R4-P17 (SL06) - Hasbro - Star Wars [Darth Vader/Revenge of the Sith] (2013)
Star Wars Collectible News, Photos, and Reviews

Building Sets


7101 Lightsaber Duel

7110 Landspeeder

7111 Droid Fighter

7121 Naboo Swamp

7128 Speederbikes

7130 Snowspeeder

7131 Anakin's Podracers

7140 X-Wing Fighter

7141 Naboo Fighter

7150 TIE Fighter & Y-Wing

7151 Sith Infiltrator

7161 Gungan Sub

7171 Mos Espa Podrace


3340 Star Wars #1 (Palpatine, Darth Maul and Darth Vader Minifig Pack)

3341 Star Wars #2 (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Boba Fett Minifig Pack)

3342 Star Wars #3 (Chewbacca and 2 Biker Scouts Minifig Pack)

3343 Star Wars #4 (2 Battle Droids and Command Officer Minifig Pack)

7104 Desert Skiff

7115 Gungan Patrol

7124 Flash Speeder

7134 A-wing Fighter

7144 Slave I

7155 Trade Federation AAT

7159 Star Wars Bucket [Pod Race]

7180 B-wing at Rebel Control Center

7184 Trade Federation MTT

7190 Millennium Falcon (Included Mini Figs)


7106 Droid Escape

7126 Battle Droid Carrier

7127 Imperial AT-ST

7146 Tie Fighter

7166 Imperial Shuttle

7186 Watto's Junkyard


7103 Jedi Duel

7113 Tusken Raider Encounter

7115 Gungan Patrol

7119 Twin-Pod Cloud Car

7133 Bounty Hunter Pursuit

Anakin's Speeder

Zam Wesell's Speeder

7139 Ewok Attack

7142 X-wing Fighter

7143 Jedi Starfighter

7152 TIE Fighter & Y-wing

7153 Jango Fett's Slave I

7163 Republic Gunship

7200 Final Duel I

7201 Final Duel II

7203 Jedi Defense I

7204 Jedi Defense II


4475 Jabba's Message

4476 Jabba's Prize

4477 T-16 Skyhopper

4478 Geonosian Fighter

4479 TIE Bomber

4480 Jabba's Palace - (Details)

4481 Hailfire Droid

4482 AT-TE

4483 AT-AT


4500 Rebel Snowspeeder (included Mini Figs)

4501 Mos Eisley Cantina

4502 X-Wing Fighter (included Yoda's Hut)

4504 Millennium Falcon

7262 TIE Fighter & Y-Wing


7250 Clone Scout Walker

7251 Darth Vader Transformation (included Mini Figs)

7252 Droid Tri-Fighter (included Buzz Droid)

7255 General Grievous Chase


Grievous' Wheelbike

7256 Jedi Starfighter and Vulture Droid

7257 Ultimate Lightsaber Duel

7258 Wookie Attack

Tank Droid


Mini Figs


7259 ARC-170 Starfighter

7260 Wookiee Catamaran


Swamp Speeder

Mini Figs


7261 Clone Turbo Tank (light-up version)

Turbo Tank

BARC Speeder

Mini Figs


7263 TIE Fighter

7264 Imperial Inspection

7283 Ultimate Space Battle (Target)

Droid Tri-Fighter

Obi-Wan's Starfighter

Vulture Droid x2

Anakin's Starfighter

7283 Ultimate Space Battle (Shop@Home)

Droid Tri-Fighter


Vulture Droid x2

Anakin's Starfighter

65771 Episode III Collectors' Set (TRU)


Droid Tri-Fighter

Mini ARC-170 -or- Mini Jedi Starfighter

Collectors CD

Collectors Poster


6205 V-Wing Fighter

6206 TIE interceptor

6207 A-wing Fighter

6208 B-wing Fighter (Details)

6209 Slave I (Details)

6210 Jabba's Sail Barge

6211 Imperial Star Destroyer

6212 X-Wing Fighter (TRU)

7261 Clone Turbo Tank (non-light-up version)

Turbo Tank

BARC Speeder

Mini Figs



7654 Droids Battle Pack

7655 Clone Troopers Battle Pack

7656 General Grievous’ Starfighter

7657 AT-ST

7658 Y-Wing Fighter

7659 Imperial Landing Craft

7660 Naboo N-1 Starfighter with Vulture Droid

7661 Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring

7662 Trade Federation MTT

7663 Sith Infiltrator

7664 TIE Crawler

7665 Republic Cruiser

7666 Hoth Rebel Base


7667 Imperial Dropship

7668 Rebel Scout Speeder

7669 Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

7670 Hailfire Droid & Spider Droid

7671 AT-AP Walker

7672 Rogue Shadow

7673 MagnaGuard Starfighter

7674 V-19 Torrent

7675 AT-TE Walker

