basic Figure

  1. Episode I Basic (Jedi Master) – 2000 (with comlink & lightsaber)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Sith Lord Attack) – 2006 (repack of #1, slightly different lightsaber, same comlink; soft goods slightly retooled)


R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-14 (Coruscant Sentry) – 2002 (with 2 Assassin Centipedes)
  2. ROTS Basic #48 (electronic) – 2005 (slight repaint of #1, no accessories, new sounds)
  3. TSC Greatest Battles #10 – 2006 (repack of #2, same sounds as #2)

R2-D2 (Droid Attack) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #7 (Droid Attack!) – 2005 (with arm, droid parts, booster rockets, and platform)
  2. TSC Heroes & Villains #11 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)

R2-D2 (Jabba's Sail Barge) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #04-05 (Jabba's Sail Barge) – 2004 (with drink dispenser & serving tray)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ROTJ) – 2006 (repack of #1, no accessories)

R2-D2 – OTC Vintage Style Figure

  1. OTC Vintage Style (ROTJ) – 2004 (with diagnostic arm, cutter arm, & panel)
  2. ROTS Early Bird Kit – 2005 (slight repaint of #1, no accessories, removable panel now glued on)

R3-T7 – POTJ Sneak Preview Figure

  1. POTJ Sneak Preview (R3-T7) – 2002 (with electrical effect)
  2. TSC Multipacks (R3-T2—Astromech Droid Pack Series I) – 2006 (repack of #1, no accessories)
  3. TSC Multipacks (R3-T6—Astromech Droid Pack Series I) – 2006 (repack of #1, no accessories)
  4. TSC Multipacks (R3-Y2—Astromech Droid Pack Series II) – 2006 (repack of #1, no accessories)

R4-G9 – ROTS Sneak Preview Figure

  1. ROTS Sneak Preview (R4-G9) – 2005 (with planet hologram)
  2. ROTS Basic #64 (R4-P17) – 2005 (repaint of #1, no accessories)
  3. TSC Basic #66 (R4-K5—Darth Vader's Astromech Droid) – 2006 (repaint of #1, no accessories)
  4. TSC Basic #74 (R4-M6—Mace Windu's Astromech Droid) – 2006 (repaint of #1, no accessories)
  5. TSC Greatest Battles #7 (R4-G9) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories)
  6. TSC Multipacks (R2-C4—Astromech Droid Pack Series I) – 2006 (repaint of #1, no accessories)
  7. TSC Multipacks (R2-Q2—Astromech Droid Pack Series I) – 2006 (repaint of #1, no accessories)
  8. TSC Multipacks (R2-X2—Astromech Droid Pack Series II) – 2006 (repaint of #1, no accessories)
  9. TSC Multipacks (R2-M5—Astromech Droid Pack Series II) – 2006 (repaint of #1, no accessories)
  10. TSC Multipacks (R2-A6—Astromech Droid Pack Series II) – 2006 (repaint of #1, no accessories)

R4-M9 – POTJ Basic Figure

  1. POTJ Basic (R4-M9)– 2002 (with mouse droid)
  2. Star Tours Exclusive (R4-M9) – 2002 (repaint of #1, with slight retooling in the dome; no accessories)
  3. Saga Multipacks (R4-I9—Imperial Forces) – 2003 (repaint of #1, with slight retooling; no accessories)
  4. TSC Multipacks (R4-A22—Astromech Droid Pack Series I) – 2006 (repaint of #1, no accessories)
  5. TSC Multipacks (R4-E1—Astromech Droid Pack Series II) – 2006 (repaint of #1, no accessories)

R5-D4 –The Saga Collection Basic Figure

  1. TSC Basic #32 (Escape from Mos Eisley) – 2006
  2. TSC Basic #58 (R5-J2) (Ending Above Endor) – 2006 (repaint of #1, new character)

Republic Commando (Scorch) – TSC Basic Figure

  1. TSC Basic #21 (Scorch) – 2006 (with backpack, ammo, and rifle)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Republic Commando Delta Squad—Scorch) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, same accessories as #1)
  3. TSC Multipacks (Republic Commando Delta Squad—Delta 38) – 2006 (repaint of #1, new rifle and backpack; retooled right leg to remove hole)
  4. TSC Multipacks (Republic Commando Delta Squad—Fixer) – 2006 (repaint of #2, same rifle as #2, new backpack)
  5. TSC Multipacks (Republic Commando Delta Squad—Sev) – 2006 (repaint of #2, same rifle as #2, new backpack; added leg attachment)

