JTA Toy Fair Wish List Update! Many Wishes Granted!
Date: February 17, 2010 at 11:10 AM ET
Topic: General News

Back on January 13, 2010, JTA created our Top 10 Wish List for Toy Fair 2010. Toy Fair has come and gone, but we were elated to learn that many of our wishes have been granted. Click through for the update and follow-up to our Wish List. You may even learn a few things you didn't know!

Toy Fair 2010 Wish List!

Jedi Temple Archives'
Top 10 Things We Hope Hasbro Will Do To Celebrate The
30th Anniversary Of The Empire Strikes Back

10. Confirm the BAT-AT (Big AT-AT). Jedi Temple Archives was the first to provide all of our cherished readers with visual near-confirmation of the large scaled AT-AT vehicle. We want to be able to give you a ton of juicy details about it once it is [hopefully] officially confirmed at Toy Fair. And we want it to be everything we are wishing for and more! This is not high on our list because we are pretty positive it's coming!

Hasbro confirmed the BAT-AT big time! And JTA provided our readers with a side-by-side comparison of the massive new version to the paltry old version!

(Editor's Note: Click HERE to check out the comparison.)

9. Rerelease the 2004 OTC Cloud Car Pilot in the Saga Legends line (or whatever the new "greatest hits" line will be) to coincide with the release of the all-new Cloud Car. (Yes!!!) One better would be to give us an all-new sculpt in the new basic figure line. But we will take a repaint of the current tool because it is an already amazing figure!

The good news is that we are getting an all-new (Twin Pod) Cloud Car Pilot in The Vintage Collection. We are taken aback by how different the new one looks from the OTC version. But it is still cool to get an all new sculpt of this character! Oh, and that Cloud Car, Hasbro showed that beauty off as well!

8. Confirm that the distribution woes have been ironed out. Allow time for the action figure main line to bake at retail. Assure collectors that shipments of figures are done so evenly and that they will salt the store shelves over time. Do your best to prevent a feast or famine situation at retail that ends up being more of a crash and burn retail horror.

Hasbro does indeed feel confident that distribution will ne new and improved just like the line look. They are committed to releasing waves 6 weeks apart. Here is hoping it all pans out! A heavy fourth quarter does make us cringe however, but we will remain positive for the time being.

7. Advise us that the rerelease any of the VOTC/VTSC figures into the new vintage basic figure line will not be happening. If reissues are part of the deal, let them be the most definitive action figure versions of the character. We don't mind reissues, especially if they are going to see vintage packaging, but please let them be the best versions possible.

This information is still as of yet unanswered. We believe however that because figures today supersede the articulation quality of the original vintage figures that they wouldn’t go back and release inferior figures. Do expect other figures from TLC and LC to make their way into the line though.

6. Release three (3) special vintage-styled 12" figures just like what was done for The Original Trilogy Collection in 2004 that will include new takes on the never-released Kenner 12" Lando Calrissian, 12" Han Solo (Hoth Gear) and 12" Princess Leia (Bespin Gown) figures that only made it to prototype status in the 1980 vintage line. (But of course include the vintage packaging.) Oh how sweet that would be indeed!

12” figures are just not happening. They are leaving that up to Sideshow Collectibles.

5. Design vehicle inserts and product catalogues in the same style of the vintage ones. We love these little booklets (especially the ones from The Empire Strikes Back) and to get new ones faithful to the original (especially in an anniversary year) will be ultimately special!

We actually were not told the answer to this. Instead, we were apprised that the BAT-AT will indeed be shipped in vintage packaging as a TRU exclusive. Two other vehicles will have the privilege to ship in the same packaging as well, but this has yet to be announced.

4. Reintroduce mini-rigs or rerelease them. It's high time these original "EU" miniature vehicles/large accessories get time in the spotlight again. For an added bonus, include a figure and get them to us in the deluxe SKU. Whatever, the method, just please get them to us somehow!

We will be seeing “mini rig” like vehicles in the deluxe line, although Hasbro’s approach will focus on The Clone Wars line for this scale. There will be exceptions however.

3. Luke Skywalker (Hoth Outfit) needs an update badly. Please ensure he makes it into the 2010 basic figure line somewhere/somehow. We can't think of a better time to give us the ultimate version of him than the 30th anniversary celebration of the film that showcased this outfit. (And please make him as a separate vintage figure and not part of a multipack. Release new versions of Princess Leia Organa (Hoth Gear) and Princess Leia Organa (Bespin Gown) for the basic line. (And oh how we want modern vintage versions of these babe-a-licious 1980/1981 vintage action figures.

Leia (Hoth Gear) has been confirmed and shown. It is an absolutely stunning figure. The others have yet to be announced but since only 10 figures were show, there are many surprises yet to be announced. Stay tuned here at JTA for updates as we receive them.

2. Show us the Battle Packs set that will include the running change of the TLC Hoth Rebel Trooper and please retool this figure again to gve us new versions of him. You owe us this figure, let's see the proof in the pudding that he is definitely coming! And please release the other running changes that never came either!

Derryl DePriest confirmed that the running change 2008 TLC Hoth Rebel Trooper will indeed see release this year in an exclusive Battle Packs set. More details to follow.

1. Finish off at least Rebel Commander and Bespin Guard (white) so that all The Empire Strikes Back vintage figures can be updated. And, if you can keep the vintage line going from here on out, we would be eternally grateful. We want to see the vintage line look on shelves until the line dies. But since Star Wars is forever, this means forever, Hasbro!

There are many more figures to yet be announced. Stay tuned here at JTA for updates as we receive them. No mention of these two figures at all during Toy Fair!

This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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