Q&A! Check out our latest questions, and Hasbro's responses...
forget, you can submit
questions in our forums and we'll try to get as many as possible submitted to
Hasbro. We can send only three questions per week, so make sure they are good ones! Now,
on to this weeks Questions and Answers directly from Hasbro.
Will the coin packins be limited to the 30th anniversary collection only, or will
we see the coins continue in one way or another in future lines? Perhaps as exclusive
packins? If they are not going to continue, will we still see them in the ventual
vintage style POTF figures, assuming you get around to making any of those?

A. We have no plans right now to use coins beyond the early wave of next
year, but if we do any Vintage POTF in future years we will include a coin
to make them true to the spirit of vintage.
Q. So far
we have seen 6 figures from the Entertainment Earth Mystery Pack and with the exception
of the Omega Squad brother none of them are derived from the novels, comics, movies
or any other EU source. With so much EU material out there, including that
of the Mandalorians, why did you choose to make figure out of non-characters instead
of making a bunch of figures for characters that people already know and want?

A. By now you have seen the full range of figures. A couple of the
have or will be featured in EU novels, so we felt that was a good starting
point around which to build the story of these packs. There are other
Mando characters in the universe of course, but some of the other
prominent ones (Jaster Mereel for example) didn't work with the time frame
so he wasn't available. Instead we worked with LFL to identify some we
could use, and the rest we were allowed to flesh out.
Q. It looks like that we’ll
be seeing the Max Rebo band via a Battle Pack! That is great news for a lot
of people. Will these all be straight re-packs of the POTF2 figures or will
they have new paint applications or new accessories?

A. These will be straight repacks in two new scene packs. We figured that
there are a lot of new fans collecting Star Wars who did not have access
to these cool figures previously, so getting them back out will allow
folks to build out the cool Jaba's Palace scenes. With Umpass-Stay at
retail very soon, the band is complete except for Ak-Rev, whom we hope
will be joining the band before too long with the other half of the gong.
Check back in a few weeks and we'll post
the next round of Questions (and answers) as soon as Hasbro offers them.