Royal Guard (Coruscant Security) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #02-19 (Coruscant Security) – 2002 (with force pike & lightening)
  2. ROTS Battle Pack (x2) – 2005 (repack of #1, with same force pike as #1)
  3. TSC Vehicle Pack-in (Imperial Shuttle) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)

Royal Guard (Senate Security) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #23 (Senate Security) - Blue – 2006 (with cloak, rifle, & pistol)
  2. ROTS Multipacks (Collector Pack) – 2005 (repack of #1, same accessories)
  3. TSC Greatest Battles #5 (Blue) – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)


Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #30 (Jedi Master) – 2005 (with lightsaber hilt & blade)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious) – 2006 (repack of #1, same lightsaber hilt & blade; added softgoods cloak)

Shu Mai – Saga Screen Scene (Geonosian War Room)

  1. Saga Screen Scene (Geonosian War Room) – 2003 (no accesories)
  2. ROTS Basic #62 (Cat Miin) – 2005 (repaint of #1)

Snowtrooper – POTF2 Basic Figure (Green Card)

  1. POTF2 Basic (Green Card) – 1997 (with blaster and backpack)
  2. POTF2 Millennium Minted Coin – 1998 (repaint of #1, same blaster, repainted backpack)
  3. ROTS Battle Pack (Assault on Hoth) (x2) – 2005 (repaint of #1, same accessories)

Snowtrooper (The Battle of Hoth) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #03-19 (The Battle of Hoth) – 2003 (with blaster, backpack, E-WEB Repeating Blaster, and projectile)
  2. OTC Basic #25 – 2004 (repaint of #1, same accessories)
  3. ROTS Battle Pack (Assault on Hoth) – 2005 (repack of #2, same E-WEB Repeating Blaster and projectile)

Stormtrooper – OTC Vintage Style Figure

  1. OTC Vintage Syle (ROTJ) – 2004 (with blaster)
  2. TSC Basic #37 (Sandtrooper) (Escape from Mos Eisley) – 2006 (repaint of #1, slight retooling to fit backpack & detonator, different blaster; added backpack, corporal paldron, detonator, and vibro lance)
  3. TSC Exclusive (501st Stormtrooper) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same blaster, added flag, flag pole & flag base)
  4. TSC Exclusive (Shadow Stormtrooper) – 2006 (repaint of #1, same blaster)

Stormtrooper (Battle Damage) – POTF2 Basic Figure (Commtech)

  1. POTF2 Basic (Commtech) – 1999 (with blaster rifle and rifle rack)
  2. Saga Troop Builder Set (x4) – 2002 (repaints of #1 (no battle damage), 2 rifles same as #1; added 2 blasters)
  3. Saga Hall of Fame (Death Star Chase) – 2004 (repack of #2, same accessories as #1)
  4. OTC Multipacks (Commemorative Trilogy DVD Collection—ROTJ) – 2005 (repack of #2, same blaster as #2)
  5. ROTS Cup & Figure Set – 2005 (repack of #2, different style blaster)
  6. ROTS Battle Pack (Imperial Throne Room) – 2005 (repack of #2, with new style blaster)
  7. ROTS Battle Pack (Rebel vs. Empire) – 2005 (repack of #2, with same rifle as #1)
  8. TSC Multipacks (Commemorative DVD Collection—ESB) – 2006 (repack of 2, same rifle as #1; same blaster as #6)

Stormtrooper (Sandtrooper) – ROTS Evolutions (Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper)

  1. ROTS Evolutions (Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper I) – 2005 (with repeating blaster rifle, backpack, and orange pauldron)
  2. ROTS Evolutions (Clone Trooper to Stormtrooper II) – 2005 (repaint of #1, with same repeating blaster rifle and backpack as #1; repainted white pauldron)

