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The Chosen One (Part 2) - Darth Vader (2017) - 002 - Marvel Comics

Series: Darth Vader (2017)

Issue: 2

Title: The Chosen One (Part 2)

Creators: Charles Soule (Writer); Giuseppe Camuncolli (Illustrator)

Release Date: June 21, 2017

Timeline: Immediately after Revenge of the Sith

Review by Colin Borden. This is a full review with discussion.
Spoiler warning applies...

The most fearsome villain of all time returns with an all-new series! When Anakin Skywalker fell, both to the pull of the dark side and to the blade of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he rose back up, more machine than man. Having lost everything that was once dear to him, the former Chosen One must take his first steps to a darker world... as Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith! Join Vader as he learns a new way — the way of Darth Sidious and his newly formed Empire... the way of the dark side!

The Clone Wars are over. The Jedi are defeated. Palpatine has become Emperor, finally in position to bend the galaxy to his will through the power of the Sith.

Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker has fallen to the dark side of the Force. Swayed by Palpatine's promise to help prevent the death of his pregnant wife Padmé, Skywalker betrayed the Jedi and became the Sith Lord Darth Vader. His wife died nonetheless.

Palpatine has ordered Vader to locate a surviving Jedi, take their lightsaber, and corrupt the kyber crystal within. But finding a Jedi won't be easy as the Sith Lords
have purged their kind from the galaxy....

Review & Summary

How excited I was at the end of Issue #1 to see what part 2 had in store. An epic battle of a newly annoited Sith Lord vs some legendary Jedi? The creation of Darth Vaders iconic Sith Lightsaber? Unfortunately, those were not among the things covered in this issue, but this issue does still shine in my opinion..

It starts off at a Jedi Outpost in the mid-rim, basically a floating Jedi temple in space, with a clone trooper weilding a green lightsaber saying the words, "Hey, look at me..I am a Jedi" which is obviously not the case. You find out this clones name is Ding, and his pal Kicker informs him that if he were a Jedi, he'd be dead.

Ding seems to be particularly bored with his new assignment of doing inventory of the "Jedi junk". Kicker does his best to explain the importance of the assignment, since it was ordered by Palpatine, but Ding seems down because he believes his fighting days are over. They also discuss how the Kamino cloning facilities are being shut down and they're finishing up training the last bunch. This is a interesting insight into what the clones are thinking as they find out they're being retired and even Kicker isn't happy about the news, "But that's crazy! Who will protect the Empire?"

After the back and forth with the clone troopers, we FINALLy get to see what has become of the Dark Lord of the Sith as he approaches the station in the ship he previously retreieved from the theieves in issue #1. The clones pilots flying ARC-170 Starfighters send him a transmission informing Vader of his unauthorized entry and he will be fired upon. Vader is also accompanied by an Imperial droid that resembles the Probe Droid on Hoth, minus the legs, that he must've picked up with his ship. The droid informs Vader that he can transmit the docking codes for the station, which Vader ignores and instead informs the Droid to activate weapon systems.

I really enjoyed this aspect of the issue. Vader is completely outnumbered, but he takes them out one by one even ignoring the help from the Droid saying, "There is no need...I can sense them..Their Fear...Their Pain..Their End." It really shows Vader's piloting skills, plus it showcases his first attempts at using the Dark Side with his piloting. Meanwhile, the clones inside are watching this massacre and saying they haven't seen flying like that since..."Don't even say it, it can't be a Jedi, They're all DEAD." The clones notice that he has deactivated the station's security protocols and he is now onboard.

Ding feels like this is the opportunity they have been waiting for. If they can protect the Emperor's prized Jedi collection, maybe they'll get to put on those red helmets and stand next to Palpatine as Royal Guards. Kicker acknowledges the big opportunity, but also realizes it will only work if they survive. Vader rips open the doors with the Force and a squandron of clone troopers begin to fire. Suddenly, Vader pulls a Lightsaber out of the collection an the clones realize, "Okay, that's DEFINITELY a Jedi."

Saber in hand, Vader makes quick work of all the troops. Now, I got REAL upset for a moment because I believed that Vader was going to cheat and use the Kyber from this saber, but thankfully he drops it and continues walking into the control room where he request his droid to search for Jedi who took the "Barash Vow" prior the Order 66. Now pay attention, because this could play some sort of part in the future of something bigger. When a Jedi pursues the Barash Vow, they have sworn to refrain from activities related to the order and complete disengagement from anything BUT the Force. It is considered a type of penance. As Vader is searching with the droid, in comes a grenade of sorts which Vader promptly grabs with the Force and stops from exploding.

You can tell Vader is struggling to hold the explosive without it exploding, but in comes Kicker and Ding. They believe they can restrain him and bring him back to the Emperor which would all but guarantee them those lovely red helmets and robes. "We know what Jedi are capable of.n They're powerful, but they have limits," they believe Vader can't do anything while stopping the grenade from exploding. Vader says very simply, "you troopers have made a mistake...I am not a Jedi, I have NO Limits" and begins Force choking them and once he confirms the droid finished it's search, they exit and let the grenade explode.

I really thought that perfectly showed Vader experimenting with his Dark Side abilities. In the scenes, you're able to see as the explosive slowly starts breaking open, so he is struggling. The issue ends with the droid informing Vader that the Jedi found is someone that Vader has likely never heard of since he began his pilgrimage before he entered the Jedi Temple. He describes the Jedi as unique, even for a Jedi, and named Kirak Infil'a. Master Kirak Infil'a has one purpose within the order; to fight!

Although this wasn't what I was entirely expecting from this issue, I still was throughly entertained and wanting more. The more I read, the more I feel like this series will fill in some great details that many fans always wanted to know, but more importantly, they're not just adding things for the purpose of adding. They're things that don't have a HUGE impact on the overall movie storyline, but they're things that can enhance the viewing which is what I prefer. Enhancements, not extreme additions. If you haven't read Issue #1, I can't stress enough how much I think any fan will love it.

I will be counting down the days until the next issue. This story has definitely pulled me in completely and I feel invested in learning how it ends.


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What Worked

  • Jedi Outpost in space
  • Vader in his first fighter battle in his suit
  • Seeing Vader experiment with his new power
  • Addition of the Kamino factory closing
  • The ambitious clones

What Didn’t Work

  • Vader didn't confront a Jedi..yet
  • Hoped the Jedi would be someone familiar
Variant Cover Gallery

Variant cover by Mike Del Mundo 

External Links:
Added: June 21, 2017
Category: Marvel Comics
Reviewer: Colin Borden
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