Found! It's Happening! Aayla Secura Wave Found At Brick And Mortar!
Date: April 21, 2012 at 02:00 AM ET
Topic: Hasbro

Found! It's official folks! Wave 13 of The Vintage Collection (or 2012 wave 4) has been found in California in Walmart! Click through for JTA reader Ryan Gordon's report and find out what's happening again. Clue: It involves a scanner!


Walked into Wal-mart in Pleasanton, CA tonight and I was very surprised to see remains of 2012 Vintage Wave 4. From what was left on the pegs (Aayla, Logray, Fleet Trooper, Bespin Han, Barriss Offee, & DS Luke) it was the basic case assortment and not the revision case. They weren’t in the system yet but the cashier gladly rung her up for $8.96!

Editor's Note: No signs of wave 3 (the Malgus) wave which means that either what has been told holds a lot of water, or the cart is coming before the horse again as far as the order of how waves will be making it out to retail!


This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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