Sun Fac – TSC Basic Figure

  1. TSC Basic #16 – 2006 (with sonic blaster and spear)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Republic Commando Delta Squad) – 2006 (repack of #1, same spear as #1)
  3. TSC Multipacks (Republic Commando Delta Squad—Geonosian Warrior) – 2006 (repaint of #1, without the waist armor; different spear)

Super Battle Droid – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #4 (Firing Arm Blaster) – 2005 (with right arm, right arm blaster, projectile, & firing effect)
  2. TSC Basic #61 – 2006 (repaint of #1, same projectile, same right arm & right arm blaster (repainted); without firing effect)


Tarkin – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #45 (Governor) – 2005 (with blaster)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Grand Moff Tarkin) (Death Star Briefing) – 2006 (repaint of #1, with different blaster)

TIE Fighter Pilot – POTF2 Basic Figure

  1. POTF2 Basic (Green Card) – 1996 (with blaster rifle & pistol)
  2. ROTS Vehicle Pack-in (TIE Fighter—Large Scale Wings) – 2005 (repack of #1, no accessories)

TIE Fighter Pilot – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic 04-14 (Battle of Yavin) – 2004 (with blaster)
  2. TSC Vehicle Pack-in (TIE Fighter—Large Scale Wings) – 2006 (repack of #1, no accessories)


Weequay (Skiff Guard) – POTF2 Basic Figure (Green Card)

  1. POTF2 Basic (Green Card) – 1997 (with blaster & force pike)
  2. TSC Battle Packs (Battle above the Sarlacc) – 2006 (repaint of #1, newly styled force pike)

Wookiee Warrior – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #43 ((Wookiee Battle Bash) (Light Fur) / (Dark Fur) – 2005 (with wookiee blaster, shield, bowcaster, projectile, & bandolier)
  2. ROTS Basic # 58 (Wookiee Commando) – 2005 (repaint of #1, repainted bandolier, firing canon, missle, and loin cloth)

Wookiee Warrior – ROTS Sneak Preview Figure

  1. ROTS Basic (Sneak Preview) – 2005 (with helmet, rifle, 2 shin guards, & shoulder harness)
  2. ROTS Basic #68 (Wookiee Heavy Gunner) – 2005 (with bowcaster, projectile, grappling hook, 2 grenades, belt, & tunic)
  3. TSC Greatest Battles #9 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)


Yarael Poof – Saga Screen Scene (Jedi High Council)

  1. Saga Screen Scene (Jedi High Council) – 2003
  2. TSB Basic #69 (Jedi High Council) – 2006 (repack of #1, added lightsaber)

Yoda – POTF2 Basic Figure (Flashback)

  1. POTF2 Basic (Flashback) – 1998 (with gimer stick, lamp, and boiling pot)
  2. ROTS Cup & Figure Set – 2005 (repack of #1, same gimerr stick)

Yoda (Padawan Lightsaber Training) – Saga Basic Figure

  1. Saga Basic #03-15 (Padawan Lightsaber Training) – 2003 (with lightsaber, gimer stick, and hoverchair/support)
  2. ROTS Exclusive (Holographic) – 2005 (repaint of #1 (clear), same lightsaber (clear))
  3. ROTS Battle Pack (Jedi vs. Sith) – 2005 (repaint of #1, same lightsaber as #1)

Yoda (With Firing Canon) – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #3 (Firing Cannon) – 2005 (with cloak, lightsaber, canon, and projectile)
  2. TSC Basic #19 (Battle of Geonosis) – 2006 (repack of #1, same cloak & lightsaber; added cane and force lightening)
  3. TSC Heroes & Villains #3 – 2006 (repack of #1, same accessories as #1)
  4. TSC Battle Packs (Skirmish in the Senate) – 2006 (repack of # 1, same lightsaber and cloak as #1)


Zett Jukassa – ROTS Basic Figure

  1. ROTS Basic #52 – 2005 (with lightsaber hilt & blade)
  2. TSC Exclusive Multipacks (Lucas Collector's Set) – 2006 (repack of #1, same lightsaber hilt & blade)

Zuckuss – POTF2 Basic Figure (Freeze Frame)

  1. POTF2 Basic (Freeze Frame) – 1998 (with blaster rifle)
  2. TSC Multipacks (Hunt for the Millennium Falcon) – 2006 (slight repaint of #1, same blaster rifle as #1)



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