7676 Republic Attack Gunship

7678 Droid Gunship

7679 Republic Fighter Tank

7680 The Twilight

7681 Separatist Spider Droid


7748 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid

7749 Echo Base

7751 Ahsoka's Starfighter and Droids

7752 Count Dooku's Solar Sailer

7753 Pirate Tank

7754 Home One Mon Calamari Star Cruiser

7778 Midi-Scale Millennium Falcon

8014 Clone Walker Battle Pack

8015 Assassin Droids Battle Pack

8016 Hyena Droid Bomber

8017 Darth Vader's TIE Fighter

8018 Armored Assault Tank (AAT)

8019 Republic Attack Shuttle

8033 General Grievous' Starfighter

8036 Separatist Shuttle

8037 Anakin's Y-wing Starfighter

8038 The Battle of Endor

8039 Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser


8083 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack

8084 Snowtrooper Battle Pack

8085 Freeco Speeder

8086 Droid Tri-Fighter

8087 TIE Defender

8088 ARC-170 Starfighter

8089 Hoth Wampa Cave

8091 Republic Swamp Speeder

8092 Lukes Landspeeder

8093 Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter

8095 General Grievous' Starfighter

8096 Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle

8097 Slave I

8098 Clone Turbo Tank

8099 Midi-Scale Imperial Star Destroyer

8128 Cad Bane's Speeder

8129 AT-AT Walker


7868 Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter

7869 Battle for Geonosis

7877 Naboo Starfighter

7879 Hoth Echo Base

7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack

7914 Mandalorian Battle Pack

7915 Imperial V-wing Starfighter

7929 The Battle of Naboo

7930 Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship

7931 T-6 Jedi Shuttle

7956 Ewok Attack

7957 Sith Nightspeeder

7958 Star Wars Advent Calendar

7959 Geonosian Starfighter

7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator

7962 Anakin's and Sebulba's Podracers

7964 Republic Frigate

7965 Millennium Falcon


9488 Elite Clone Trooper & Commando Droid Battle Pack

9489 Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper Battle Pack

9490 Droid Escape

9491 Geonosian Cannon

9492 TIE Fighter

9493 X-wing Starfighter

9494 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor

9495 Gold Leader's Y-wing Starfighter

9496 Desert Skiff

9497 Republic Striker-class Starfighter

9498 Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter

9499 Gungan Sub

9500 Sith Fury-class Interceptor

9509 Star Wars Advent Calandar

9515 Malevolence

9516 Jabba's Palace

9525 Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Fighter

9526 Palpatine's Arrest

9674 Naboo Starfighter & Naboo

9675 Sebulba's Podracer & Tatooine

9676 TIE Interceptor & Death Star

9677 X-wing Starfighter & Yavin 4

9678 Twin-Pod Cloud Car and Bespin

9679 AT-ST & Endor


75000 Clone Troopers vs. Droidekas

75001 Republic Troopers vs Sith Troopers

75002 AT-RT

75003 A-wing Starfighter

75004 Z-95 Headhunter

75005 Rancor Pit

75006 Jedi Starfighter & Kamino

75007 Republic Assault Ship & Coruscant

75008 TIE Bomber & Asteroid Field

75009 Snowspeeder & Hoth

75010 B-wing Starfighter & Endor

75011 Tantive IV & Alderaan

75012 BARC Speeder with Sidecar

75013 Umbaran MHC (Mobile Heavy Cannon)

75014 Battle of Hoth

75015 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid

75016 Homing Spider Droid

75017 Duel on Geonosis

75018 JEK-14's Stealth Starfighter

75019 AT-TE

75020 Jabba's Sail Barge

75021 Republic Gunship

75022 Mandalorian Speeder

75023 Star Wars Advent Calendar

75024 HH-87 Starhopper

75025 Jedi Defender-class Cruiser

Ultimate Collectors Series


7181 TIE Interceptor

7191 X-wing Fighter


10018 Darth Maul

