Hasbro's Questions & Answers #9
Date: August 25, 2006 at 05:14 PM ET
Topic: Hasbro

     The latest Q&A session directly from Hasbro has arrived. See below for full details...

     Don't forget, you can submit questions in our forums and we'll try to get as many as possible submitted to Hasbro. We can send only three questions per week, so make sure they are good ones!
Now, on to this weeks Questions and Answers directly from Hasbro.

Q. Back to you favorite subjects.here something of a suggestion: You recently stated that you have 3 different Mock-ups of a Death Star playset in your offices. What if you turn those 3 in to modules & offer 1 at each of their major exclusive carriers, Target, Wal-Mart & TRU? It would drive traffic to all 3 retailers and finally give us addicts what we've been waiting almost 30 years for...

A. This still doesn't solve the issue—there just isn't enough market interest from the combined collector/kid.

Q. Can you tell us when we can expect to see the following Titanium vehicles and Die Cast Figures that were revealed at the SDCC to hit the shelves?

Vehicles: Anakin's Jedi Starfighter (Clone Wars), ARC-170 (Clone Wars Deco), AT-AT (Endor), AT-ST, AT-TE, Darth Vader's Sith Starfighter, Dewback with Sandtrooper, Grievous' Starship, Invisible Hand, Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Ring, Naboo Star Skiff, Naboo Starfighter (Blue), Republic Gunship (Yellow nose markings), Sith Speeder with Darth Maul, Snowspeeder, Speeder Bike with Ewok, Swamp Speeder (with AT-RT Drivers), Tantive IV, X-Wing (Dagobah), X-Wing (Red 2), Y-Wing (Red Deco).

Die Cast Figures: Clone Captain (Ep. II), Luke Skywalker (Hoth Pilot), R2-D2 (Invisible Hand).

A. Late Fall to early Spring, for all of these.

Q. Will the Hasbro Toy Shop be carrying the last wave of 2006 basic figures that is slated as a Wal-Mart exclusive?

A. They will not be. Update on the expected date for this wave is January on shelf at WM.

Check back next week and we'll post the next round of Questions (and answers) as soon as Hasbro offers them.

This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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