10019 Rebel Blockade Runner


  7194 Yoda
10026 Special Edition Naboo Starfighter

10030 Imperial Star Destroyer


10123 Cloud City

10129 Rebel Snowspeeder


10131 TIE Collection

10134 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter


10143 Death Star II

10144 Sandcrawler






10174 Imperial AT-ST

10175 Vader's TIE Advanced


10178 Motorised Walking AT-AT

10179 Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon


10186 General Grievous

10188 Death Star


10195 Republic Dropshop with AT-OT Walker

10198 Tantive IV


10212 Imperial Shuttle

10215 Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter


10221 Super Star Destroyer


10225 R2-D2

10227 B-Wing Starfighter

Product Collections


65145 X-wing Fighter / TIE Fighter & Y-wing Set


7142 X-wing Fighter


7152 TIE Fighter & Y-wing

65153 Jango Fett's Slave I with Bonus Cargo Case


7153 Jango Fett's Slave I


bonus Cargo Case


66308 Star Wars 10th Anniversary Super Pack


7667 Imperial Dropship


7668 Rebel Scout Speeder


8017 Darth Vader's TIE Fighter


66341 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1 [The Clone Wars Themed]


8014 Clone Walker Battle Pack


8015 Assassin Droids Battle Pack


8091 Republic Swamp Speeder

66364 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1 [Hoth Themed 1]


7749 Echo Base


8083 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack


8084 Snowtrooper Battle Pack

66366 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1 [Hoth Themed 2]


7749 Echo Base


8083 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack


8089 Hoth Wampa Cave

66368 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1


8083 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack


8084 Snowtrooper Battle Pack


8092 Lukes Landspeeder


66377 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1


7869 Battle for Geonosis


7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack


7914 Mandalorian Battle Pack

66378 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1


7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack


7914 Mandalorian Battle Pack


8085 Freeco Speeder

66395 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1


7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack


7914 Mandalorian Battle Pack


7957 Sith Nightspeeder

66396 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1


7877 Naboo Starfighter


7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack


7929 The Battle of Naboo


66411 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1


9488 Elite Clone Trooper & Commando Droid BP


9489 Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper BP


9495 Gold Leader's Y-wing Starfighter

66431 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1


7914 Mandalorian Battle Pack


9488 Elite Clone Trooper & Commando Droid BP


9491 Geonosian Cannon

66432 Star Wars Super Pack 3 in 1


9490 Droid Escape


9492 TIE Fighter


9496 Desert Skiff

5001136 Buildable Galaxy Collection


9674 Naboo Starfighter & Naboo


9675 Sebulba's Podracer & Tatooine


9676 TIE Interceptor & Death Star

5001137 Battle Pack Collection


9488 Elite Clone Trooper & Commando Droid BP


9489 Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper BP

5001307 Buildable Galaxy Collection


9677 X-wing Starfighter & Yavin 4


9678 Twin-Pod Cloud Car and Bespin


9679 AT-ST & Endor

5001308 The Old Republic Collection


9497 Republic Striker-class Starfighter


9500 Sith Fury-class Interceptor

5001309 Return of the Jedi Collection


9496 Desert Skiff


9516 Jabba's Palace




Anakin Skywalker (Toy Fair V.I.P. Gala Invitation)

Darth Vader Transformation (Toy Fair V.I.P. Gala Gift)

Darth Vader (Nürnberg Toy Fair Exclusive)

Luminara Unduli (Toy Fair Exclusive)


C-3PO (Gold Chrome Plated Minifig Pack)

Celebration IV Set (5 figures)


Han Solo/Indiana Jones Transformation (Toy Fair)

The Clone Wars Set (SDCC)


7654 Droids Battle Pack


7670 Hailfire Droid & Spider Droid


Captain Rex Minifig Pack


30004 Battle Droid on STAP (The Daily Mirror Promo)

30005 Imperial Speeder Bike (The Daily Mirror Promo)

30006 Clone Walker (The Daily Mirror Promo)

Collectible Display Set 1 (The Clone Wars) (SDCC daily)

Collectible Display Set 2 (The Clone Wars) (SDCC Preview Night)

Collectible Display Set 3 (Return of the Jedi) (SDCC Thursday)

Collectible Display Set 4 (A New Hope) (SDCC Friday)

Collectible Display Set 5 (The Clone Wars) (SDCC Saturday)

Collectible Display Set 6 (The Empire Strikes Back) (SDCC Sunday)

Darth Vader (Chrome - Poly Bag Chase)

Darth Vader with Display Box & Badge (Chrome - Toy Fair)

Mini Republic Dropship & Mini AT-TE (SDCC Brickmaster)



20016 Mini Imperial Shuttle (Brickmaster)

20018 Mini AT-AT Walker (Brickmaster)

Chrome Stormtrooper (polybag) (Toys R Us)

White Boba Fett (Poly Bag) (Celebration V)

White Boba Fett (plastic baggie) & Book (Toy Fair)


20019 Mini Slave I (Brickmaster)

20021 Mini Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship (Brickmaster)

Advent Calendar (SDCC)

Shadow ARF Trooper (polybag) (LEGO Shop)

Star Wars Miniland Figures (Toy Fair)


Boba Fett's Mini Slave I (Celebration VI)

Darth Maul (polybag) (Toy Fair)

Darth Maul's Mini Sith Infiltrator (SDCC)

Luke Skywalker's Mini Landspeeder (SDCC)

TC-14 (LEGO Shop)


The Yoda Chronicles Event Promo Cube (Toy Fair)

The Yoda Chronicles Holocron Chamber (Press Mailing)




3219 TIE Fighter


4484 X-Wing Fighter & TIE Advanced

4485 Sebulba's Podracer & Anakin's Podracer

4486 AT-ST & Snowspeeder

4487 Jedi Starfighter & Slave I

4488 Millennium Falcon

4489 AT-AT

4490 Republic Gunship

4491 MTT

4207901 Star Wars Mini Bonus Pack


4484 X-Wing Fighter & TIE Advanced


4485 Sebulba's & Anakin's Podracer


4486 AT-ST & Snowspeeder


4487 Jedi Starfighter & Slave I

Bonus Vehicles

Tie Bomber (made from extra pieces from Wave 1)

Y-Wing (made from extra pieces from Wave 2)


4492 Star Destroyer

4493 Sith Infiltrator

4494 Imperial Shuttle

4495 AT-TE

6963 X-wing Fighter

6964 Boba Fett's Slave I


6965 TIE Interceptor

6966 Jedi Starfighter

6967 ARC-170

6968 Wookiee Attack (unreleased promotional)


8028 TIE Fighter

8029 Snowspeeder

8031 V-19 Torrent


20007 Republic Attack Cruiser

20009 AT-TE Walker

20010 Republic Gunship


30050 Republic Attack Shuttle


30051 X-wing Fighter

30052 AAT

30053 Venator Class Republic Attack Cruiser

30054 AT-ST

30055 Vulture Droid


30056 Star Destroyer

30057 Anakin's Pod Racer

30058 STAP

30059 MTT


30240 Z-95 Headhunter

30241 Gauntlet

30242 Republic Frigate

30243 Umbarran MHC




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